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TAET: This Ain't Eagles Talk | RIP Jlash


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11 minutes ago, Bednarik60 said:
19 minutes ago, Kiltman said:

it's not

Logically and factually, yes they did lose way more people and way more resources.
Like @Hockey5djh said we weren't invaded, so we didn't have unnecessary skin in the game.

But when you look at the breakdowns on casualties, read the literature or see documentaries on that time.
The Russians, while fierce fighters who had a large large part in with the Allies won when they did, were not great and did a lot of terrible things to people or just left them hang out to dry
I was just putting an asterisk on their death totals being a great show of what they gave up in comparison to the rest of the world. And try to paint a clearer picture of what they were.

American propaganda. The Allies wouldn't give aid to them and they were fighting a all out war with famine , we let them starve , go with out bullets , guns, etc... 

They were saving the world and we were watching them from the sidelines starve . No argument its facts.

And we weren't invaded but the writing was on the wall that Germany was out for the world, our Allies were in the  war. 

The reason we didn't go in early. Is we were selling stuff to both the Germans and the Allies. American companies were building stuff for both sides including GM and Ford. And they were lobbying to keep us out of the war so they could keep making maxim profit but selling to both sides. 

They left a lot of their people to die by taking food and supplies, which was a common occurrence in Soviet Russia until they collapsed.
Millions dead do to starvation and disease.

They would leave civilians while they retreated as the Germans marched into Russia.

I'm not arguing that America singlehandedly won the war...or even was the chief reason why it ended.

But it's not like The Soviets were in it for altruistic reasons, they got attacked and attacked back, just like us.
They barely cared or did anything to fight the japanese for instance.


And yes that's what America was at the time...isolationists and a still young country never really on the world stage.
Not to sound like I'm making any excuse...put lets remember we are viewing Germany in that era and everything they did through the lens of history in a 21st century world.
The world was very different and the Nazis didnt start as THE NAZIS if you get what I mean...it became clearer as it went on what kind of a threat they were

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I'm confused as to what the argument even is.  Is it that Russia deserves more credit for helping win WW2 or that the US doesn't deserve credit for turning the tide of the war?  I don't see how anyone could logically say that the two front war didn't have an impact on WW2.  

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2 minutes ago, Kiltman said:

what about Lend-Lease?

Most of the aid didn't come until 1944. In 1941 we gave the Russians  $360,000 dollars while we were giving other countries millions and millions of dollars LOL. 

We gave them pennies compared to the other countries to. 

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8 minutes ago, Jlash said:

I die laughing when he does that bit. 

Your the first person who has brought him up on here, i mentioned him a bunch in old TAET's and these squares never gave a F$T^(. 

When he starts putting his fingers in other peoples mouth and telling them to not look at him look at the parrot... LMAO... 

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