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LyLo Mafia Tournament


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1 minute ago, FinneasGage said:

your instincts are what makes you so consistently good at this **** 

Do you remember our last interaction in Mafia?  In which you were a mumble mouth retard incapable of reading directly from their PM and got yourself lynched by admitting to being Mafia as Town?

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The brothers three were already good and drunk. @FinneasGage reacted quickly and threw a punch at @SwAg. He fell backwards and his head slammed against the brick fireplace. He was dead almost instantly. As the blood began to pool around his head, @FinneasGage realized his mistake. He turned to face @Glen who was now disgustingly pale and somewhat translucent. He tried to throw another punch but it went right through @Glen's body. He threw another punch and another, all to no avail.

@Glen had a sad look on his face as he said "I'm sorry brother."

@Glen reached his head out and pressed it against @FinneasGage's mouth. As @Glen sucked the soul from his brother's body, his body began to regain its corporal essence. @FinneasGage dropped to his knees before falling to the floor dead. @Glen smiled.

"It's good to be back."

@Glen has won! He was the ghost brother. @SwAg and @FinneasGage have lost.

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

Do you remember our last interaction in Mafia?  In which you were a mumble mouth retard incapable of reading directly from their PM and got yourself lynched by admitting to being Mafia as Town?

this is inaccurate i'm ******* highly literate and possess zero mumbles. i verrrrry faintly remember this **** and from what i recall it was actually just because you just did a very obviously bad job of recognizing sarcasm, which was also very ******* obvious. from what i recall. but i am prone to both mumble mouthing and brief instances of retardation 

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