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STAR TREK: The Next Generation Mafia (Romulan Star Empire wins!)

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44 minutes ago, Glen said:

Also have never lied in mafia.

Except that one time last game I claimed scum.

Haven't you claimed scum and town this game 🤔

45 minutes ago, DingoLadd said:

You have a steal ability yet you have items? Smells like starfish. 


30 minutes ago, Glen said:

I actually never got a name for my role. Just my title 

Which is?

29 minutes ago, Dome said:

this may be big leap.

he just claim he not kill once, you just say he can't be kill at night

what you know that me dont?

No, just the verbiage I used.  He couldn't be killed at night bc he didnt die....what makes you think that is gonna change?

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2 hours ago, Dome said:

me use tricorder last night

me scan malf, touch and swag

mookie glen get in way, me scan them too

Me found Federation, Borg Collective and House of Duras

For reference.

Would assume 1 Borg & 1 HOD, rest feds

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2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

the literal only possible way that is can happen is if the move on me is not traceable. Which would completely negate the point of a watcher. 

I personally do not know what to tell you.

Can you divulge the move atleast?

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I personally dont think dome is lying

Calling out 5 members as possible scum puts a large target on your back

I truthfully dont know how my name came up though as I watched matts & supposedly nothing happened to him.

Only way I could see Dome possibly lying is by calling out Mookie & I if we both had been inactive & he is hoping to get 1-3 false hangings in.

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