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TV Mafia: Signup and Game Thread-Day three Ends at 9 PM Eastern Saturay


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2 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

And your point? The proof of where I have proven you to be wrong is all right there. 

If you were on trial in regards to me, then why did I stop at voting and stating it should be one of those three. As well as continue to affirm that is my stance throughout this entire argument? 

For the reason I just said.  Orca and I are in a dichotomy and you don’t want to partake because you cannot afford to lose Orca, but you’re unwilling to fully compromise yourself, so you’re doing this.

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3 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Know what really sold me, though, Touch?  What really drove home my conviction?  Maybe other people will find it interesting to read back upon, too.

You kept citing last game as a means of substantiating how I might be scum, as you allegedly struggle with this decision.  You know what you didn’t cite from last game?  I don’t know, how about your mason buddy getting a result of me targeting Orca on N1 as part of a kill cover for Dingo’s faction.  

Almost as though you don’t want to be seen as taking a hard stance on Orca or I, but rather put a question into undecided minds, while you continue to portray our positions as equal while I have a ton of thread proof, and Orca has “well, gee, seems like something Orca would do.”

And it explains your objection to any association with Orca — you’re making it plain as day that you don’t want associated with him, I mean, afterall — you spent so much more time accusing him of lying!

Yes, it’s very interesting that I pointed to a plausible scenario that you could be scum. I also pointed to plausible scenarios that orca was scum. 

Youre also right that I don’t want to take a hard stance on you two. It’s almost as tho I had said I didn’t want to do that. Then I also stated why. Yet, you fail to mention that ......

and here you are again making the same mistake. You have continuously said that I’ve tried to save orca, I have continuously proven that to be a false statement. 

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2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

For the reason I just said.  Orca and I are in a dichotomy and you don’t want to partake because you cannot afford to lose Orca, but you’re unwilling to fully compromise yourself, so you’re doing this.

Or I don’t want to partake for the exact reasons that I had already listed previously. Now you’re attempting to spin it into “I can’t afford to lose orca”. Except, orca was the one I went through first and also casted more doubt on than you until you created this fake *** argument attempting to paint me as scum. You fail to mention that aspect. Or that my continuous take has been someone outside of you two, you also failed to bring that up. 

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

How are you arguing with me that you’re hedging when you just said you didn’t want a hard stance, which indicates intent.  This is seriously beyond comprehension.

I’m arguing with you that I have had intent, the intent of the lynch being other than you two. Which is something that I have proven on numerous occasions, even cited exact posts, yet you continue to try and paint me as scum based on patently false statements made by you. 

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Just now, SwAg said:

I already told you I don’t believe your reasons.  Saying my alternative perspective is spinning, while being adamant of the same with yourself is hypocritical, matts.

Except, I’m not spinning your arguments or habitually leaving out facts to try and prove you as scum. 

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Just now, SwAg said:

Neither am I, you just keep saying that and quoting posts hours apart to “prove” whatever you’re declaring.

Except I have proven where you have continuously left out facts that disprove your arguments. 

So it’s either spinning the source material or blatant disregard for facts. 

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I think between Swag and Orca there’s at least one non town player. Whomever is playing the other deserves credit for orchestrating a detailed act.

Ultimately, I’m going to vote Orca. I think we can learn more from his death and I think of there two cases Swag is more trustworthy. It feels like lylo at this point. I think we have an auto vote situation if we’re incorrect with our vote today.

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Something that has stuck out in my mind. What was my end game claiming Swag was the ONLY visitor the night Pickle died...if I was scum?

Someone could have tracked me, someone could have actually watched Pickle, someone could have tracked Swag, someone could have roleblocked or redirected me or Swag...

then why claim my N1 move that I was untargetable unless someone got their move in before me and that I was told at least 1 person targeted me with a move?

Again, somone could have watched or tracked me before I got my move in (unlikley though), someone could have blocked or redirected me as well...

All of these are complete unknowns that anyone could have done that would have blown up my case and sentenced me to death if I was scum...

Food for thought as the hour nears and the lynch approaches

Pretty for sure Malf mentioned this before and it got buried in the hoopla today

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