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South Pole Madness Mafia: N8 Sunday at 10 pm est Nacho wins

Pickle Rick

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23 hours ago, Woz said:
8/12/2019 at 9:03 PM, Pickle Rick said:
On 8/12/2019 at 2:56 PM, Pickle Rick said:

Welcome Dr. Woz @Woz.  You have become increasingly paranoid to the point where at times you speak with the penguins.  As your sanity is slipping you realize survival is all that matters now. 


Alignment: You are Insanity Aligned 


Abilities: You have a needle full of blood that has been infected Dengue.  Each night you can:


-Infect (hit) a player 

-You have a 2 shot commute  


Each night you must also send me a section of the facility (grid) that you would like to search.  If you fail to do so, you will be randomly assigned one. 


So during the night I will need the following


            Night move:

            Grid search:


Wincon: Make it to the next sunrise when the next wave of scientists arrive at the USAMRIID facility.  Survive to the end of the game at all costs.


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2 hours ago, carl_sjunior said:

oh night one was last nite, i'm way late. my b.

@Pickle Rick here is your man...get him in this 

1 hour ago, Malfatron said:

i mean, it doesnt prove whicker is mafia

just that he tried to hit orca. which isnt danming at all

which means orca commuted.



37 minutes ago, VikeManDan said:

A few things from the write-up.

1. All of the bodies were burned and an autopsy could not be performed. Flavor?

2. KSJ was the only body that was identified. Why weren't Rags, Matts, or Mwil identified? The OP states we're locked in our rooms at night so one could reasonably assume it is their bodies, yet KSJ was the only one identified.

3. Can anyone run a test on the needle found in Mwil's arm? Otherwise I'm unsure how that is a clue.


My guess is there is a scientist that can test the needles/vials and a doctor of some kind that can do autopsies and reveal alignments of the dead. Those will be key investigative roles

On 8/11/2019 at 2:31 PM, Pickle Rick said:

We understand that there are doctors, scientists, security experts, security personnel, cooks, janitors, logistic experts, students, guides, drivers, and many other occupations here


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11 minutes ago, The Orca said:

My guess is there is a scientist that can test the needles/vials and a doctor of some kind that can do autopsies and reveal alignments of the dead. Those will be key investigative roles

On 8/11/2019 at 2:31 PM, Pickle Rick said:

We understand that there are doctors, scientists, security experts, security personnel, cooks, janitors, logistic experts, students, guides, drivers, and many other occupations here

Could be why the kills were covered up

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