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Washington Free Agency 2019


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30 minutes ago, RSkinGM said:

Bottom line . the trade was stupid - stupid at the time , more stupid now . Maybe a 6th round pick -tops but a 4th -- no frekkin' way ! 

I can't say it was stupid at the time, bc Haha solidified our back end coverage despite the fact that he was an inconsistent tackler. 

If Alex Smith doesn't get hurt last year, I think we make the playoffs and Haha would've gotten to play in the playoffs with us and maybe he would’ve wanted to stay.

Let's not forget the Haha trade was made before the Alex Smith injury. If Alex had been injured already, I don't think we would’ve traded for Haha.

In hindsight the Haha trade looks and is awful, when we traded for a pro bowl FS who had 3 ints in 1/2 the season, it didn't look like that bad of a trade.

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8 hours ago, turtle28 said:

Complaing about comp picks while the Redskins have more holes today then when free agency foolish to me, but maybe that's just me.

People are literally complaining about a late round comp pick - who odds are never makes the team - while when the season starts they'll complain the team has so many holes and sucks.

It just doesn't add up.

Except those late round comp picks could be the difference between moving up to get a player in the draft and not being able to. So you have to weigh their value.

DRC and Flowers are not going to get us much of anything. A 5th and 6th rounder could ensure we can get a playmaker in the 2020 or 2021 draft.

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25 minutes ago, Thaiphoon said:

Except those late round comp picks could be the difference between moving up to get a player in the draft and not being able to. So you have to weigh their value.

DRC and Flowers are not going to get us much of anything. A 5th and 6th rounder could ensure we can get a playmaker in the 2020 or 2021 draft.

Don't forgot that it isn't a comparison of someone like DRC vs. the player that would come with a 6th round pick.  Its DRC for one year vs. a 6th round pick on a cost controlled contract for 4 years (oh and you could always hit the lottery and land a great player).  

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I think there has to be a happy medium in regards to free agents and compensatory picks.

Those picks in rounds 3,4, and 5 should really be held on to. Rounds 6 or 7 I don't see a huge difference between them and the guys signed after the draft to be honest. At that point it's a crap shoot, especially if someone like DRC can actually help this year 

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12 minutes ago, Bo Duke said:

I think there has to be a happy medium in regards to free agents and compensatory picks.

Those picks in rounds 3,4, and 5 should really be held on to. Rounds 6 or 7 I don't see a huge difference between them and the guys signed after the draft to be honest. At that point it's a crap shoot, especially if someone like DRC can actually help this year 

Help do what?  Win 6 instead of 5 games?

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I'm not about tanking, win as many as we possibly can. That's just me. That stadium was half empty all last season, screw that. We get some recieving options on offense,  I think we will be able to compete at a high level. Our defense is light years better than it was a couple seasons ago 

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1 hour ago, Bo Duke said:

I'm not about tanking, win as many as we possibly can. That's just me. That stadium was half empty all last season, screw that. We get some recieving options on offense,  I think we will be able to compete at a high level. Our defense is light years better than it was a couple seasons ago 

Well, we already passed on Cobb, he went to the Cowboys.

Do we sign Demaryius Thomas? That's the only WR out there who could, I repeat ”could possibly” be an upgrade over what we already have at WR.

I'm never ever sold a rookie WR comes in and will be better than veterans on the team unless its a can't miss top 10 talent and there aren't any of those in this draft.

I’m not sure how much we can upgrade our top 3 WRs at this point. Probably the #3/slot WR, Trey Quinn, but I don't know that anyone we draft at 15 or in round 2 is going to be an upgrade over Doctson and Richardson in year 1.

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Quinn is going to be good. I have no doubt about him. The other two are the question marks for me. Most likely a rookie wr isn't going to light it up year one. Doesn't mean we shouldn't take one though. Deebo, Butler, Brown, Ridley. Theres plenty of guys to be had to upgrade our core. I'm also not ready to give up on a guy like Cam Simms either. He looked awesome in preseason.

Our Achilles heel has been loyalty. Maurice Harris sucks. He couldn't separate and would fall down as soon as he caught it no matter what. I'll never forget last year against the Falcons it was 3rd and 15 and he caught the ball for 9 yards on a crossing route and fell down on purpose cause he didn't want to get hit. And yet we kept putting that bump on the field.

We need someone like Deebo Samuel and I'd bet anything our offense would improve. YAC

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1 hour ago, Bo Duke said:

Quinn is going to be good. I have no doubt about him. The other two are the question marks for me. Most likely a rookie wr isn't going to light it up year one. Doesn't mean we shouldn't take one though. Deebo, Butler, Brown, Ridley. Theres plenty of guys to be had to upgrade our core. I'm also not ready to give up on a guy like Cam Simms either. He looked awesome in preseason.

Our Achilles heel has been loyalty. Maurice Harris sucks. He couldn't separate and would fall down as soon as he caught it no matter what. I'll never forget last year against the Falcons it was 3rd and 15 and he caught the ball for 9 yards on a crossing route and fell down on purpose cause he didn't want to get hit. And yet we kept putting that bump on the field.

We need someone like Deebo Samuel and I'd bet anything our offense would improve. YAC

You said:

1 hour ago, Bo Duke said:

We get some recieving options on offense,  I think we will be able to compete at a high level. 

I took this sentence as meaning if we get some better receiving options this year then the offense will be able to compete at a high level this year.

Now, if you meant if we draft one of these guys and develop them for a year or two and then in a few years they'll be good starters, that I can agree with.

The way your last two posts read though was that Quinn is good - not worried about him even though he’s proven nothing and was Mr. Irrelevant for a reason - Cam Sims will be good but, the two guys who are top WRs and have produced against starting corners in the NFL somehow aren't good and if we would just play Mr. irrelevant, Cam Sims and any rookie to be named that our WR core issues would be solved immediately.

I'm sorry, there’s just no way I believe this. It's a very far fetched idea that Quinn, Sims or any of the top 5 WR rookie WRs we’d draft in round 1 or 2 are better options than PRich and Doctson in year one. The reason PRich and Doctson started last year along with Crowder was/is because they were and are our best WR options.

Again, I don't see a lights out prospect in this draft. I see some WRs that can help our WR core depth this year if we would draft them, I don't see any of them starting over Doctson or PRich year one. 

Yes, if developed the WRs in this class can be good starters in the future, but immediately being better than our starters year 1?  I doubt it.

Why should anyone believe Quinn is such a sure thing? Bc he had some catches in the preseason and the one game he played last year vs the Cowboys he looked ok? We can't count on him to be any kind of answer and even less so Can Sims whos never even faced a starting corner yet in the NFL.

If we drafted Metcalf, Brown, Butler, Harry, Campbell, Harmon, Samuel, Hall, Ridley, Whiteside, McLaurin or Wesley in the first 3 rounds they are coming in and possibly replacing Quinn as the #3 WR, and may even be our #4 WR as a rookie if they can’t supplant Quinn as our slot WR - the way Doctson was as a rookie before he got hurt - I guarantee they aren’t supplanting PRich or Doctson in their rookie season as a starter. 

I get that it’s a hope which you hope will be true, but there's nothing to point any of those WRs being better than PRich or Doctson from what any of them have shown.

Bottomline is that just bc you don’t like PRich & Doctson as starters, that doesn’t mean we have better WRs on the team or that anyone in this rookie class is better.

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Quinn is the best route runner we have by far. You ever watch Doctson come out of a break? Its pitiful and I'm just being honest. Is Trey Quinn Julio Jones or Antonio Brown? No, not by a long shot. Can he be as good or better than Cole Beasley or Marvin Jones? Absolutely. Final question, Is Cole Beasley or Marvin Jones currently better than anyone we have at wr? Yep.

If we're going to suck in 2019 (which I hope we dont) let's get a look at some potential from our young guys. Because potentially they're probably going to be better than what we got on the field right now.

One more thing: If Robert Davis doesn't tear his knee out in preseason, do you think Doctson finished last season as starter? I doubt it. They know he's not a #1 wr and it wouldn't shock me at all if hes on another team next season if draft falls the right way 

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22 minutes ago, Bo Duke said:

Quinn is the best route runner we have by far. You ever watch Doctson come out of a break? Its pitiful and I'm just being honest. Is Trey Quinn Julio Jones or Antonio Brown? No, not by a long shot. Can he be as good or better than Cole Beasley or Marvin Jones? Absolutely. Final question, Is Cole Beasley or Marvin Jones currently better than anyone we have at wr? Yep.

If we're going to suck in 2019 (which I hope we dont) let's get a look at some potential from our young guys. Because potentially they're probably going to be better than what we got on the field right now.

One more thing: If Robert Davis doesn't tear his knee out in preseason, do you think Doctson finished last season as starter? I doubt it. They know he's not a #1 wr and it wouldn't shock me at all if hes on another team next season if draft falls the right way 

PRich is our best WR. Did you actually watched him get separation and make catches the first half of last year even though he was playing with shoulder and knee injuries?

Hell yes I think Doctson would have finished last year as a starter, what has Robert Davis done?

Nothing, the unknown doesn’t automatically make it better than the known just because you don’t like the known. 

This is once again a classic case of people liking the back ups over the starters bc they have some odd faith that what they don’t know about the back ups going against starting competition is somehow on a wing and a prayer going to be better in what they do know about the starters.

Most back ups aren’t better than the starters. If they were, the coach would start the back up players bc the coaches goal is to win games and save his job.

Lastly, I have no problem drafting a WR high in this draft and another one in the mid rounds or late rounds to develop but sorry, I’m not going to believe any of those guys come in year one and are starting over PRich or Doctson.

I’m well aware Doctson sucks at running routes and coming out of his breaks, I’ve said that about him even as a draft prospect. I’ve argued with people on Twitter about it for years who’ve always wanted to blame Kirk or Alex bc they didn’t throw the ball to Doctson even though he’s almost always covered like a blanket. This is the main reason I wasn’t in love with Doctson as a prospect as others in this forum were. I didn’t even want to draft a WR in round 1 in 2016 bc there were DL and LBs I liked better and we needed more help there.

All that being said, Doctson is our #2 WR, I’ll be shocked if he doesn’t start every game this season if he’s healthy.

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You do know that our wr core is pretty much at the bottom of the barrel right? Your going to have a hard time finding many to say otherwise. Why do you think most mocks have us going wr? It sure isn't for the hell of it. Man, we dont even currently have a reciever to be drafted as a wr3 in fantasy football. It's a joke.

Doctson is a bust, wasted pick. As high as he was drafted and your holding out hope for a wr2 says it all. You draft people like Michael Thomas instead of Doctson so we don't have this problem. Its just the truth. If Ereck Flowers becomes a serviceable left guard for us he will go down as a bust because he wasn't drafted for that reason.

When is his career has Paul Richardson stayed healthy? I'm sure as hell not banking on that one. That's like saying Boy I can't wait till Reed plays a full season cause its never gonna happen.

The unknown may or may not be any better. Who knows? But most of us realize the known is clearly not good enough.

Our starting recieving core stinks. Not debatable. Our best wr that we had didn't break the bank on the free agent market. What does that tell you? See what Doctson and Richardson can get on the open market. I bet ya it ain't much.

That's the reality of our value 

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