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Marvel Mafia - The game is over, the Sinister Six have conquered Earth!


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"Alright guys here is a detailed case about what's happening."

"Well I disagree with your assertions."

"Here is my rebuttal: **** you."

"No, **** you!"

"Piece of ****, I'm right and you're wrong!"

"No, I'm right and you're wrong!"

"Sigh, let's just get this over with."

SwAg is not willing to go down without a fight. He takes out the Space Stone and is about to teleport out of the city when it is knocked from his hands. He goes to his knees, searching for it on the ground but it's lost in the shuffle. The crowd bears down on him and kicks him and hits him until he's dead.

SwAg is dead. He was Loki, Loki-Aligned.

It is now Night 11. You have until 8 PM EST tonight to get your moves in.

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So the theory being pushed by Swag (and Dome) 

Mission and Matts are Skrull

Dome is high probability of being godfather (unlynchable until the he is the last mafia left)

Swag is self claimed Loki and Indy

that would mean the other mafia would be either Counselor, Tk3 or squire

Counselor has been motivating players that are not Sinister6

Tk3 would have restored a non sinister 6

i would have killed a sinister 6 and forgot how to submit further kills on the last few nights

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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

WE know that part. 

What is your move? Ability?

In order to defeat Sinster 6 i can steal peoples moves

N1 tried to steal SwAg but the night got canceled, makes me think 100% scum

N2 didn’t put in a move

N3 tried to get malf, got redirected to SwAg, I was “unable to steal his ability” which seems like bull**** 

N4 tried to get malf again, success, I now have his ability to “redirect”someone which tbh I dont understand what that means so I haven’t used the move or tried to steal one again

So my cards are on the table, if anyone generally with town vibes wants me to use that move lmk

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1 minute ago, squire12 said:

So the theory being pushed by Swag (and Dome) 

Mission and Matts are Skrull

Dome is high probability of being godfather (unlynchable until the he is the last mafia left)

Swag is self claimed Loki and Indy

that would mean the other mafia would be either Counselor, Tk3 or squire

Counselor has been motivating players that are not Sinister6

Tk3 would have restored a non sinister 6

i would have killed a sinister 6 and forgot how to submit further kills on the last few nights

I think Swag may have been right that Missions is scum. But not skrull, I think he maybe sin6. 

I dont see how TK3 or Counselor are scum when all of their moves have been pro town. 

@Counselor => Motivate me. I will role block both Missions and Dome so they dont get a hit off. We lynch Missions tomorrow.

I still think killing Swag was the right move. If I can block the hits than we didnt lose anything at all by killing him, but we did ensure one less non-town. 

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3 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Also - that racoon is bradly cooper who likes to kill things. So not bad tbh

I mean yeah he has banged Jennifer Lawrence, Suki Waterhouse, Irina Shayk, and Lady Gaga so the role fits 

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1 minute ago, mission27 said:

In order to defeat Sinster 6 i can steal peoples moves

N1 tried to steal SwAg but the night got canceled, makes me think 100% scum

N2 didn’t put in a move

N3 tried to get malf, got redirected to SwAg, I was “unable to steal his ability” which seems like bull**** 

N4 tried to get malf again, success, I now have his ability to “redirect”someone which tbh I dont understand what that means so I haven’t used the move or tried to steal one again

So my cards are on the table, if anyone generally with town vibes wants me to use that move lmk

Im going to roleblock you tonight. IF you can really move it, than redirect it to Squire or TK3.

Also, please type out the phrase "I am avengers aligned". 

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Just now, Matts4313 said:

Im going to roleblock you tonight. IF you can really move it, than redirect it to Squire or TK3.

Also, please type out the phrase "I am avengers aligned". 

Will do broseph ... if the rest of y’all agree ... will that work with the order of operations on a role block 

I’m actually Avengers-Aligned with a hyphen which is pretty dumb but need to make that distinction tbh 

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Also appreciate everyone talking about me and tagging me in posts 

I know its all for the ratings but it really makes it easy for me to read up and only read the posts that matter (aka the ones about me)

If y’all continue to do that I may continue to be active in these games in the future and bring my great contribution to the table 

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15 minutes ago, squire12 said:

Counselor has been motivating players that are not Sinister6

Tk3 would have restored a non sinister 6

i would have killed a sinister 6 and forgot how to submit further kills on the last few nights

Did you kill any sin6 or did Malf do it with your hit?

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7 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Does anyone remember who all Malf redirected to? He claimed them in thread. 

N2:  Malf redirected Rags to bcb and Squire to Orca

N3:  ???

N4:  I think this was nacho and pickle

N5:  Pickle and ???

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On 5/30/2019 at 8:27 AM, Malfatron said:

i love you @Utley

i didnt touch utleys move. he did it himself

nice job squire :)


also, i had redirected mwii to mission as one of my moves :)



On 5/30/2019 at 8:29 AM, Malfatron said:

holy crap. green aligned!!!


On 5/30/2019 at 9:01 AM, Malfatron said:

@Whicker did anything bad happen to you last night?

i redirected someone to you



Last 2. Malf redirected to Whicker and Mission N3. He didnt redirect to Swag.

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