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Marvel Mafia - The game is over, the Sinister Six have conquered Earth!


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1 hour ago, Matts4313 said:

This is how confident I am. Go with my plan about killing dome. And if he doesn't come back sin6, I will kill myself.


And I'm not dome, swag or malf.

I keep my word, and all of you know it.

Or you could modkill yourself and make the lynch decision for us LOL

The “do this and I’ll kill myself” schtick is such empty rhetoric

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I'm not going to be talked into counselor after he nearly motivated me.

I'm not going to be talked into tk3 over matts given everything I've seen.


I'm ready to lock in my vote. lets just wrap this game up today. I've already said my lynch tonight will not tell us anything we don't already know, I'm beating a dead horse at this point. 

@Counselor @Tk3 whether you decide to vote for me or for matts, lets do this tonight. 

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3 hours ago, Dome said:

You don't got **** for scruples.

Been discussed ad nauseum iirc.

Test me. Ive kept my word in every game. And I have been 100% honest since my gambit.

Yeah, its been discussed ad nausem and been correct everytime. Host hasnt mislead on flavor text one time. 

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8 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Finally. Some honesty. Good job.

We all know you are the God father. This lynch will finally prove it. 

I’ll come back War Machine and you’ll have to fake a claim against tk3


i already called your play lol 

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32 minutes ago, Dome said:

I’ll come back War Machine and you’ll have to fake a claim against tk3


i already called your play lol 

That would be hard to do seeing as I am willing to No Lynch today, investigated TK3 and roleblock you.

Im not sure why you would even have complaints about that.


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27 minutes ago, Dome said:

@Tk3 what could a no-lynch then matts “investigating you” prove?

@Matts4313 what do you hope to accomplish with a no lynch rather than at least trying to lynch me?

Because I know that you have had death proofs and I know that you "visited" yourself last night. So I am assuming you are death proof. If I roleblock you, you wont have that ability. My only concern is I dont understand if the roleblock would effect tonight vs tomorrow. If it were up to me, I would vote you both nights, let me roleblock you, and not take any chances. Investigating TK3 would 100% verify that he is not skrull or sin6. 99% chance he isnt. But I know I am not. I know Counselor is not. I would like to 100% know he isnt. 


There is only 1 flaw in my plan. My lie detect can only detect if you are telling the truth that you know. Ive been thinking about it => what if Skrull dont know they are skrull? 

But I still think sin6 (you) is the last thing holding us back. 

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30 minutes ago, Counselor said:

What’s your color alignment?

The font is black. I’ve said this multiple times man. If you don’t believe me you should ask matts why he hasn’t checked me yet. 

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