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Marvel Mafia - The game is over, the Sinister Six have conquered Earth!


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On 5/31/2019 at 9:52 AM, rackcs said:

Theuntouchable returned to his home just as the sun was beginning to rise in the sky. He sat down at his desk after a busy night.

“What does it all mean? How can I figure this out? I need to help the team, they’re counting on me!”

He begins to pour over his notes when he hears a clatter in the kitchen. He slowly works his way there, gun drawn and ready for action. He gets into the kitchen and sees a cup that had fallen on the floor. As he bent down to get it, he heard a whizzing sound. He tried to dive out of the way but was caught in the large orange explosion that rocked his kitchen. He quickly recovers and fires a couple of shots toward the area where the projectile had come from. Looking up he sees a man on some sort of glider. The unknown attacker just laughs at him and sends more explosives raining down on theuntoucable’s house.

Theuntouchable is dead. He was Black Widow, Avengers-Aligned.


Day 5 has begun! With 14 alive and 14 voting, it’s 8 to lynch!

Missions is hobgoblin?

This doesnt make sense. How did UNT have a false positive on him? 

But Missions is clearly lying. 

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On 6/1/2019 at 8:54 PM, Pickle Rick said:

I'm torn.  Swag and dome are scum and need to die.  Counselor has been motivating malf who caused our invest to die and is becoming more suspect by the minute.  Mission has what appears to be a cover role (rocket).  Is dingo still alive...I'd say I trust him over the others.  If tk3 is cleared by md4l then I'd say him.

3. Forge - town lean.  

4. squire12 - town lean 

7. ET80 - gray area 

8. Dome - scum

9. DingoLadd - town lean and I trust him more then the rest honestly 

11. Counselor - scum lean bc of who is motivating

12. Malfatron - scum lean bc of his latest actions 

14. TheKillerNacho - honestly dont know.  If forge tracked him and he killed md4l then he should be axum unless forge lied

20. Tk3 - town cleared by md4l

21 swag - scum 

24. mission27 - scum cover role 


I'll put my faith in forge, squire, tk3, dingo right now as town (avengers)

Scum locks are dome and swag 

Mission, malf, and counselor I'm leaning scum on for sinister 6 or convertees.

Damn, it looks like PR was actually spot on this game. Gotta give the man props where they are due. This isnt perfect, but its looking freaking close from a protector role.

On 6/1/2019 at 8:13 PM, ET80 said:

Between you and I - you lived up to it. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

It was an honor working with you, @Matts4313

Rereading and wanted to say thank you kind sir.

On 6/1/2019 at 7:22 PM, SwAg said:

You don't know that he's the protector.

Mafia almost certainly has one, but you're not guaranteed it is him.

That could be Missions role. Why he hasnt had a kill write up. Mafia protector. 

On 6/1/2019 at 7:39 PM, SwAg said:

Non-Town didn't get the fake PM for another five hours from when this started.

Screw you all for giving me hell. I really wish I had never said the words PM and just busted Malf for his slip. 

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2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Damn, it looks like PR was actually spot on this game. Gotta give the man props where they are due. This isnt perfect, but its looking freaking close from a protector role.

Rereading and wanted to say thank you kind sir.

That could be Missions role. Why he hasnt had a kill write up. Mafia protector. 

Screw you all for giving me hell. I really wish I had never said the words PM and just busted Malf for his slip. 

No he wasn’t. He thought I was scum all game

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The night was quiet again. There are only so many ways to say nothing happened but nothing happened again last night.

It is now Day 12. With 6 alive and 6 voting, it's 4 to lynch! The deadline is tonight at 10:00 PM EST.

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Just now, Counselor said:

No he wasn’t. He thought I was scum all game

I said it wasnt perfect. 

Look at the rest of the list. Thats super impressive. He nailed Dome, Swag and Missions as scum. Nailed Squire, TK3, Dingo, Forge as civ. Called for the TKN kill.

Thats pretty good. Better than most. 

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