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Marvel Mafia - The game is over, the Sinister Six have conquered Earth!


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2 minutes ago, squire12 said:


Did you revert time back to bring matts back into the game?

What if Dome was a 1 shot lynchproof, but that return in time replenished that move?  Are the days and nights for that fitting?

its an interesting thought..

Dome was lynched on Day 5

Matts was lynched on Day 6

Matts was reverted back into the game Night 7

Dome was lynched again on Day 8


Even in a scenario with unintended consequences, I don't see the timelines lining up for something like that

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I think it still boils down to if we think there are 2 mafia, we lynch @squire12

Its probably the safer play anyways. Only concern is that Dome will have a bunch of hits. 

But my role set is going to reset tonight. So I should be able to roleblock Dome again tonight. 

I need @Tk3 to state he is avengers aligned. 

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Just now, Matts4313 said:

Only concern is that Dome will have a bunch of hits. 

Yep. 15 of em. You’ve blocked hits most every night since you got back but I’ve got a multi hit night coming right up. 


At least I’ll have the “told ya so” routine working in my favor the next few games. This has been the most frustrating game I’ve ever been apart of. 

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Just now, Dome said:

Yep. 15 of em. You’ve blocked hits most every night since you got back but I’ve got a multi hit night coming right up. 


At least I’ll have the “told ya so” routine working in my favor the next few games. This has been the most frustrating game I’ve ever been apart of. 

"There is a storm brewing"

What did host mean? 

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Just now, Matts4313 said:

"There is a storm brewing"

What did host mean? 

I have no idea. Probably a wroteup he’s said multiple times that mean nothing but you’re going to interpret it whatever fits your push best 

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Just now, Dome said:

I have no idea. Probably a wroteup he’s said multiple times that mean nothing but you’re going to interpret it whatever fits your push best 


Damn, I caught you and Malf D1 and D2. Couldnt get either one of you lynched though. I just dont have any pull any more. 

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@Matts4313 explain this. 

If you really think I hve a bunch of hits tonight or something, why would the host hint at that? What sense does that make to give up a big move like that? Has rackcs hinted at anything like what’s to come in previous writeups?


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1 minute ago, Dome said:

@Matts4313 explain this. 

If you really think I hve a bunch of hits tonight or something, why would the host hint at that? What sense does that make to give up a big move like that? Has rackcs hinted at anything like what’s to come in previous writeups?


Nope, which is why it was really weird and stood out.

The same reason I brought it up multiple times. 

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4 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

I am avengers-aligned.

The color of my alignment is black.

My wincon is to eliminate all threats to earth.

Ok, lets do it.


@squire12 => sorry if your civ. Its the smart play though. There is always the chance you are sabertooth.

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2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:


Damn, I caught you and Malf D1 and D2. Couldnt get either one of you lynched though. I just dont have any pull any more. 

1) I’m War Machine

2) Malf was civ when you “caught him” in a scum slip. 


Like i said. I don’t know how I can spell it out any more clearly what’s going on here. 


Sorry squire. Tried my best 

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11 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

That should work. What do you think @Counselor?

Lynch squire, roleblock dome, fact check TK3.

This should guarantee a win for us. 

This plan works as long as you are still avengers-aligned.

If you are avengers-aligned, then that means I can trust you on Counselor.

If the ratio is 4:1 and we mislynch Squire, then we still win assuming we can eventually lynch Dome

If the ratio is 4:2, then we NEED to lynch Squire, then we win assuming we can eventually lynch Dome

I think its the right play.


If you SOMEHOW manage to not be avengers-aligned, then you deserve to beat me. I'll risk the game on it though..


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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

Ok, lets do it.


@squire12 => sorry if your civ. Its the smart play though. There is always the chance you are sabertooth.

@Matts4313. Why not lynch dome.  If he escapes,  you roleblock him and lie detect me or tk3.

I am avengers aligned.  

Lynching me is a bad move.

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