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Criminal Minds Mafia - Town Wins


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1 minute ago, SwAg said:



You're either lying and spewing bull****, or absolutely terrible.

If we can have a tie and not get anyone lynched and I can potentially get info pointing to the arsonist....I'll take it. 

Like I said I don't wanna lynch touch.

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1 minute ago, DingoLadd said:

If we can have a tie and not get anyone lynched and I can potentially get info pointing to the arsonist....I'll take it. 

Like I said I don't wanna lynch touch.

Everyone knows it is ******* you or Touch.  You're not convincing anyone with that.

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Spencer, JJ, Liz, Katie Kennedy and Ray Riley surrounded Emily.

Before they could grab her she sprinted into the dilapidated house she was living in, then it burst into flames!

@DingoLadd has been sent to forever prison!







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Tyson Trotter  You'll flee the first time you're visited by FBI. Anyone who visits you that night will be told you aren't home, this will cause your night hit to fail. Each night you may go to stab one player, but you will only kill women. If you kill someone, you must take a 1 day cooling off period before killing again. 1-shot SK immune. Reach a ratio where all teams are equal to win.

You're a Navy dropout turned shady international "construction" contractor turned domestic construction contractor. You didn't see much combat overseas until you started doing the private work, but the real construction back home is a lot safer. A psychological interview will show that you've definitely killed before. A Quick Search would find your crowbar, sheetrock saw and other tools in your truck. A background check would find a couple "projects" you worked on overseas that went south but details are murky as well as a recent split from your wife that, at least on Facebook, appears to be more or less mutually amicable. 


Stacy Sanders  You'll flee the first time you're visited by FBI. Anyone who visits you that night will be told you aren't home, this will cause your night hit to fail. Each night you may go to shoot one player, but you will only kill men. If you kill someone, you must take a 1 day cooling off period before killing again. 1-shot SK immune Reach a ratio where all teams are equal to win.

You drive the bus down from the big city up North. Three trips for morning, then lunch, then four trips before you go home. Monday through Friday. It just got so boring and you snapped. A psychological evaluation will show that you are feel troubling amount guilt and shame for something in your past. A Quick Search will find a legally licensed pistol in your pocket (probably not smart to carry the murder weapon with you) and some prescription medications. A background check will find that you've worked the same job for 40 years and should have a small fortune saved up, but you've been living in the same crappy apartment that whole time and been driving the same crappy car for half of it. That's really weird.


Chris Charles  Each night you can deliver a 24-hour bomb to someone's house, with a note of course. As well as a fake bomb to someone else's house, with a note of course. This move cannot be seen by trackers, but watchers will see your drone and follow it back to your house. If a bomb detonates you cannot deliver another the following night. Players killed by explosion will not have their role revealed for 24 hours. If you drop a bomb on the Arsonist, you'll learn each other's identity. You also have a 1-shot Day Bomb Defuser if you want to be the hero. You will announce this in thread and tag me and the player you are saving. I'll make a writeup. Reach a ratio where all teams are equal to win.

After high school you became a courier for the local real estate office, 14 short years later and you're flying drones to take pictures of their property for $22,000 annually, plus you only have to work 30 hours a week! What a life! Also delivering bombs. A psychological evaluation will reveal that you're a textbook narcissist, so that's not good. A Quick Search will find some drone wires and batteries along with maps of properties in the city. A background check would find that arrest from in college, at that one rally. You remember the one, you were blackout drunk for it. What were you fighting for again? Hope you were on the right side of history!


Emily Elway  Each night you may soak one players home in flammable liquid. On any night you wish, you may choose to take a match to all the players homes you've doused. You won't be seen visiting a players the night you strike the match, but you will be seen visiting them when you douse them. Any players whose homes have been covered in accelerant will have it washed off if a member of the BAU visits them. Other Unsubs will automatically wash the liquid off themselves the next night unless you ignite it then. Players won't know when they're doused, except the other Unsubs. If you douse the Bomber in accelerant, you'll learn each other's identities. Reach a ratio where all teams are equal to win.

You work for a company that comes in and cleans up after messy human death/accidents and **** pipes bursting in the basement accidents. It's terrible. A psychological evaluation will show a complete and utter lack of a personality, you're dead inside. A Quick Search will find some heavy duty gloves and some heavy duty cleaning solution in your work van. A background check will show that you ran away at 16 and moved into a vacant warehouse with some derelicts a couple months after that. You got a job and have had it for over two years now. You're doing alright I guess?


Aaron Hotchner Each night you may visit one player to interview them, you'll study their behavior. Assuming you're killed in a fashion that allows for it's recovery, Gideon will go through your notebook when you die. If you and Gideon both investigate the same player on the same night, you'll learn each other's identities. Eliminate all threats to Farmerville to win.


Jason Gideon Each night you may visit one player to interview them, you'll learn about their background and about their family. Assuming you're killed in a fashion that allows for it's recovery, Hotchner will go through your notebook when you die. If you and Hotchner both investigate the same player on the same night, you'll learn each other's identities. Eliminate all threats to Farmerville to win.


Spencer Reid 1-shot Tracker, 1-shot Watcher, 3-shot Quick Search, 1-shot Autopsy. The Tracker tells you who your target visits, the Watcher tells you who visits them. The Quick Search tells you the results of a quick peek around their house or somewhere they spend a lot of time like their place of work or their vehicle. The Autopsy will tell you a dead players full role, you can use this move during the day if I'm around. Eliminate all threats to Farmerville to win.


Derek Morgan 3-shot Quick Search, 2-shot Bomb Defuser. 1-Shot Watcher OR Tracker. The Quick Search tells you the results of a quick peek around their house or somewhere they spend a lot of time like their place of work or their vehicle. Bomb Defuser is exactly what it sounds like. It stops a player from blowing up that night. The Watcher tells you who visited the player you watched and the Tracker tells you the target of you you tracked. Eliminate all threats to Farmerville to win.


Elle Greenaway 2-shot Autopsy, 1-shot Vigilante Hit, 1-shot Quick Search, 1-shot Self Watch. The Autopsy will tell you a dead player's full role, you can use this move during the day if I'm around. The Vigilante Hit may have consequences depending on who you shoot. The Quick Search tells you the results of a quick peek around their house or somewhere they spend a lot of time like their place of work or their vehicle. The Self Watch will tell you anyone that visits you that night. Eliminate all threats to Farmerville to win.


Penelope Garcia 4-shot Background Check. The background check tells you about a players past, something the others on your team may have missed. You'll survive your first stabbing or shooting if Derek is still alive. Eliminate all threats to Farmerville to win.


Jennifer Jareau 1-shot Interview, 1-shot Quick Search, 1-shot Note. You may interview one player, if it's a male you'll learn everything about them. The Quick Search tells you the results of a quick peek around their house or somewhere they spend a lot of time like their place of work or their vehicle. 1-shot Note. You may send a note to one player. I'll tell them it's from JJ. Keep it under 24 words. Eliminate all threats to Farmerville to win.


Liz Lemans  2-shot Bomb Defuser - Bomb Defuser is exactly what it sounds like. It stops a bomb from blowing up. You must use it during the day by tagging me and telling me who you want to visit. Must be used at least 60 minutes before Night. Eliminate all threats to Farmerville to win.

You completed three deployments overseas as a Bomb Technician in the Army. Since then you've worked for the local PUD as a lines(wo)man making over $75,000 a year with no husband or kids slowing you down. Life is good. A psychological evaluation will, unfortunately, show that you're a killer due to one of your three deployments overseas. This is the way of war. A Quick search will find wires, cables electrical conduit and tools all over your house. They'll also see the small case of medals you receive for your valor overseas. A background search will reveal you are a highly decorated bomb technician with a clean record and glowing status in the community.


Katie Kennedy  3-shot Self Watch - You'll learn the Character Name of anyone that visits you that night. Eliminate all threats to Farmerville to win.

You're an anal retentive insurance sales rep who likes kickboxing and grappling in her spare time, when she's not being a single mom to three children. A psychological evaluation will reveal you shouldn't be considered an Unsub. A Quick search will find your house and dojo in immaculate condition, but not much else. A background search will find you've had no arrests since an MIP and DUI at 19, and that you seem to be attached to social media 24/7.


Ray Riley  You'll flee the first time you're visited by FBI. Anyone who visits you that night will be told you aren't around. 1-shot Day Vigilante: You got that stolen gun, right? When you find a bad guy, tag me in thread and tag the player you want to shoot. Eliminate all threats to Farmerville to win.

You're a drifter, so that's going to concern the FBI for sure. A psychological profile will find that you're unstable and unpredictable, so that's going to concern the FBI for sure. A Quick Search of your tent will find a stolen pistol similar to the caliber used in the recent shootings, as well as a bag of keys you've stolen throughout the years. So that's going to concern the FBI for sure. A background search will find you've been drifting across the country for the last 15 years, with no real job or home location to speak of. So that's going to concern the FBI for sure. Good luck!


Denise Dillon  1-shot PGO, but only after you get your gun back from the FBI. Eliminate all threats to Farmerville to win.

You're a retired widow, mother to three wonderful children and seven grandchildren. How nice. A psychological evaluation will reveal you shouldn't be considered an Unsub. A Quick search of your house will find a shotgun, sawed off to just barely over the legal barrel length, as well as a cat feces and stacks of newspapers lining the floors of the house you crazy cat lady. A background search will find almost no info about you, as you've paid for everything in stashed cash for the last 30 years and refuse to get a cellphone, internet or even leave the house.


Barry Bartow  You have no ability other than your right to vote. Eliminate all threats to Farmerville to win.

You're a wildland firefighter, woodsman, survivalist and hunter. An all in one kind of firefighter/lumberjack action folk-hero. You live in an apartment with your girlfriend, no kids yet thank god. A psychological evaluation will reveal you show extremest viewpoints and a defiance of authority. A Quick Search of your truck will find nothing and your lawyer will contact the agent that stopped you. A background search will a series of internet posts on a survivalist website sharing what some may consider somewhat radical political and social views, ruh-roh. 


Jeff Jordan


You have no ability other than your right to vote. Eliminate all threats to Farmerville to win.

You've been retired from politics for the last 12 months and spent most of that time hunting. A psychological evaluation will reveal that you're a habitual liar. A Quick Search of your property will find an animal skinning/cleaning station behind the garage, you're an avid hunter, that's all. They'll also find a locked freezer in your garage cause those damn kids keep stealing your jerky. A background search will reveal you've been trophy hunting all over the world. It will also reveal those two domestic violence arrests from the 90s when you were just being an average politician. That's not good.

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Aaron Hotchner's Notebook. Player Interviewed : Name : Psych Evaluation
Tyson Trotter (Male) This man has killed before, without a doubt. You'd stake your career on it.
Stacy Sanders (Female) This woman is carrying an extraordinary amount of guilt and shame.
Chris Charles (Male) Textbook narcissist. This guy is a total prick.
Emily Elway (Female) She has almost no personality. No emotion. No inflection.
Liz Lemans This woman has killed before, without a doubt. You'd stake your career on it.
Katie Kennedy This woman shows no unusual traits. She shouldn't be considered an Unsub.
Ray Riley Incredibly unstable individual. Movement and speech patterns were unpredictable.
Denise Dillon This woman show no unusual traits. She shouldn't be considered an Unsub.
Barry Bartow He took your authority and position in the FBI as a personal insult.
Jeff Jordan Don't trust a word this man says. Habitual liar.
Jason Gideon Player Interviewed : Name : Subject Notes
Tyson Trotter (Male) Male, Late 20s, Construction worker, Former Military
Stacy Sanders (Female) Female, Late 60s, Bus Driver that lives out of town.
Chris Charles (Male) Male, Mid 30s, Real Estate Arial Photography
Emily Elway (Female) Female, Early 20s, Emergency Cleanup Technician
Liz Lemans Female, Early 30s, PUD Electrician, Former Military
Katie Kennedy Female, Late 30s, Insurance Sales Representative
Ray Riley Male, Late 40s, Transient, No known address.
Denise Dillon Female, Late 70s, Retired
Barry Bartow Male, Mid 40s, Wildland Firefighter, Survivalist
Jeff Jordan Male, Mid 70s, Retired Politician, Avid hunter
FBI Quick Search You visit [player name]
Tyson Trotter (Male) When you look over into the bed of his work truck you see a heavy crowbar and a drywall hand saw lying in the back. You decide to send them both in for forensic testing.
Stacy Sanders (Female) She admits she has a pistol in her pocket and shows you the proper paperwork needed to carry it legally. She also has a bottle of unidentified pills she claims are for her hypertension. You take the gun for forensic testing, just to be safe.
Chris Charles (Male) In his SUV you found a small toolkit with with some small wires and small battery packs, along with maps of the city and ariel photos of several homes. You decide to send the wires and batteries in for forensic testing.
Emily Elway (Female) You open up the back of her work van, the chemical smell is overwelming. The culprit is some concentrated heavy duty cleaner. You also see some heavy duty rubber gloves.
Liz Lemans You finds all kinds or wires, cables and plastic piping around her garage. In the house you find tools on every table and countertop. Military medals decorate the wall. You decide to send the wires and piping in for forensic testing.
Katie Kennedy Her car is immaculate, inside and out. You stand on your tip-toes and peek into her shed. It's a converted dojo, also immaculate. You see the trash cans around back are empty, trash hasn't been picked up in a week though.
Ray Riley You search his tent and find a pistol with the serial number scratched off as well as a bag of house keys that appear stolen. You send the pistol in for forensic testing.
Denise Dillon Her house reeks of cat piss, but you manage to hold your breath in the long enough to wade through the stacks of papers and trash and find a sawed off shotgun in the closet. You decide to send the gun in for forensic testing.
Barry Bartow He wouldn't let you in the house and told you to leave his property. Shortly thereafter you were contacted by his lawyer and told not to contact his client again.
Jeff Jordan Nobody was home, but you find an animal skinning station behind his shop, and can see a padlocked freezer in the garage.
Garcia's Search History You visit dig into ------'s past and find something interesting.
Tyson Trotter (Male) He worked as a private construction contractor in Iraq. A shootout at one of the sites resulted in the deaths of several bystanders, there was no investigation by the US because it wasn't deemed a military incident.
Stacy Sanders (Female) She's worked the same job for over 40 years, based on the local union wages for bus drivers she should be sitting on a small fortune. She bought her house in the 70's for $38,000 and has been driving the same car since the late 90s.
Chris Charles (Male) He was arrested in college at a political rally. Disorderly conduct, reseisting arrest, public intoxication and a felony assualt on a police officer that was dropped in exchange for his guilty plea for the other crimes.
Emily Elway (Female) Reported missing at 16, found at 17 safe and wilfully "missing." She's held down the same job for two years depite living in an abandoned house and not really having an address.
Liz Lemans Highly decorated bomb technician, personally saved dozens of lives in Afghanistan. Clean record, Facebook shows she's very active in the community.
Katie Kennedy No arrests other than an MIP and DUI at 19. She's very active on Facebook, Twitter, the 'gram, you name it.
Ray Riley He hasn't had an address or documented job in the US in almost two decades.
Denise Dillon Nothing. No banking, no internet, TV or cell phone contracts listed with any providers. She doesn't leave the hosue either, people have talked about her on Facebook.
Barry Bartow He's made some posts on several internet forums, we'll catergorize his posts as "radical" and usually commenting on political and social news.
Jeff Jordan He's an avid trophy hunter, hunting photos from all over the world on his Facebook. He was twice arrested for domestic violence in the 90s, both against his ex-wife.
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