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TAET: This Ain't Eagles Talk | RIP Jlash


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3 minutes ago, Bednarik60 said:

Well i think we are the same age( i am 30) and i don't have kids and i am in this boat to my friend. You realize your friends like you said only direct there entire social life through there kids. You start to realize if your not in "little Johnny's" social network your out of the loop lol. You start realizing they don't care about your opinion anymore and care more about the parents at the schools opinion of them lol. Losers. 

I was one of 'them' - so let me defend them a bit. You got 24 hours a day - most people are going to spend a bare min of 9 hours working/commuting and 10 hours in the relax/sleep/wake up/eat portions of their lives. That leaves them roughly 5 hours a day to themselves. When you are single you can do whatever you want with that time. But when you have kids literally almost all of that is dedicated to 1. Picking up/dropping off 2. School/homework 3. ensuring they are fed 4. ensuring they have good hygiene 5. get them into some sort of extra curricular (sports, music, art, whatever). 

The extra curricular and school the only times that you have your kids and can also interact with other adults face to face. For example, a lot of my friends I met through my sons football teams. We were spending 3 weekdays and every Saturday at the same place for hours on end, you get to know those people. But all that time you are doing that, you are neglecting your old college/gym/hobby bro. And ya just - - drift apart. 

But like I said, kids come first. So You just kinda roll with it. One day the kids will become self reliant and the bud who drifted aways is going want to rekindle the friendship. Promise you that. 

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3 minutes ago, Phire said:

I remember that. You should be thrown in jail if you accuse someone of being a racist without any evidence or any regard for consequences. 

Yeah i agree. Specially if sticks to you, it can kill your right to earn a living in America today and if you do that to some on for no reason/uncalled for , yeah you deserve some sorta jail sentence. 

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5 minutes ago, Phire said:

I remember that. You should be thrown in jail if you accuse someone of being a racist without any evidence or any regard for consequences. 

Was it here that I saw the picture of the obese ugly girl who had wrongfully accused like 15 men of raping her? Dont call people rapist if they arent. Dont call people racist if they arent. Simple.

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1 minute ago, Bednarik60 said:

Yeah i agree. Specially if sticks to you, it can kill your right to earn a living in America today and if you do that to some on for no reason/uncalled for , yeah you deserve some sorta jail sentence. 

It's the ultimate defamation. Nobody will punish you for falsely calling someone a racist but if you're labeled one even if untrue... your life is over.

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5 minutes ago, Bednarik60 said:

I think Conor  ended racism tho when he weighed in and Floyd and the world saw that 3rd arm McGregor has down stairs and we the world all concluded that yes even the Irish came from Africa and we are all one race. 

The Irish were slaves before Africans were, if my history memory serves me. Maybe its like god throwing you a bonus cause you have a horrific ancestry. 

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5 minutes ago, Phire said:

It's the ultimate defamation. Nobody will punish you for falsely calling someone a racist but if you're labeled one even if untrue... your life is over.

Pretty crazy when you think about it how one sided it really is. Specially today when people are reaching so hard for racism As much as thy people say they are against racism, they love to create "racist situations". 

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14 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

I was one of 'them' - so let me defend them a bit. You got 24 hours a day - most people are going to spend a bare min of 9 hours working/commuting and 10 hours in the relax/sleep/wake up/eat portions of their lives. That leaves them roughly 5 hours a day to themselves. When you are single you can do whatever you want with that time. But when you have kids literally almost all of that is dedicated to 1. Picking up/dropping off 2. School/homework 3. ensuring they are fed 4. ensuring they have good hygiene 5. get them into some sort of extra curricular (sports, music, art, whatever).

Just when i was thinking having a family might be nice some day... 

5 hours.. ugh. 

and School/Homework.. lol.. Homework? Dude move to WA they don't have home work. F$^& all that. Be the greatest gift you could give your son EVER. 

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43 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Maybe I made my intentions unclear. Im not trying to speak to this person, Im trying to knock a dry spell/create a rotation. 

thats actually a lie. I had 2 chances since Thursday and turned both down. Im not really ready at all.... this is more just therapeutic. Makes me feel like it'll be all good in the end.

I feel like a lot of people use those apps like that, a way for acceptance....like well these people matched with me so I'm doing ok, people like what I'm selling.

its not a terrible thing, but don't lean on it too heavily Mattsy

i don't think you're ever going to go from not ready to ready...it'll just kinda happen over time.

you'll go from being ok to talk with someone else, to being ok being intimate with someone else, to being ok with a semi regular relationship, and onward.

by the end of it you might not even be happy you left, it could be a non feeling. Like it just is what it was. And now you're doing your own thing.

It wasn't all terrible, at the very least you got some great kids out of it. But dont beat yourself up over deciding to not be miserable. 

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5 minutes ago, Bednarik60 said:

Just when i was thinking having a family might be nice some day... 

5 hours.. ugh. 

and School/Homework.. lol.. Homework? Dude move to WA they don't have home work. F$^& all that. Be the greatest gift you could give your son EVER. 

Secretly sterilize yourself with a laptop on your lap


"\_(ツ)_/¯  why it's not working babe, weird

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4 minutes ago, Jlash said:

I sold my heavy bag today and the guy was telling me that his buddy was hosting a fight party and they were gonna set it up and let people blast it. I thought thats a great idea...and probably a great way to start a fight.

Haha yeah probably.

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5 minutes ago, Jlash said:

I sold my heavy bag today and the guy was telling me that his buddy was hosting a fight party and they were gonna set it up and let people blast it. I thought thats a great idea...and probably a great way to start a fight.

Jake: "Bro nobody can take my right hook bro!!" 

Conor: " Nobody!?" 

Brad: "You would drop bro" 

Conor: "What *takes shirts off*" 

Jake: "you want this bro!!?" 

10 minutes later they are behind the house in the backyard fighting. 

Pretty much how every "Drunk kick it around a heavy bag" has ever went in my experience. 

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