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1 hour ago, SwAg said:

lol, I don’t even know whether to believe Malf that I was manipulated from the start, or this is all an elaborate last-ditch effort to gain credibility because it’s so unbelievable that it cannot be untrue.

Can you confirm that Pickle froze your vote when I redirected him to you N1/N2 (whatever night the first was since technically N1 was canceled). Did anything else happen to you before your staged dramatic meltdown?

1 hour ago, SwAg said:

I’ll presume you’re telling the truth here about targeting Touch, which I’m doubting at the moment.

I got confirmation that Malf was sent to Touch. IF Malf is telling the truth, then it COULD make sense that Malf was sent to Touch who then was redirected to Pickle, who died. That said, I believe Malf did also theorize that Naz was JOAT...meaning I'm betting one of those two is lying or scum.

1 hour ago, SwAg said:

MWil usually gets here around this time.  And we have time for the rest too.

Sorry I'm late. Hi SwAg.

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so we got


@Slappy Mc, - afk

@theuntouchable - sent to pickle the night we was hit. orca claimed touch visited himself n3 (bcb was hit by mafia that day)

@MWil23 - mason. verified redirector. town

@Malfatron - JOAT. redirected touch to pickle n4.  verified in part by whicker, mwil, and touch

 @Ragnarok - ??

@kingseanjohn - hall monitor visited him n4

@VikeManDan - ????

 @Whicker - tracker

@The Orca - watcher

@Nazgul - claimed JOAT. roleblocked me n2. didnt reveal any other used moves

@SwAg - rolecop

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4 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

That said, I believe Malf did also theorize that Naz was JOAT...meaning I'm betting one of those two is lying or scum.

naz did claim that roleblocking was only 1 aspect of his moveset. orca mentioned that mafia might have a bank of moves to use. which could explain why Naz hasnt claimed any of his other moves

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Just now, Malfatron said:

okay. i think the hall monitor should claim.

its possible that it functions like a roleblock/full protection

could also verify whether the move put on ksj is a scim move or not

@SwAg thoughts?


Reminder that BCB was the confirmed Town roleblocker

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