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Overwatch Mafia 2.0 - Game Over - The Six Stack Wins!!!


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Just now, Woz said:

Well, you're just weird. It never happens outside of weirdos. :D

That’s true. I don’t remember what game it was but I went on a pretty large campaign to defend the person too. I feel like it was orca but I’m not sure. I did it because of that bullet point you listed. 

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7 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

@theuntouchable and @gopherwrestler, do you care to elaborate on why the no votes yesterday? Gopher, you used the "I was busy" card, but then came in almost immediately after Whicker declared night was over and we could talk. That's pretty scummy.

I was fishing and then I got on while I was waiting for the kids to use the restroom before driving home.

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12 minutes ago, Woz said:

1. Swag and I don't play well with each other. He misread me because as I pointed out, he only had two games to base his opinion on.

2. Mafia *never* defends townies to make themselves look good. Nope never ever. Nopenopenope.

3. Dome took out a major threat to the mafia, regardless of his defense of me. The fact that he took out someone I was feuding with was just gravy.

4. You do realize that without my late vote switch to Malf within 10 minutes of the day 1, we would have lynched either Forge or Matts, right? They wouldn't have been able to switch over and hit Malf.

Ask yourself if I was mafia, why turn a sure victory for my side into a complete failure? Especially when one of the guys I could have let die was the guy Dome then subsequently lynched?

1. I mean I'm not saying that swag's reads are always absolutely 100% correct, although I usually do trust his judgement. That was moreso just to point out how much Swag thought you were scum.

2. Scum do defend town, I never denied that. But they also sometimes defend each other and that's what I think happened here. 

3. Swag was pretty tunneled in on you day 1, I think mafia would rather keep him around to continue pushing a townie if that were the case.

4. The Malf lynch was coming on strong in those last couple of minutes. I think it's certainly plausible that you jumped over to bus him right there near the end. The tides were definitely turning as far as the conversation was going even if the votes hadn't quite yet.

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15 minutes ago, rackcs said:

4. The Malf lynch was coming on strong in those last couple of minutes. I think it's certainly plausible that you jumped over to bus him right there near the end. The tides were definitely turning as far as the conversation was going even if the votes hadn't quite yet.

Go back and look. They were looking for one extra vote to guarantee the kill but weren't going to move unless they had it. When I realized no one was going to join me on Flacco, I gave them that vote which triggered the switch to Malf.

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5 minutes ago, Woz said:

Go back and look. They were looking for one extra vote to guarantee the kill but weren't going to move unless they had it. When I realized no one was going to join me on Flacco, I gave them that vote which triggered the switch to Malf.

I did go back and look. Forge and swag were both talking about how they'd get a majority on malf before you voted because of my unvote of Forge. You may have jumped on before they did but they were already saying they were going to do it and would've had the majority anyways. It is certainly a point in your favor but in my opinion it doesn't outweigh the other evidence I have mentioned.

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42 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

@theuntouchable and @gopherwrestler, do you care to elaborate on why the no votes yesterday? Gopher, you used the "I was busy" card, but then came in almost immediately after Whicker declared night was over and we could talk. That's pretty scummy.

Touch answered me already, but @gopherwrestler can you please answer this? The blue above is super scummy.

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7 minutes ago, rackcs said:

I did go back and look. Forge and swag were both talking about how they'd get a majority on malf before you voted because of my unvote of Forge. You may have jumped on before they did but they were already saying they were going to do it and would've had the majority anyways. It is certainly a point in your favor but in my opinion it doesn't outweigh the other evidence I have mentioned.

Your evidence is based on one guy's take on me and a white knighting. *shrugs* Okay ... don't know what to tell you other than you're barking up the wrong tree.

Meanwhile, I would love to hear from The Amazing Disappearing Act, Flacco.

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3 minutes ago, Woz said:

Your evidence is based on one guy's take on me and a white knighting. *shrugs* Okay ... don't know what to tell you other than you're barking up the wrong tree.

Meanwhile, I would love to hear from The Amazing Disappearing Act, Flacco.

It has nothing to do with swag's read on you and entirely how I perceive dome's in thread and night actions. 

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who are all the players still alive with nightly moves?

Ragnarok = tracker

Rackcs = watcher

bcb = vote reducer

Tk3 = redirect

Flacco = doctor

MWil = lover/hater


I think it would be good for those players to put forward what they have done on N1 and N2.  Thoughts on this?  Did I miss anyone?

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2 minutes ago, squire12 said:

who are all the players still alive with nightly moves?

Ragnarok = tracker

Rackcs = watcher

bcb = vote reducer

Tk3 = redirect

Flacco = doctor

MWil = lover/hater


I think it would be good for those players to put forward what they have done on N1 and N2.  Thoughts on this?  Did I miss anyone?

I visited Swag last night, which was irrelevant since he was lynched. I then went to bed and woke up to about 6 notifications, and had 11 pages to read about Dome and the subsequent fallout.

I'm also completely unsure as to whether to use my "lover" or "hater" power and on who. I'm pretty certain that ET is Town, and I'm getting a town vibe from Rackcs, but Counselor's response to Touch and Gopher not voting seemed a little too scripted and feigning anger for me.

That said, Gopher not voting (or responding to any of my tags) and then immediately AFTER Whicker allowed talking (within 1-2 minutes) jumped back on and started posting. That's super scummy IMO.

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