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The Orca's Horror Movie Mafia and Interactive Massacre- Evil and Unknown Win!!!!

The Orca

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3 minutes ago, SwAg said:

<shoot Touch> @The Orca

You walk up to where Touch is hiding out. An orca brings Touch forward while he is screaming bloody murder at the orca...like he thought they would protect him.

Touch steps forward ready to meet his maker

@SwAg draws the sawed off shotgun and puts it to Touch's forehead. With a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye he laughs and pulls the trigger

POP!!!!! Boom!!!!!

In a split second there is a huge explosion. 

The dust clears and Swag's body is seen on the ground, missing his head

@SwAg is dead, he is A Nightmare on Elmstreet, Evil Aligned


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