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Micro-Mafia Games - Game 2, Jester Mafia - Night Thusday @ 10pm EST


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25 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Although we do need to seriously consider why Swag is still here. 

Normally I'd be ok with this but from what I can tell malf is considered to be an upper tier player here as well so it could make sense that scum targeted him instead. Would you say that most people here consider malf to be a top player?

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Also it could be as simple as they role investigated malf and found that he was the jailer and so they killed him for that reason. Either way I don't think in this case that swag being alive is as suspicious. Now if he survived tonight's kill on the other hand I'd start questioning things a bit

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Honestly at this point it seems pretty simple to me. Orca played his hand pretty terribly on day 2 here because he probably panicked about his scum buddy being caught day 1. There's an outside chance at it being pickle because he's been pretty scummy and refused to vote for squire but orca just seems like really obvious bad scum.

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3 hours ago, SwAg said:

I think that’s ridiculous.

Its not at all...tha is for giving it serious consideration though lol

3 hours ago, SwAg said:

Mafia will never need a game-specific reason to kill Malfatron.  Even if they did, he basically singlehandedly lynched one of them.  I wouldn’t be shocked if both Malfatron and I were investigated, as it gives information on people likely to obscure it, and allows them to (1) avoid being tricked by either of us as a Jester, or (2) verify killing us will not be a waste of their limited resources.

Also, Orca, why did you blow up today?  I’d love to hear Town Orca’s explanation.

1. So you think they invested Malf D1 and got back he is the power role...and then decided only to hit him because....he got Squire...or cause he good lmao

2. Why do you think mafia has invested you today?

3. Are you really going to listen to my explanation or blow it off as my posts above?

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So here is why I claimed Mafia...

I'm town and believe Pickle is not Mafia. Seeing where almost everyone was between us 2, I decided to create a distraction. This said distraction needed to be something that was outrageous. I went with a play that the actual mafia would probably want to push me for because its an easy lynch, but something that they may have to be hesitant about because I may be the Jester. Doing this I was able to gauge how people reacted and proceeded with their posts. On the flip side the real Jester would not want me lynched  because they would lose if I'm mafia or be 1 step closer to losing if I was Civ.

This gambit has lead to a few revelations

1. I'd bet on Counselor, Racks, or Dingo being the mafia. Racks for his posts today, Counselor for his posts D1, and Dingo for claiming Jester

2. I'd lean more to Dingo actually being the Jester. It would make sense for him to make a play that could be seen as Mafia trying to get another day by claiming Jester early in D2. 

3. This leaves Counselor and Racks imo. Racks is actually where I'm thinking based on today....though I really want to lynch Counselor


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4 hours ago, SwAg said:

Mafia will never need a game-specific reason to kill Malfatron.  Even if they did, he basically singlehandedly lynched one of them.  I wouldn’t be shocked if both Malfatron and I were investigated, as it gives information on people likely to obscure it, and allows them to (1) avoid being tricked by either of us as a Jester, or (2) verify killing us will not be a waste of their limited resources.

Also, Orca, why did you blow up today?  I’d love to hear Town Orca’s explanation.

Dude would you all stop getting played.  Swag clearly just slipped.  No one would know that mafia could use both their shots on d1.  Everyone would assume it's a normal 2 shot power so they could use 1 d1 but the second would have to be used d2.  

1 hour ago, rackcs said:

Also it could be as simple as they role investigated malf and found that he was the jailer and so they killed him for that reason. Either way I don't think in this case that swag being alive is as suspicious. Now if he survived tonight's kill on the other hand I'd start questioning things a bit

Start questioning it now bc you all are gteeinf played by swag.  Am I the only one that sees this 

1 hour ago, rackcs said:

Honestly at this point it seems pretty simple to me. Orca played his hand pretty terribly on day 2 here because he probably panicked about his scum buddy being caught day 1. There's an outside chance at it being pickle because he's been pretty scummy and refused to vote for squire but orca just seems like really obvious bad scum.

Strongly disagree.   

Ocra - town 

Dingo - town 

Counselor - town 

Rack - town

Forge - jester 

Swag - mafia 

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12 hours ago, rackcs said:

Well I was trying to multiquote a bunch of posts but I refreshed the page because of new replies and lost them but whatever. To sum it up.

I wasn't thinking about Swag's motives for claiming jester when I posted that post earlier, I was just trying to discern his alignment. I felt pretty strongly that he was faking the jester role because I felt Swag would play it much more subtly if he were. So I get why that post rubbed some people the wrong way.

I think Counselor is probably the jester. It read to me like someone trying to be subtle about being the jester but utterly failing. To be honest I didn't totally get the squire thing other than malf having a read and squire not being super active but it worked out so fair enough and good on malf. 

I don't really get what people see with orca but his posts didn't really stick with me while reading up either so if he someone wants to explain their thought process on him I'd go back and reread and see if I get the same vibe.

As for now I still feel pretty strongly about Pickle. He started off playing exactly like last game and then has continued to accuse me of being scum basically because I'm saying he's scum. Pickle to me is such obvious scum that I feel pretty certain I'll stay on him today unless someone can sway me.









12 hours ago, rackcs said:

I mean, half of the mafia players on this forum start saying this **** the second they get a vote so it didn't super stand out to me. But now that I'm looking at it again this looks like a pathetic attempt to come across as jester to avoid being lynched as scum.


12 hours ago, rackcs said:

Yeah which is why I think this is a poor attempt at coming across as jester when in actuality they're mafia. I still feel in my gut of guts that pickle is the second scum but that does seem pretty obvious. I'm going to bed though and don't want to leave my vote out there while I'm asleep so I'm going to stay unvoted for now and check back in the morning.


4 hours ago, rackcs said:

***** I was here all day long and nobody wanted to post but then when I had some yard work to do and a movie to see you guys filled up 20+ pages. I stayed up late last night just to finish catching up. Sassy little girl.

As for Orca/Pickle, I feel like it's gotta be Orca. I know I've been pounding the Pickle table pretty hard but Orca has pretty clearly looked like the second mafia here. He tries a desperate and pathetic attempt to come across as the jester by claiming mafia and surrendering and then when you move your vote off of him and start talking about other people he starts trying to contribute to the game again. I'm not buying it. 



1 hour ago, rackcs said:

Honestly at this point it seems pretty simple to me. Orca played his hand pretty terribly on day 2 here because he probably panicked about his scum buddy being caught day 1. There's an outside chance at it being pickle because he's been pretty scummy and refused to vote for squire but orca just seems like really obvious bad scum.


8 minutes ago, The Orca said:

So here is why I claimed Mafia...

I'm town and believe Pickle is not Mafia. Seeing where almost everyone was between us 2, I decided to create a distraction. This said distraction needed to be something that was outrageous. I went with a play that the actual mafia would probably want to push me for because its an easy lynch, but something that they may have to be hesitant about because I may be the Jester. Doing this I was able to gauge how people reacted and proceeded with their posts. On the flip side the real Jester would not want me lynched  because they would lose if I'm mafia or be 1 step closer to losing if I was Civ.

This gambit has lead to a few revelations

1. I'd bet on Counselor, Racks, or Dingo being the mafia. Racks for his posts today, Counselor for his posts D1, and Dingo for claiming Jester

2. I'd lean more to Dingo actually being the Jester. It would make sense for him to make a play that could be seen as Mafia trying to get another day by claiming Jester early in D2. 

3. This leaves Counselor and Racks imo. Racks is actually where I'm thinking based on today....though I really want to lynch Counselor



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6 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Dude would you all stop getting played.  Swag clearly just slipped.  No one would know that mafia could use both their shots on d1.  Everyone would assume it's a normal 2 shot power so they could use 1 d1 but the second would have to be used d2.  

Start questioning it now bc you all are gteeinf played by swag.  Am I the only one that sees this 

Strongly disagree.   

Ocra - town 

Dingo - town 

Counselor - town 

Rack - town

Forge - jester 

Swag - mafia 

Its entirely possible, but he has made many "mistakes" this game that I think he was welcoming the invest, lynch, or hit

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2 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Its entirely possible, but he has made many "mistakes" this game that I think he was welcoming the invest, lynch, or hit

He claimed 2 invests yesterday. No one but mafia would do that 

He also is still alive, he is playing the long con from the beginning 

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2 hours ago, Counselor said:

Although we do need to seriously consider why Swag is still here. 

Not really. Malf is pretty good. 

Don't get me wrong, out of the people on Squire's line in n1, the one that I would bet my money on as being scum is swag. He's talented enough (and is self aware enough to try it) to pull it off, but I just think it's a bit early for that kind of thought on Swag right now. Its a brazen plan, and while he's capable of it, it does make the game a little harder. If we get a little further down the line, I think that he becomes a viable option, but I think that a lot of time, fear drives suspicion of swag. 

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28 minutes ago, The Orca said:

So here is why I claimed Mafia...

I'm town and believe Pickle is not Mafia. Seeing where almost everyone was between us 2, I decided to create a distraction. This said distraction needed to be something that was outrageous. I went with a play that the actual mafia would probably want to push me for because its an easy lynch, but something that they may have to be hesitant about because I may be the Jester. Doing this I was able to gauge how people reacted and proceeded with their posts. On the flip side the real Jester would not want me lynched  because they would lose if I'm mafia or be 1 step closer to losing if I was Civ.

This gambit has lead to a few revelations

1. I'd bet on Counselor, Racks, or Dingo being the mafia. Racks for his posts today, Counselor for his posts D1, and Dingo for claiming Jester

2. I'd lean more to Dingo actually being the Jester. It would make sense for him to make a play that could be seen as Mafia trying to get another day by claiming Jester early in D2. 

3. This leaves Counselor and Racks imo. Racks is actually where I'm thinking based on today....though I really want to lynch Counselor

Hold on, so you think actual mafia would be hesitant to lynch you but somehow I'm the mafia because I voted for you? Really I think this whole play doesn't even make sense. You already had heat on you going into the day and then acted sketchy and everything. What makes you think town wouldn't vote for that? I don't think there's really anything to gain from that move. It also doesn't matter because I'm pretty sure this is all bull**** to deflect from your poor attempt to claim joker to avoid being lynched. You have been all over the place this day phase and I'm not buying it.

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