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Micro-Mafia Games - Game 2, Jester Mafia - Night Thusday @ 10pm EST


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3 hours ago, SwAg said:

squire and rack didn’t interact on D1, while Rick and squire had cautious interactions.  It’s a choice between which is scummier, and I tend to think it’s the latter.

So Swag wants to point out others interactions with squire while ignoring his interactions. Well here's everything from day 1 between him and squire.

On 5/21/2019 at 2:24 PM, squire12 said:

Swag might be trying to draw out the Jester.

Did he succeed is something to consider?

A mild accusation that was never followed up on

On 5/21/2019 at 3:44 PM, SwAg said:


Or, I’m the Jester.  

Captain Jack Sparrow hand movements.

Why is Jesster censored?

Swag posted this response to multiple comments just a few posts after squire's above but does not respond to squire. This is despite responding to multiple other people saying he was faking being jester.

On 5/21/2019 at 7:30 PM, SwAg said:

To be honest, I think both Mafia are between Dingo, Forge, Rick, and Orca.  I’ll detail in inverse order:

Orca never pursued me as The Jester, which is indicative of knowledge regarding The Jester’s identity, and read the setup carefully to show Mafia was aware of The Jester’s identity.

Rick is doing the opposite, pushing me as Mafia, which has the same underlying purpose (knowledge), but also distances from Orca’s position.  Either I’m not The Jester and Rick is right for the wrong reasons, or I’m The Jester and the game continues.

Dingo and Forge are in the same vein.  They were skeptical of the Jester claim, but then did a hard switch away from pursuing me once Dome announced The Jester doesn’t end the game.  They can either keep me around to do nothing and always be willing to self-lynch, form a lynch queue to push whenever pressure is on, or if I’m not The Jester, they can waste a lynch on the Jester they know, and then get me lynched as an imposter.

This isn’t hard, boys.

Day 1 he lists half the game as potential scum but conveniently leaves off squire.

On 5/21/2019 at 7:41 PM, squire12 said:

Why not lynch them first?


Squire is responding here to a Swag post saying scum is orca/forge. Squire jumps on board with one of those without any comment.

On 5/21/2019 at 7:48 PM, SwAg said:

Did Counselor edit that? lmao

Squire quoted a post from counselor and then Swag responded to squire with this

On 5/21/2019 at 8:41 PM, SwAg said:

Malf, you seem all over the place.

As Malf is pushing squire, Swag says that malf is all over the place

On 5/21/2019 at 9:10 PM, squire12 said:

What is making you certain on swag not being jester?

Squire questioning those who are questioning swag

On 5/21/2019 at 9:22 PM, SwAg said:

Hey man, I’ll vote with you and Malf.  You two seem pretty cool.

Makes a joke about voting for squire only if malf and forge do first

On 5/21/2019 at 9:28 PM, SwAg said:


After they do, he votes squire. This ties squire with counselor.

On 5/21/2019 at 11:04 PM, SwAg said:

Yeah, I broke my gimmick to move votes off of Counselor to squire, who would be my teammate in this scenario, because...?

If I’m playing them, you should be able to detail how I’m playing them.

He says that he broke his gimmick to move people off of counselor to squire but nobody really broke off from counselor to squire because of anything swag did. It was pretty much all malf, maybe a little forge.


And now I'm going to get into day 2 stuff that has me convinced

On 5/21/2019 at 11:10 PM, SwAg said:

@rackcs, it’s pretty subtle, but do you see it now?

On 5/21/2019 at 11:11 PM, SwAg said:

I don’t know how you’re all not even acknowledging Orca’s comments right now.

On 5/21/2019 at 11:21 PM, SwAg said:

Most of them don’t claim mafia lmao

This is swag pointing out to me how orca was doing weird jester claim **** and then complaining that nobody else is noticing it. He's making sure everyone is aware of orca's actions and how scummy they are.

On 5/21/2019 at 11:42 PM, SwAg said:

Tbh, I about believe Orca to be genuine that he’s Mafia and surrendering.

On 5/21/2019 at 11:42 PM, SwAg said:

Strikes me as something Orca would do.  People said he used to do this type of thing, like claim Mafia, and whatnot.

Continues to talk about how scummy orca is to make sure everyone else knows that orca is being scummy. Not voting for him though.

On 5/22/2019 at 7:03 AM, SwAg said:

Mafia will never need a game-specific reason to kill Malfatron.  Even if they did, he basically singlehandedly lynched one of them.  I wouldn’t be shocked if both Malfatron and I were investigated, as it gives information on people likely to obscure it, and allows them to (1) avoid being tricked by either of us as a Jester, or (2) verify killing us will not be a waste of their limited resources.

Also, Orca, why did you blow up today?  I’d love to hear Town Orca’s explanation.

On 5/22/2019 at 11:56 AM, Pickle Rick said:

He claimed 2 invests yesterday. No one but mafia would do that 

He also is still alive, he is playing the long con from the beginning 

So as much as I hate to follow Pickle's lead, this really stood out to me as being a good point. Nothing from the game setup info indicated that scum could role investigate at will or that it wasn't a night ability. Yet swag seems to think that mafia used both investigations day 1 before squire was lynched. How would he get that information if he weren't scum?

On 5/22/2019 at 3:37 PM, SwAg said:

I’ll take Rick > Orca > rack

On 5/22/2019 at 3:38 PM, SwAg said:

You can flip rack and Orca if you factor in the Jester concerns.

So despite pushing orca and saying how scummy he was early in the day, now orca is second and possibly even third on his list? Obviously we know that orca flipped town but for someone who was pushing orca earlier in the day, how does he suddenly drop all the way to third?

21 hours ago, The Orca said:

So Swag is pushing my lynch but not voting...keeping his options open to save himself later?

This is exactly how I read it while catching up. Swag was pushing orca's lynch but not voting for him probably so that when orca flipped town he would not look as suspicious because he wasn't at the front of the lynch.

20 hours ago, SwAg said:

Yeah, I mean, it’s a lot easier to talk your way out as faking Jester than being caught faking Jester.

Good point. Maybe explains why he eventually claimed jester day 1 after faking it

19 hours ago, Dome said:

Votes - Please Check for Accuracy

4 orca -  rackcs, counselor, swag,  orca

1 pickle - dingo

1 swag - pickle

1 rackcs - forge

So swag, who was calling out orca before anyone else is the third person on his lynch train? The only person behind him was orca himself.

So to wrap all of this up. Swag's interactions with squire day 1 are fishy. Swag avoided him for the most part while squire kind of followed swag's lead at multiple points. Day 2, swag pushed orca early but refused to be the face of the lynch by actually lynching him.


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4 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Yeah, I dropped my Jester claim when Counselor started acting up to make sure squire was lynched because Malfatron's accusations on squire were so air-tighttightight.

Except how did that actually help? Counselor was one of the people on himself who switched to squire. I doubt you helped him come off himself. The other was dingo who didn't seem to be swayed by your coming out based on his comment. Your revealing your fake jester didn't help anything.

3 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Also, I was on Pickle for 90% of the day.  You're just cherrypicking things to present it in a context conducive to your narrative.

I get that you were on pickle most of the day. That's exactly my point. You were pointing out to everyone how scummy orca was aka pushing his lynch while trying to hide so it wouldn't seem like you actually did push it.

Also, obviously I'm cherry picking some things. Not every single post of yours is super scummy. But I'm making my case and using specific posts as evidence. That's not cherry picking, that's just how you use posts as evidence. You know that, stop being purposefully oblivious. 

2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Alright, I'm actually convinced rack is scum now because of how egregious that post is.

If you say so. I'm pretty convinced that you're scum now too based on all of the evidence I found during my reread. I could 100% be getting played by pickle here with some wifom **** and if I am getting played then congrats to him but I don't think so. I think you're scum.

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He says that he broke his gimmick to move people off of counselor to squire but nobody really broke off from counselor to squire because of anything swag did. It was pretty much all malf, maybe a little forge.

Yikes.  You seem to erroneously conflate intent and actions with the subsequent result by simply issuing a conclusory statement on the chain of events.


This is exactly how I read it while catching up. Swag was pushing orca's lynch but not voting for him probably so that when orca flipped town he would not look as suspicious because he wasn't at the front of the lynch.

Literally explained my thought process, multiple times.  I spent my whole day on Pickle, going back and forth between him and Orca, and then relented because you and Forge indicated you weren't switching.  Then, Orca tried to the self-vote and you kept championing the lynch, and I stuck with you because it had to be one of Orca or Pickle to avoid the same exact situation the next day with one less person.  I like how you left that part out here, particularly when it all occurred with less than 5 minutes to the deadline:



So swag, who was calling out orca before anyone else is the third person on his lynch train? The only person behind him was orca himself.

So to wrap all of this up. Swag's interactions with squire day 1 are fishy. Swag avoided him for the most part while squire kind of followed swag's lead at multiple points. Day 2, swag pushed orca early but refused to be the face of the lynch by actually lynching him.


Yeah, he did.  And you know how I know you know that's a bull**** read?  Because I tell my teammates to **** off and play independently.  But, more importantly, why do you think I've been reluctant to lynch Counselor and earlier Forge?  Because squire agreed with me on my meta push of Counselor and his poor replication of it, and also agreed with me on the logic of Forge being Mafia based on his reaction to the Jester claim.  So, you're at the very least, unobservant, and at worst scum or dumb.

Also, I would reiterate, regardless of whether people switched because of my conceding the fake Jester claim or not is immaterial.  It's a poor look for you to try to retroactively alter the intent based upon the consequence what contemporaneously made sense.

I don't even know what you think you're proving in your follow-up post.  The fact that Counselor voted Orca is irrelevant to my actions.  At the time, I thought he was The Jester, and he was in position with 15 minutes to the deadline to hammer himself if I kept up the charade.


This is swag pointing out to me how orca was doing weird jester claim **** and then complaining that nobody else is noticing it. He's making sure everyone is aware of orca's actions and how scummy they are.

Are you ******* stupid?  Orca made like seven posts about how he's Mafia while there are at least four people in the thread and everyone is completely ignoring them.  In a game with the Mafia/Jester dynamic, where one of the two primary suspects begins claiming Mafia, that is pertinent information that seemingly everyone is avoiding.


Posts about me joking about voting for squire

Gee, if only there was some dynamic in this game that I was playing up at the time.  Like, being The Jester, for example.  Gee, I wonder why SwAg would remain ambivalent on voting for other people, and seemingly arbitrarily go back and forth between meaningful contributions, errors, and imploring everyone to lynch him on Day 1.  It's almost as though SwAg was trying to fake the Jester, but yeah, I'll ignore that because I found one post where SwAg said something about following Malfatron who was playing his Town game (see e.g., Trailer Park, Gopher's World, Ill Mind, The Wire; compare Casino, Overwatch).


So as much as I hate to follow Pickle's lead, this really stood out to me as being a good point. Nothing from the game setup info indicated that scum could role investigate at will or that it wasn't a night ability. Yet swag seems to think that mafia used both investigations day 1 before squire was lynched. How would he get that information if he weren't scum?

Or, maybe I can ******* read.  Mafia has two day investigations per the open setup post.  Pickle randomly interjected the concept of not being able to use both in a single phase despite no information to indicate that.  It's literally the random speculation and assertion of theory as fact that I told you he does, that you're apparently buying into.


As Malf is pushing squire, Swag says that malf is all over the place

Do I need to bump some posts to show that Malfatron was objectively all over the place?  You seem to have conveniently omitted those.



So despite pushing orca and saying how scummy he was early in the day, now orca is second and possibly even third on his list? Obviously we know that orca flipped town but for someone who was pushing orca earlier in the day, how does he suddenly drop all the way to third?


Again, that is wholly consistent with how I acted.  I was on Rick the whole ******* day.  I viewed Rick and Orca as equivalent, but switched and maintained Orca so we're not in the same cluster**** today with them.  And you're egregiously misconstruing this post.  The only way I let Orca slip to third is because (and you quoted it!) I was accounting for Jester concerns, and I thought Orca might be the Jester, while I really doubt that you are. 

Right now, I think Counselor and Dingo are Jester or Town, Rick is Jester of Mafia, and you're Mafia or Town.  That is the risk calculus as it stands.  I hope it gets through that thick **** skull.

Also, rack, I seem to recall you re-reading and critically thinking a whole lot about the Orca/Rick situation yesterday.  Why did you still lynch Orca?  lol, this is such a pointless and artificial exercise, Orca was lynched because his "strategy" exceeded the bounds of reasonability and credulity for him to be Town.  Do you think he should not have been lynched in hindsight, rack?


So to wrap all of this up. Swag's interactions with squire day 1 are fishy. Swag avoided him for the most part while squire kind of followed swag's lead at multiple points. Day 2, swag pushed orca early but refused to be the face of the lynch by actually lynching him.

So, to wrap all of this up.  Rack is determined to roll boulders down the stairs in his glass house.  He cherry pick posts to present a certain narrative for squire, while aware that he abstained from any interaction with squire.  He accounts for that by declaring he was active earlier, but no one wanted to play.  Squire was active then and had no interactions.  Meanwhile, I had tertiary interactions with squire, and ultimately joined the lynch.  Regardless of what rack says, I tried to play a role in it by giving up my Jester act.  Perhaps more meaningful is the role I didn't ******* play since the extent of Malfatron's case was "squire is scum, trust me, look at how he's trying to be one of the boys trolling matts.  Now he's catching up and it seems fake.  Trust me, guys."  Even rack acknowledged he didn't understand the squire case in retrospect, but it doesn't matter because it worked, now he is trying to fault me for not clearly seeing it, but trusting my Town read on Malfatron enough to follow it.  

I'm somehow a vaunted Mafia player, who can never be trusted due to my sheer skill, yet I would be unable to subtly push the lynch elsewhere?  This is the cognitive dissonance in the world of you jesters.

Now, I'm being pushed by the person who AFK passed because he simply didn't participate in the most critical D1 development that set the stage for the rest of the game.  He then continues this pattern of misconstruing contemporaneous facts by omitting critical context, and simply trying to push it all onto me.

This is ridiculous.

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29 minutes ago, rackcs said:

Except how did that actually help? Counselor was one of the people on himself who switched to squire. I doubt you helped him come off himself. The other was dingo who didn't seem to be swayed by your coming out based on his comment. Your revealing your fake jester didn't help anything.

I get that you were on pickle most of the day. That's exactly my point. You were pointing out to everyone how scummy orca was aka pushing his lynch while trying to hide so it wouldn't seem like you actually did push it.

Also, obviously I'm cherry picking some things. Not every single post of yours is super scummy. But I'm making my case and using specific posts as evidence. That's not cherry picking, that's just how you use posts as evidence. You know that, stop being purposefully oblivious. 

If you say so. I'm pretty convinced that you're scum now too based on all of the evidence I found during my reread. I could 100% be getting played by pickle here with some wifom **** and if I am getting played then congrats to him but I don't think so. I think you're scum.

Again, extrapolating intent from outcome or consequence, and minimizing contemporaneous context to fit a narrative.  It didn't have to help anything because I can't control what people find persuasive.  Shortly before the deadline, Counselor was signaling Jester, and within shooting range, while I was faking Jester.  I did what I thought I had to do to prevent a wasted lynch after seemingly only Malfatron got what I mean by Counselor as "Town faking Jester." 

You might understand if you were around during all of this.

Already addressed the Pickle/Orca dynamic 3x.  Feel free to re-read the end of the day until it sinks in.

Except, you are very much cherry picking.  I'm not asking for a complete story, or asking you to quote everything, but you're simply posting a bunch of quotes that fit a narrative and postulating, while omitting critical context and all countervailing evidence.  So, yes, that is ******* cherry picking when you don't even acknowledge and attempt to reconcile that which is not conducive to your ******* narrative.

I think you're either Mafia or a complete moron.

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