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4 hours ago, Kiltman said:

yea i think a second season is already out, it's on Amazon.

I love alternate history stuff. For anyone that plays games, Wolfenstein has been doing a much more heightened alternate reality with their last game and their new one.
Going as far as making shows and commercials in a 1950s world and then a 1960s Nazi America. Just a weird thing to see. It and the game are way way over the top though compared to Man in the High Castle

That kinda sounds dope. 

Alternate history stuff is super dope/interesting. 

Like i wonder if the Confederate army won, what America would be like today. 

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26 minutes ago, Bednarik60 said:
4 hours ago, Kiltman said:

yea i think a second season is already out, it's on Amazon.

I love alternate history stuff. For anyone that plays games, Wolfenstein has been doing a much more heightened alternate reality with their last game and their new one.
Going as far as making shows and commercials in a 1950s world and then a 1960s Nazi America. Just a weird thing to see. It and the game are way way over the top though compared to Man in the High Castle

That kinda sounds dope. 

Alternate history stuff is super dope/interesting. 

Like i wonder if the Confederate army won, what America would be like today. 

There have been a bunch of films and books on that subject

Just recently it came out that two series were in the works

Confederate, on HBO from the guys in charge of Game of Thrones.


Confederate chronicles events leading to the Third American Civil War. It takes place in an alternate timeline, where the Southern states have successfully seceded from the Union, giving rise to a nation in which slavery remains legal and has evolved into a modern institution. The story follows a broad swath of characters on both sides of the Mason-Dixon Demilitarized Zone – freedom fighters, slave hunters, politicians, abolitionists, journalists, the executives of a slave-holding conglomerate, and the families of people in their thrall.

Black America, on Amazon from the Producer on Straight Outta Compton, and the creator of The Boondocks


Black America envisions an alternate history where newly freed African Americans have secured the Southern states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama post-Reconstruction as reparations for slavery, and with that land, the freedom to shape their own destiny. The sovereign nation they formed, New Colonia, has had a tumultuous and sometimes violent relationship with its looming “Big Neighbor,” both ally and foe, the United States. The past 150 years have been witness to military incursions, assassinations, regime change, coups, etc. Today, after two decades of peace with the U.S. and unprecedented growth, an ascendant New Colonia joins the ranks of major industrialized nations on the world stage as America slides into rapid decline. Inexorably tied together, the fate of two nations, indivisible, hangs in the balance.


Both bring up a lot of cool timeline questions...There were 2 more Civil Wars? 

It was interesting to see the reaction to both series being announced, Confederate really rustled the jimmies of the Outrage Culture people who then did a complete 180 on their arguments when the second series was announced like a week later. It was just weird to watch...do we essentially book-burn in this country now?

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Damn @Kiltman that sounds super dope. The guy from GOT's to, let that guy have bayonets to work with? yikes, i bet that is awesome. 

That craziest thing about our history might be that there weren't 3 Civil Wars, we just had one and every one just sorta agreed that was that and it was over when it was over. I forgot the stat but overwhelmingly when countries have civil wars they go and on and on for a long time or multiple wars, ours tho 1 and done. 

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Just now, Bednarik60 said:

Damn @Kiltman that sounds super dope. The guy from GOT's to, let that guy have bayonets to work with? yikes, i bet that is awesome. 

That craziest thing about our history might be that there weren't 3 Civil Wars, we just had one and every one just sorta agreed that was that and it was over when it was over. I forgot the stat but overwhelmingly when countries have civil wars they go and on and on for a long time or multiple wars, ours tho 1 and done. 

Yea it sounds much more dramatic and thriller-like than the other one. 
But they both sound really interesting. 

That's very true..like with all wars it left loose ends that affected the world going forward.

Unlike say the shape Germany was left in after WW1 leading to WW2, We were dealing with a Nation's internal struggle.
Was a miracle it didn't happen again at some point, maybe not the former confederates...but some faction.


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2 minutes ago, Kiltman said:

Yea it sounds much more dramatic and thriller-like than the other one. 
But they both sound really interesting. 

That's very true..like with all wars it left loose ends that affected the world going forward.

Unlike say the shape Germany was left in after WW1 leading to WW2, We were dealing with a Nation's internal struggle.
Was a miracle it didn't happen again at some point, maybe not the former confederates...but some faction.


Americans are pretty cool tho, we are all about time healing and not like a lot of time either "that was so 30 years ago, your still upset about that? So silly. That was like forever ago" "it was 30 years ago" "30 years , 100 years, 200 years, all the same thing". 

I mean in some ways we did "fight" again, but it was the civil rights movement and while there was violence , for the most part, we settled our difference with words and legislation in court. 

America deserve a little more credit for burying that Civil War beef. 

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