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Criminal Minds Mafia - Town Wins


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14 minutes ago, SwAg said:

You’re just willfully ignoring the likely demonstrated bomb dynamic.  I have two defuses.  Whicker plants two every day.  I have to choose correctly.  Therefore, I could theoretically save no one if I’m baited with fakes.  We just happened to lynch whicker early. If you think I’m so overpowered bastion of a role, then re-read Mafia Game Design for Dummies.

So this post is entirely meant to get ahead of my potentially flipping civ imo. Swag intentionally leaves out what has been stated a 100 times this game that Forge had bomb defuses. I never said his role is overpowered, but rather his role combined with Forge's to give us 2 civ bomb defusers is overpowered. 

I'd also like to point out the difference in how the moves work. Forge tried to defuse the bomb but nothing happened...so him having night defuses seems likely...so 1 person had day defuses and the Team member had night defuses...I dont like it

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1 minute ago, The Orca said:

So this post is entirely meant to get ahead of my potentially flipping civ imo. Swag intentionally leaves out what has been stated a 100 times this game that Forge had bomb defuses. I never said his role is overpowered, but rather his role combined with Forge's to give us 2 civ bomb defusers is overpowered. 

I'd also like to point out the difference in how the moves work. Forge tried to defuse the bomb but nothing happened...so him having night defuses seems likely...so 1 person had day defuses and the Team member had night defuses...I dont like it

Oh yeah,  meant to say what it reminded me of...Nacho and Mwil. Both tried to get ahead of their lynches by spinning stuff and changing what is posted in a manner that makes it seem in there favor. Nacho did it a bunch, trying to make me seem discredited 

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1 hour ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

That's certainly one theory, and with his "radical" post history it could lend to that theory but it's not concrete.

Gopher, did someone give you the gun or did you have it all along? Do you know why you had the bag of keys? What's your entire history.

No I started with it and using it as a day hit was my role. I’ve stated the keys and the being homeless was to be used as a reason to look bad to my belief

39 minutes ago, The Orca said:

@AFlaccoSeagulls @Raves @bcb1213 @squire12

What do you all think about lynching me today? Is it worth it when I flip civ? 

If so, i will tell you all my theory

By doing this you are making yourself look defensive. Pretty anti town

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Just now, gopherwrestler said:

No I started with it and using it as a day hit was my role. I’ve stated the keys and the being homeless was to be used as a reason to look bad to my belief

By doing this you are making yourself look defensive. Pretty anti town

Didnt know tunneling my own lynch is being defensive lmao

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Whicker was The Bomber;

TKN was NOT The Arsonist, TKN is one of The Shooter or Stabber;

MWil was one of The Shooter, Stabber, or Arsonist.

MWil claimed someone failed to kill him by shooting him on N1.  He is either the Shooter and tried to cover up a failed hit, or one of the other SKs, and they have some immunities to each other.  For this reason, I am keen to attribute the Shooter role to MWil and Stabber role to TKN.

(If the remaining kill is not The Arsonist, then I have to re-evaluate my premises.)

Now, we realistically have it down to The Arsonist. Team knows who each other are at this point.  It’s really limited to the Townies.  

Gopher had a gun.  I had bomb materials.  You need to look at Orca, Touch, and KOTN.

Orca is the only with any fire-related background right now, and is claiming to have no move.  He’s got a ton of right-wing hatred, who have been committing arson a lot lately in the South.  Plus, firefighter Arsonist is almost a classic profile for SK god complexes.  Set a fire to be a hero, etc.

Touch is an insurance agent.  It flips the dynamic of the Arsonist from one of malicious intent and murder to one who is committing arson to benefit themselves.  Not sure if that is believable in the context of the OP.  Touch seemed pro-Town throughout, though.

I’ll give my thoughts on KOTN when I get back (I have to go at 5 EST), but the key here is to not lose sight that it’s “probably” one of those three at this point, and 100% one of the non-Team.

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11 minutes ago, The Orca said:

So this post is entirely meant to get ahead of my potentially flipping civ imo. Swag intentionally leaves out what has been stated a 100 times this game that Forge had bomb defuses. I never said his role is overpowered, but rather his role combined with Forge's to give us 2 civ bomb defusers is overpowered. 

I'd also like to point out the difference in how the moves work. Forge tried to defuse the bomb but nothing happened...so him having night defuses seems likely...so 1 person had day defuses and the Team member had night defuses...I dont like it

No, it’s me ******* repeating what I said no less than three times yesterday, which you ignored then too.

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Just now, SwAg said:

No, it’s me ******* repeating what I said no less than three times yesterday, which you ignored then too.

Lynch me. You obviously want to spin and omit and hope everyone takes you for your word because you defused some bombs... I dont buy it and have stated clearly why. It doesnt fit game setup/balance wise imo. You made a post pissing on me for saying you were over powered which I have never said


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Even if Forge had a Bomb Defuse, which I have no reason to believe he didn’t, that still accounts for three... So, assuming we’re both alive, we have a 100% chance to save someone, and a 50% chance to save on other person, by committing all resources to it.

Orca literally take a step back, and view the game from an overview perspective, what you’re advocating doesn’t make sense in the context of the game.  One Townie for false read, one SK, it doesn’t make sense to have a Team Member as false positive because it’s a lolclear upon claim



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