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Mafia Mafia - Town Wins


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2 minutes ago, The Orca said:

2 people that are standing out other than Swag are Ted and Mega. Ted (experienced player) pushes no lynch because he doesnt want to lynch a newbie. I get that sentiment, but we have 4-6 experienced players. Then Mega follows. Mega switches to Pickle and then Ted follows. Interesting dynamic for sure. 





Let’s just lynch Mega then. I’m down for that

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1 hour ago, The Orca said:

2 people that are standing out other than Swag are Ted and Mega. Ted (experienced player) pushes no lynch because he doesnt want to lynch a newbie. I get that sentiment, but we have 4-6 experienced players. Then Mega follows. Mega switches to Pickle and then Ted follows. Interesting dynamic for sure. 





That is nothing to do with me.

Perhaps he's just copying me because he lives over the other side of the English Channel.

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I’m sure I’m going to do both myself and Ron a huge favor with this post, but I don’t know that I’m keen on penalizing him for attempting to play.  What he said wasn’t even correct, and people say similar things every single game without any attention paid to it.

Even in this game, what Ron did is not that different than what others have done.  Rick and Orca constantly attacked me as non-Town, then retreat to the whole “whoa now, we never said you were Mafia!  Just laid out ‘facts’ that lead to the conclusion you’re Mafia!  We didn’t say it!”  Similar to Rick starting to make **** up earlier when I was rustling Counselor.  I said he was backhanded defending Counselor by attacking me, and he said I’m Mafia manipulating reality.  

Okay, if Person A is presenting a case against Person B, and you attack Person A, then the collateral consequence is mitigating the case against Person B, thus a defense.  It’s so much a defense that it was the basis for the Roman justice system (character evidence was supreme) and remains a trial tactic in modern law practice.

Don’t let them convince you behavior is suspicious or non-suspicious because they said so.  Their reasoning is selective, and is broadly applicable to literally every person in every game ever.  I could find and apply the logic that they used this game on literally every person in the game to establish a connection.  This is what happens when you use overly broad, crude logic.  But somehow, they’re omitted from any of those applications, and could identify some distinguishing factor, which makes it completely different!

They arbitrarily impose litmus tests that make no sense.  Like, it’s not a defense if they don’t say their name.  Or, it’s not an accusation if I don’t say you’re Mafia, but foreclose all other options.

The other part of the case against him is guilt by somewhat association with me, and I’m Town, so that’s bunk.  Yeah, I know, super convincing conclusory argument.

Should definitely lynch Rick because he’s the more suspect of the two.  Faking the scum hunt by tying everything back to me, at least Orca is not lazily placing all his eggs in the SwAg basket while artificially arguing.  He’s just artificially arguing. 🤷🏼‍♂️

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Player Voting to Lynch
TheKillerNacho [No Vote]
SwAg No Vote
MWil23 No Lynch
TedLavie Pickle Rick
Mega Ron Pickle Rick
Counselor Pickle Rick 
BringinDaPain SwAg
The Orca SwAg
Pickle Rick SwAg
FourThreeMafia [No Vote]
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2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Ron, why did you say you didn’t know that I’d come out swinging like I did?  I wasn’t exactly swinging.  I put a vote on the only person talking to me because he gave a cryptic response.

Honestly, in yet another mafia game i am unwell (tonsilitis came on this afternoon. Me and my boys have it) so Im not mustering the energy to go to look at the initial posts.

I remember thinking that you were being quite forthright and that it seemed like you were engaging as town.

From what I've read of your posts in other games I didn't tie that behaviour to you being a baddie.

However, I could be well wrong. 

One thing. The twins keeps bring mentioned. Is that Orca and Pickle Rick?

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4 minutes ago, Mega Ron said:

Honestly, in yet another mafia game i am unwell (tonsilitis came on this afternoon. Me and my boys have it) so Im not mustering the energy to go to look at the initial posts.

I remember thinking that you were being quite forthright and that it seemed like you were engaging as town.

From what I've read of your posts in other games I didn't tie that behaviour to you being a baddie.

However, I could be well wrong. 

One thing. The twins keeps bring mentioned. Is that Orca and Pickle Rick?


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2 minutes ago, Mega Ron said:

Honestly, in yet another mafia game i am unwell (tonsilitis came on this afternoon. Me and my boys have it) so Im not mustering the energy to go to look at the initial posts.

I remember thinking that you were being quite forthright and that it seemed like you were engaging as town.

From what I've read of your posts in other games I didn't tie that behaviour to you being a baddie.

However, I could be well wrong. 

One thing. The twins keeps bring mentioned. Is that Orca and Pickle Rick?

Hope you feel better.

I’m not sure I agree with all that analysis, since I think the only game we had together, I was screaming ET was obvious Mafia while everyone looked around exasperatedly.  So, I don’t know if I agree with the I was being too forward to be Mafia characterization (even if this instance, I’m not Mafia), but I agree with the conclusion.

And Yeah, Rick and Orca are twins.  Actual twins, I believe?

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