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Final Fantasy Tactics Mafia (Ivalice wins!)


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4 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

What about tk3 or whicker....what are your thoughts about them?

Generally nice guys. Good at the game. TK3 rational, logical, calculated. Whicker emotional, inconsistent, passionate. 

Oh, you meant this game? No lean yet.

4 minutes ago, Llamalover said:

I said I don't want to sound like one.

That doesn't mean I'm not a pansy.

So what you are saying is you are putting up a facade? Trying to hide things? 

Sounds scummy. 

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5 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I don’t care about my meta.  I care that people consistently lie about my meta, and actively fabricate it.  That is the issue, not a desire to have my meta perceived in any particular way.

When I cite meta, I use particular examples to substantiate the general behavioral read.  What I am stuck with is some general proclamation devoid of detail, and when pressed people say “he’s agreeing!” or “he’s not hostile!”  

That is just nonsense, and this is only the latest ideation.  Rick and Orca accuses me of multiple, contradictory metas in the same game, across like fifteen consecutive games, and you all let this nonsense stand.  If I don’t stand up for the truth, and reason, it is abundantly apparent none of you will, so long as you’re not explicitly implicated.

Describe in detail your meta, just so we have it on record xD

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