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Meme Mafia - Town - (minus Mwil) wins


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3 hours ago, SwAg said:

Like we can post as much as we want as long as it’s not about the game.

I think this threads needs a 78,000 word Harry Potter fan faction.

    Far above the Drippy Drop Hills lived a family of four, 11 year old Piedmont Fairchild, his sister Piper and their parents Lilac and Julian. They lived as normal of a life as people with those names could. If you were to ask the neighbors what they thought of the Fairchild family, they would surely call them quirky, but as kind-hearted as they came. This was a common description of the family, ever since their family dog mysteriously disappeared one day and in return were found caring for a rather suspiciously large Wallaby. Though, the neighbors always pushed those concerns aside, and instead labeled the family as odd, or strange. Either reasoning was much better than the alternative, that something beyond the ordinary was happening at the Fairchild residence. Which just couldn't possibly be true. 

    One fine evening, Piedmont found himself lollygagging home as was the norm with him. He had spent the previous countless hours sprawled across the local park, despite the apprehensive looks from those who certainly couldn't understand. Though, he was not as one may say 'wasting his time' or 'passing the hours.' Oh no, he was on a mission. Today, like many days before he was searching for something even rarer than the four leaf clover - the five leaf clover. Of course, if you knew the Fairchild family, such excursions were to be expected. Just last summer they spent a weekend in Edinburgh tracking a supposed Blue-Footed fly. An excursion that came up empty of course, such creatures just didn't exist. Piedmont Fairchild was exactly the kind of kid that most children didn't wish to be. Though, Piedmont didn't mind. He hardly took notice to most people or things around him. Some would call him care-free, but he would describe himself as focused if forced to do so. He stood no taller than the coat rack in his father's study, and despite sneaking desserts at night, he still found himself vastly underweight. His hair, much like his mother's was a brilliant golden blonde - a trait that has been with the family for generations. Not that the family knew, but this was do to their distant relationship to a very underwhelming Veela. Though it may not have looked like it, Piedmont was in a hurry. He was already late for dinner. And, today of all days they were having his absolute favorite, rabbit stew with extra crunchy carrots. As unfortunate as it would some become, Piedmont would not be arriving for dinner as soon as he planned.

"Child!" strikingly shouted a nearby shop owner. The sudden shout certainly frightened the young adolescent, but it wasn't out of the ordinary in Holeburn. They were a small town, where everyone was everyone's neighbor and best friend. "You best be gettin' back now. The winds are brewing. A storm is coming."

"Yes, sir. I am heading there now" The shopkeeper returned a friendly nod before closing his door and shutting down his business for the night. 

    As strange as many people found Piedmont and his family, their manners were always a talking point around the town center. People were just not that polite nowadays. If people didn't know better, they would say that the Fairchild family were old-fashioned. Little did they know how close to the truth they really were. For the majority of their existence, the Fairchild family lived in 1800 England, an era much different than today. The children were not aware of this secret tidbit, as the time jump happened far before they could totally comprehend. Mr. Fairchild, or Julian as was his birthright was a wizard. And, a lousy one at that. He couldn't even tie his shoes properly without lighting an anglet aflame. He would never say it himself but he never even finished his first year at Hogwarts, deciding to drop out for bigger and better things. Unknowing to him, those bigger and better things would soon become serving milkshakes and lollipops at the local creamery. It was a life full of flavor, but not as exciting as Julian Fairchild would have liked. He set home at one after home one day, and opened an old school book. He wanted to be known, remembered throughout history. The best way to do this he thought, was to create his own spells. And, so he went to work at his new job. Another job he was lousy at, but being a wizard - unfortunately worked out in a way. He created a spell to foresee the future for himself. He had tried having a seer do so for him, but being unenthusiastic as his reading, he had to see for himself. Like most uninformed wizards, the spell backfired and the Fairchild line was brought into the future instead of being able to see the future. So, you can see why many would believe the family to be old fashioned. For Goodness sake, they were.

    The shopkeeper was certainly right. The winds were changing quickly. Just at the park, their was nearly no wind, no sign of an incoming storm. Piedmont had even checked the weather report earlier that day and no such storm was predicted. It wasn't the first time meteorologists were wrong however. They are known to be as unreliable as they came. Nonetheless, Piedmont felt like he really should take the advice of the shopkeeper and hurry home. He picked up his pace. He didn't get more than halfway there before the first raindrop hit Piedmont squarely on the tip of his nose. Freak storms were nothing to take lightly. By now, the wind had picked up so much that his pace was forced to slow down, as the force against him was only tiring him out at an accelerated rate. Which would certainly be no good, and by no means was Piedmont a track runner. His stamina was merely average, so he slowed down despite not wanting to. Soon however, the rain picked up and was on par with the foreboding winds. If you were to hold out your hands directly in front of you, you would have a difficult time in seeing your palm lines. That was how ferocious this freak storm had begun. He would not be getting home anytime soon, and instead decided to find the closest viable place of shelter and wait out the worst of the rain. Fortunately, it wouldn't be long before he stumbled upon just the place, "Wagner's Corner Store." The store was family owned, and had been a staple in the community ever since Piedmont could remember walking there with his mother on the weekends. He was in good graces again with the youngest Wagner child, Tyler. The two had been avoiding each other ever since Tyler witnessed something especially strange with Piedmont. By no means was it dangerous, but it was something that a child could definitely take the wrong way. Which, Tyler certainly did.

    Piedmont entered the corner store, hoping he would be warmly greeting. The previous pep in his step had long faded. Piedmont had always felt in tune with the weather. When the day was bright and sunny, he always felt happiest. Though, when it rained, he was never in the best of moods. Though, he hoped this change soon as well. And, it certainly would in the most incredible way soon enough. 

"Hello? Mr... Wagner?" his voiced tailed off at the end as he took in the suspicious room. Nothing was out of the ordinary for the most part. If any out-of-townee were to enter the building now, they would just think the place wasn't open for the day. But, for those accustomed to the 24/7 operating hours, they would know that something as meaningless as the lights being down meant something. Without hesitation, Piedmont took off his shoes. They always did make the most unamusing noises when wet. Not realizing it, he placed his prize find of the day - a five leaf clover in the front pocket of his jeans and made his way to the employee break room hoping Mr. Wagner or any other Wagner would be there. From his time watching horror movies, Piedmont considered himself an expert at how to avoid trouble. The first thing most people did wrong in the movies was to storm right into a room without hesitation or being prepared. Piedmont knew better, and fastened his ear to the door just in case something or someone was there who didn't belong. He heard voices, two of them he could make out. But, that is it. It was too faint to make out any words. Even more suspicious than the lights being out in the front, was the lights being out in the break room. Looking around, Piedmont could see that the fridge behind the check-out lane was still lit, meaning that the power was certainly working. Just in case, Piedmont picked up a can from the shelf behind him, holding it firmly in his right hand before slowly pushing the door open. 

    The scene was certainly frightening. It would have been for anyone, yet alone a scrawny eleven year old like him. In the back of the store was the man he came to see, Mr. Wagner. Though, his view of him was distorted by the apparent giant who had his back turned to him. The giant was nearly head to toe as tall as the ceiling of the room. His wild, dark colored hair flowed past his shoulders. Unfortunately, he couldn't see his face. Though, he wish he could. How else would he be able to describe the man to police. They would think he was just another child who got scared reading Jack and the Beanstalk. No, he needed to see his face. Without thinking, he forgot rule number two of horror movies. If it doesn't concern you, stay out of the way. The can, which he was gripping much tighter than he remembered still sat in his hand, but not for long. He chucked the can as hard as he could at the stranger, hitting him square in the back of his long trench coat. He had a feeling that the can did no more damage than a paper airplane hitting his back would. Slowly, the giant turned toward the boy in the doorway, and was just about to say something before Mr. Wagner, now finally seeing the child in the doorway of his break room shouted in his place, "There! There! That is him!" his voiced seem panicky. He appeared to be more scared of the giant than Piedmont did, who at the moment was fixated on the giants face, making sure not to miss a detail. 

    "Are ye sure?" asked the giant, looking back at the shop owner. His voice surprisingly wasn't that of a man you were sure would be killing you that night. Instead, it had a cheerful ,if not inviting tone to it. Surely it was only a ploy to lure in his victims. Well, Piedmont had seen enough of this, when the giant turned back he darted out of the doorway and made his way back to the exist of his door. He would take his changes with the storm over the giant. 

"Of course I'm sure. My son is only friends with the boy." he violently gestured to the door. "Well, he's getting away now."

    The giant backed around to the door to see the exact thing Mr. Wagner was telling him. The boy was just not there anymore. In apparently no hurry, the giant made his way to the door, and entered back into the store before poking his head back into the break room once more, "Thanks. Much appreciated." was all he said before making off for good. Piedmont, now at the exist of the door looked back to check on his pursuer, sure enough he stood there looking directly at him, once again the two found each other fixated on one another. 

"Well, you gonna be leavin', or do ya needa umbrella?" spoke the giant, addressing young Piedmont for the first time.

"Who are you?" the kid asked in return, trying not to have his voice shake. He taught himself well from his movie watching habits. 

"I'm Hagrid, of course." spoke the giant, as if he thought this the most obvious question." 

"Sorry, never heard of you." returned Piedmont, picking up on the surprised tone of the giant.

"From Hogwarts. Groundskeeper. Keeper of the keys."

"Hog.. what?"

"Hogwarts school." Hagrid didn't seem to be picking up on the child's obvious confusion. Though, Piedmont was intrigued, and that was the only thing keeping him from running. Which pretty broke all of his own rules about horror or frightening situations.

"A school? I think you are mistaken. I am home-schooled you see."

"Of course you are, but now you'll be goin' to Hogwarts. We've only been waiting for you for over 2 centuries now. Better than home-schooled it is."

"Who are you?" He couldn't help himself any longer. He was intrigued sure, but he was even more confused. "You offer me to go to school with you. You are like fifty feet tall. My mom warned me about people like you. Strangers. Outsiders."

"Hmpf." The giant was certainly at a loss of words. Of course he has had children ask him these stories before, and he was always more than happy to answer. But, tonight he was on a deadline. He had other children to give their letters to. He couldn't spend all night with this one. "Here." he spoke again. "This will do more good than I could." Hagrid handed Piedmont a  letter, emblazoned with the most magnificent emerald letters he ever saw. He was skeptical, but after seeing his own name written on the front of the envelope, he decided it wouldn't hurt to open it up. He removed the letter from within, and read:

Dear Mr. Fairchild,. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 

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@Malfatron @theuntouchable @squire12

The ball is in your court

If your thinking of the game at the moment is


If so, lynch mafia

Bcb kills, mafia kills


Lynch I guess mafia (if wrong auto loss)

Bcb kills


Random lynch to decide unless you trust that a killer/cult can win with town




If so, lynch bcb (if he is alone like you all believe (I dont))

mafia kills


Lynch mafia (you all think it's a given)

Mafia kills


You all know the last, game over town wins


Now if I'm right and Touch is converted

3-2-2 leaving Bcb alive is game over for town imo

It also could be 

4-1-2 or 5-1-1 if Kotn was mafia (given he was the redirector I believe he totally was. His alignment though is up for grabs. Given the role...I'd say mafia. Could have wanted to use my info on Racks to get him lynched

Now lynching Bcb imo gives us info on the orange. The ratio Matts posted had 2 orange. Not 1 orange and 1 another color. I strongly believe he was aligned with Dome and now Touch 

I'd say

Town- orca, daboyle, malf, squire

Mafia- wolf

Cult- bcb, touch




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1 minute ago, The Orca said:

@Malfatron @theuntouchable @squire12

The ball is in your court

If your thinking of the game at the moment is


If so, lynch mafia

Bcb kills, mafia kills


Lynch I guess mafia (if wrong auto loss)

Bcb kills


Random lynch to decide unless you trust that a killer/cult can win with town




If so, lynch bcb (if he is alone like you all believe (I dont))

mafia kills


Lynch mafia (you all think it's a given)

Mafia kills


You all know the last, game over town wins


Now if I'm right and Touch is converted

3-2-2 leaving Bcb alive is game over for town imo

It also could be 

4-1-2 or 5-1-1 if Kotn was mafia (given he was the redirector I believe he totally was. His alignment though is up for grabs. Given the role...I'd say mafia. Could have wanted to use my info on Racks to get him lynched

Now lynching Bcb imo gives us info on the orange. The ratio Matts posted had 2 orange. Not 1 orange and 1 another color. I strongly believe he was aligned with Dome and now Touch 

I'd say

Town- orca, daboyle, malf, squire

Mafia- wolf

Cult- bcb, touch




So bcb only converted 2 at most in 6 nights?

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