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Mafia Mafia - Town Wins


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Just now, SwAg said:

Yeah, guys, when I start wrecking people in arguments, they retreat to calling me the big word guy, who is a bully.

I’ve literally made nothing up this game.  There is nothing for me to make up.  The one thing that Pickle fact checked was ******* true.  And I already announced I would make a post demonstrating the rest to be true, and your response was akin to “ehhh, is it going to be long?  If so, plzno.”

Why are you still at this. Its almost like I may be onto something and you need to get ahead of the pressure

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You think I’m going to let you have the last word when you’re demonstrably wrong and lying.  

Why did you bring up big words?  I’ve consciously avoided big words this game.  It’s such a throw away meta that isn’t even applicable this game.  I think the most complicated word was “deconstructive,” and if that offends your reading comprehension, then that is an indictment on you, not me.

Seems like you’re the one firing blanks.

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Player Voting to Lynch 
TheKillerNacho [No Vote]
SwAg Counselor
MWil23 No Lynch
TedLavie No Lynch
Mega Ron Pickle Rick
Counselor SwAg
BringinDaPain SwAg
The Orca SwAg
Pickle Rick SwAg


@FourThreeMafia I don't believe I saw you vote, but could've missed it. 

@EveryoneElse if I missed a vote, cast it again and I'll get it on the backswing. 

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29 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I’m really not though.  The inference is beyond transparent.  And I point out it is stupid because it is.  You isolate a single instance that is contrary to a mountain of evidence across several other games and attempt to extract some type of meta value.  That is dreadful logic.  Then you do this ridiculous argument of: oh ho ho!  Buddy boy!  Did I say you were Mafia!  Nope!  I’m hedging with inferences!  See!  Didn’t I say that Mafia do that earlier?  Oops.


24 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Also, you definitely misinterpreted what I said.  I don’t know if intentional, but I feel like it has to be since I was pretty clearly referencing your “answers” to my questions.

I should just start including citations and incorporation clauses so you have no excuse for the misinterpretations, even if I think the posts are facially clear.


12 minutes ago, SwAg said:

You think I’m going to let you have the last word when you’re demonstrably wrong and lying.  

Why did you bring up big words?  I’ve consciously avoided big words this game.  It’s such a throw away meta that isn’t even applicable this game.  I think the most complicated word was “deconstructive,” and if that offends your reading comprehension, then that is an indictment on you, not me.

Seems like you’re the one firing blanks.


15 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I eagerly await the big words explanation.  Otherwise, it looks like you’re merely attempting to discredit me baselessly.  What a pointless self-inflicted wound.

I know you can go way bigger lmao. Also, this was just the last page or so 

23 minutes ago, The Orca said:

No one is hedging, I'm teaching. You just make **** up and pawn it off as truth buried in a multitude of large words and hope people take what little they understand as truth. Anyone can agree with that about you. At some point you need to realize not everyone plays the game like you. This is my last post on the matter. I'm sure you will try and spin this to make yourself look good with some more big words xD

Also, talk about misrepresenting...you have done that since the beginning lol

This is your meta. I'm not calling it mafia, just some meta on how you post. Another meta ive been tracking is your reaction to being voted. The last real instance that stood out is the game Pickle and myself tied you with 10 min to go and you calmly laid out your theory on who was scum and why we should vote them. Maybe that is screwing with my view more than the rest, but it can not be ignored. 

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That’s not even what happened in that game.  You’re inverting the sequence of events.  And if anyone doesn’t know what self-inflicted, demonstrable, deconstructive, baseless, inference, citation, or incorporation means, maybe enroll in middle school English.

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