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Gophers World Mafia, Rags & The Mother Aligned have Won!

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My ace in the hole? Modkill myself and let the chaos reign supreme. 

Gopher this was a fantastic game and good luck sorting through the wreckage. 

The Pastor: @DingoLadd


Town - Aligned (Green Text)

Mass Roleblock:

You have the ability to save all, on any night of your choice (one-shot) you get to put out a mass roleblock. After during night, all other players moves will be roleblocked.


Side Note:

you know Malf is The Love-Able Child, town aligned, you may not announce this in thread
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Just now, DingoLadd said:

My ace in the hole? Modkill myself and let the chaos reign supreme. 

Gopher this was a fantastic game and good luck sorting through the wreckage. 

The Pastor: @DingoLadd


Town - Aligned (Green Text)

Mass Roleblock:

You have the ability to save all, on any night of your choice (one-shot) you get to put out a mass roleblock. After during night, all other players moves will be roleblocked.


Side Note:

you know Malf is The Love-Able Child, town aligned, you may not announce this in thread

You madlad. 







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1 minute ago, Forge said:

Matt, who are we hitting if we win the flip?

Wont be a flip now. Its going to be a Swag death with a counselor hit. After that, then its going to be us 3. Which is an amazing ending to the game. 

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I really, really dont care if I win. I can not make that any more clear. Swag is going to beg and plead - but the only thing I want to do is kill him. 

Once its us 3 - If you guys lynch me I am fine. I wont fight it. If you want to leave it up to the Gods (random) - I am fine with that too. 

Lets just kill every last fudging civ. 

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