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MKE Bucks Thread | Offseason


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1 hour ago, Herbie_Hancock said:

Giannis has been garbage ever since Toronto. Garbage. 

Yeah, I don't know if he's worn down, or if he's just trying to force things, but it's been a while since he's had this kind of four-game stretch. Almost want them to give him the DNP - Knee for the Rockets and Knicks games next week and just let him rest for a full week for the stretch run.

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16 minutes ago, IrishGreen said:

think i'd re-sign parker (frick it), try to middleton for a shooter and possibly dump a contract in the process. try to unload henson and sign a veteran big who can d up and rebound. doesn't need to be flashy. 

Re-signing Jabari isn't happening IMO. Rumors that he and Giannis don't like each other. 

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10 minutes ago, bkobow05 said:

Re-signing Jabari isn't happening IMO. Rumors that he and Giannis don't like each other. 

i haven't really heard that substantiated at all though. like they certainly don't look chummy, but idk.

either way on that front, i want middleton gone for someone else. so done with him.

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7 minutes ago, IrishGreen said:

i haven't really heard that substantiated at all though. like they certainly don't look chummy, but idk.

either way on that front, i want middleton gone for someone else. so done with him.

If we can get somebody to eat one or two of the bad contracts, I'd almost be fine giving him away. Garbage, forced shots offensively and complete laziness and indifference defensively.

The only hope of keeping Giannis long-term is blowing it up. Otherwise you're just sitting as a 4 to 6 seed the next few years and then sitting back and watching him jet to Philly.

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