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Meme Mafia - Town - (minus Mwil) wins


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2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I mean, really, MWil is likely belligerent Town who wants to make a play like his hero, SwAg.  But, he botched the execution when fight or flight took over and he started panicking when I called him on it.

Dude straight up said he's a Princess role, which is a "lie detector" instead of matts naming the role "Lie Detector."  This is what you're willing to believe.  Do I need to bump a quote of matts calling the Lie Detector a Lie Detector to prove this? Odds are, he is the typical Princess role lmfao

Normally, you brush things like this off 

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5 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Lol, I don’t think I’ve played poorly at all. I’ve done exactly what I set out to do. I’m about 95% certain the only reason it hasn’t been realized yet is because of someone pardoning the lynch. 

Nah, you've been blatantly misinterpreting/misrepresenting the arguments of everyone you've engaged with throughout the whole game

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2 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Interesting. Please, do tell what I am.

Yes it is. You have a chat.

So, let's keep track:

SwAg: Said I went nowhere N1

Also SwAg: Said Pickle is scum

Also SwAg: I'm a cop!

Also SwAg: I'm not JUST a cop, I do other stuff too!


He knows I'm a Princess because it's true. His faction knows it too. They've wanted me gone for a reason since then.


2 hours ago, SwAg said:

Bro, I was modblocked last night, I clearly didn’t go anywhere.  

You, Counselor, and Rick are just ******* dumb if you thought I was serious with The Cop / investigating Rick bit.


2 hours ago, MWil23 said:

And that's exactly why I used it LAST NIGHT.


2 hours ago, SwAg said:

No, you didn’t.  You don’t have a lie defect and that’s not a lie. 😂 


2 hours ago, MWil23 said:

@SwAg: I challenge you to a duel. 

@Dome: Does this sound good to you? One of us is on the block and the other stays. You don't interfere.


1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

My invest is spot on perfect and I saved it for the right time. Since Dome has taken it upon himself to do whatever he wants and basically play a game of kindergarten recess mafia and take his ball and go home if he doesn't get what he wants, there's no more reason to go down this road.


1 hour ago, SwAg said:

Yeah, you don’t have a lie detect.  And I didn’t lie there.  So, if you want to try to be like me and fake invests effectively, maybe take some tips from my successful plays.


1 hour ago, SwAg said:

This really gets better every time I read it.


1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

My lie detect was 100% perfect and the results were confirmed. You DO have a chatty.

You do what you gotta do, and I'll do what I've got to do.


1 hour ago, SwAg said:

Nah, you don’t.  

If you’re saying you’re a Princess role, then you’re not a lie detector.

And I didn’t lie, so.


1 hour ago, SwAg said:

I’d be really interested in seeing the Lie Detecting Princess role! 😂

@Dome they would rather die than reasonably work with you, man.  It breaks my heart.


1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

SwAg is now trying to convince himself and angry that he missed my lie detector on his faction's invest N1.


1 hour ago, SwAg said:

lol, you made up a lie detect, and claimed a role name, and Princess is sorta a uniform role in Mafia.  It’s like the Innocent Child.  

So, for future reference, fake investigations work on less experienced people.  And are preferably used on people who are scum.


1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

@Dome don't tell me what to do.

Full disclosure:

I'm now selling my ability and my vote to the highest bidder and having as much fun as I can while I'm still in this game. 


1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

I'm lie detecting myself tonight.

As for now, I'll just go ahead and vote Pickle Rick because I don't care anymore.


1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

That also made it difficult to lie detect D1. 


1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

Yeah, I'm going to carry over grudges into other games, unwritten mafia rules/play or otherwise.


1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

SwAg was caught in a lie on my lie detector last night. He got careless and HAS A CHAT.

He's also a cop/tracker/can skip night based upon thread claims.



1 hour ago, SwAg said:

Yeahno, you don't have a lie detect, and I don't have a chat.  You're making it up, and it's a bit pitiful, especially as you ignored everything I've said in response to this nonsense since your initial panic post.

I mean, I never seriously claimed any of that, but if you want to lie about that to these fine people, I'm sure they can read.

I'm Town.


1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

You say this like it's an outlier. We can use that logic in literally any game that those two play in minus the outliers that are viable/legitimate when they played a controlled tempo.


My 3 year old: Daddy, can we go to the park today?

Me: We'll see sweetie!

3 year old: *Walks away happy because I just told her no without her realizing that I told her no*



1 hour ago, SwAg said:

I mean, this would be more accurate if your daughter told you that she was suffering from Park-itus, where the only cure is to go to the Park.  That more accurately reflects your made-up investigation.


57 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

@theuntouchable having a toddler himself can confirm that this is a thing for toddlers. 

Congratulations on escaping my lie detector on a technicality that Dome can hold this entire game hostage until the rest of the mindless sheep out there bow to his will despite a positive invest.


56 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

SwAg this game is the Adjudicator of Apathy presiding for the nonsense judge Dome the Magistrate of Mayhem


53 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

You've not escaped anything as of yet, and I'm not lying.

I'm about to be held in contempt of court.

@Dome please allow me to be a lynch candidate today.


53 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I hardclaim Mafia. 



46 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Well, seeing as MWil actually made that up, I don't know what to tell you, rack.


44 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I'm excited to flip Town. Oh, and when I do, at least there will be a paper trail to follow/breadcrumb.


40 minutes ago, SwAg said:

This is amusing.  MWil claimed a Princess role, but said he's a lie detector.  And he's trying to say I have the ridiculous claims when I haven't seriously claimed anything yet.

MWil is literally playing The Orca "I'm pitiful, please help this poor bastard out" card to get people to believe his fake invest lmao


37 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Bro, you claimed Princess.  If your role does what a normal Princess role does, you essentially dropped full loafs of bread on the sidewalk.

But you're Mafia with Rick, so I'm think it's a ruse.


19 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

SwAg was modblocked last night and claimed an invest on Pickle, then he calls Counselor's green invest on Pickle an insane one.

SwAg claimed he visited me N1 and went nowhere and called me Princess, which is amusing.

I have a positive lie detector test on his "Not having a chatty" quote on P. 161.



17 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

He's also using it to justify his theory on me and Counselor as scum with PR.

More likely, he's trying to out civ role powers and doing a great job of it.


14 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Honestly, this is pitiful.

It's clear that you thought out this fake investigation, but it's still fake. 

Your initial panic post made it absolutely clear that it's fake. 

You're claiming the Princess Role, but also a lie detector, while going through and yelling that my nondescript claims don't make sense.

And I'm the one who pointed out I was modblocked and obviously not serious because apparently half the game either does not read or lacks the capacity to comprehend.

Plus, I didn't lie.  So, there.  Your invest is fake, and poorly executed.


7 minutes ago, MWil23 said:



7 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I mean, really, MWil is likely belligerent Town who wants to make a play like his hero, SwAg.  But, he botched the execution when fight or flight took over and he started panicking when I called him on it.

Dude straight up said he's a Princess role, which is a "lie detector" instead of matts naming the role "Lie Detector."  This is what you're willing to believe.  Do I need to bump a quote of matts calling the Lie Detector a Lie Detector to prove this? Odds are, he is the typical Princess role lmfao


6 minutes ago, SwAg said:

You're not even responding to me because you know I dunked on you and you're clearly faking, but hey, more power to ya guy.


6 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

On which account? There's no reason to. I've caught you RED HANDED

I called you on the fake invest, and you immediately panic spewed that it was fake and said that you're The Princess. 
Then you spent 2 hours dodging around your initial panic spew and repeating the rhetoric and doing a "woe is me" schtick, while interpreting clear jokes disingenuously to try to give you something of substance to push your fake investigation alongside... All while I continuously bring it up. 

Plus, The Princess is a nearly universal role, but you're saying that you're not that role, and you're The Lie Detector.  Somehow, I'm pretty sure Matts knows what a Lie Detector is, and would call it "Lie Detector," not make a random The Princess be the Lie Detector.

You realized you made an error, and you're hoping to simply ignore it like you did in Orca's game when you claimed Vig.  You need to face facts, you're not going to get one over on me.  I've even said that you actually believe that I'm scum and went for the Lie Detect claim because of that, which again...would make sense for a Princess role.

So, really, you're lying, but also likely Town, so...

Also, I'm Town, and I don't have chat.  So, your fake investigation is extra fake.

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Just now, rackcs said:

Nah, you've been blatantly misinterpreting/misrepresenting the arguments of everyone you've engaged with throughout the whole game


there’s been 2 people and there was a very specific reason why.

Do you recall how swag has reacted in the past when I’ve poked and prodded?

do you see how different it was this time?

Did you see how “willing” he was to bring up the previous argument with bullet points but then waited well over 24 hours to even do it? Even though I continuously poked him about it? 

Do you see how he focused a lot on specific verbiage, instead of my overall point? 

(it’s because he’s scum) 


dome I was just trying to get riled up but someone else burst that bubble before it grew. 

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