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BDL Discussion Thread 2020


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18 minutes ago, Jlash said:

The real question is, who has/had a team built around solely 1 player that was getting wins this season?

I think you misunderstand my comments. I'm not suggesting ppl are building around 1 guy. I'm suggesting at times, some of the votes (comments to explain them) come across as the votes are being cast because of 1 or 2 guys. Idk if that's really the case. Just my perception at times. 

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1 minute ago, wwhickok said:

I think you misunderstand my comments. I'm not suggesting ppl are building around 1 guy. I'm suggesting at times, some of the votes (comments to explain them) come across as the votes are being cast because of 1 or 2 guys. Idk if that's really the case. Just my perception at times. 


On 11/13/2019 at 4:38 AM, wwhickok said:

I've grown tired of watching ppl vote about how great one QB is and making their decision based on that but letting it slide on how bad others are.

OKC led by Kyle Allen who isnt terrible beats a team led by Josh Allen who is.


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2 minutes ago, WFLukic said:



My assessment was not based on a singular player. It was based on the completeness of the roster and how I felt each team would perform and QB, to be fair is a large part of offensive performances. But I consider far more in casting my votes than a singular player.

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How on earth did Cody Ford get fined (when Duke Johnson made the same block earlier in the game and didn't get a flag) and yet Clowney doesn't for deliberately hitting a player in the back of the head and concussing them.

How ******* rigged is this league lol. 

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