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Burn Notice (S1) Mafia: Game Over (UPDATED)


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Just now, Malfatron said:

we shouldnt mass claim yet people


Just now, Malfatron said:

this needs to stop

I am not asking for people to mass claim. I wan't to give ourselves better odds. Knowing whether or not someone used an ability (which everyone seems to have some kind of ability) is helpful in finding which of the 7 who used moves could be the two murderers we need to catch.

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Just now, Slappy Mc said:


I am not asking for people to mass claim. I wan't to give ourselves better odds. Knowing whether or not someone used an ability (which everyone seems to have some kind of ability) is helpful in finding which of the 7 who used moves could be the two murderers we need to catch.

i get it

but people are role claiming for no reason

gives scum a better idea of who to kill

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15 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

@rackcs - what did you do with your remaining move?

So I'll own up to my embarrassment. I lied about my final move being a watch, it was actually a kill and I killed swoosh. By the time I came back later and read what his claim was and that touch wants to kill me I realized my error but it was too late to change my move. So that's what all of the stuff earlier was about sucking and why I specifically said sorry to swoosh. So sorry to the rest of town too and I promise I'll be paying attention and play better forward. And if I don't at least I don't have any more moves to screw everyone with.


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Just now, rackcs said:

So I'll own up to my embarrassment. I lied about my final move being a watch, it was actually a kill and I killed swoosh. By the time I came back later and read what his claim was and that touch wants to kill me I realized my error but it was too late to change my move. So that's what all of the stuff earlier was about sucking and why I specifically said sorry to swoosh. So sorry to the rest of town too and I promise I'll be paying attention and play better forward. And if I don't at least I don't have any more moves to screw everyone with.


oh no racks...

i had swoosh as pretty clear town

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17 minutes ago, The Orca said:

How does what feel...this hot streak has been awesome xD

Very good possibility 

Yep it was me, great job flushing that out. Figured with the red herrings for town there could have been a town role for scum (more so with the government Aligned players now as well). Wasnt ready to go that route but you and others nailed that one 

Why did you tag me here?

No, you saying anyone that isn’t westen or unlikely is a threat is inaccurate. 

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1 minute ago, Slappy Mc said:


I am not asking for people to mass claim. I wan't to give ourselves better odds. Knowing whether or not someone used an ability (which everyone seems to have some kind of ability) is helpful in finding which of the 7 who used moves could be the two murderers we need to catch.

Also inevitably when someone claims to not have used a move and we go over our 8 player budget we use process of elimination to catch them. Its a double edge sword for anyone not aligned with Town.

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Just now, Malfatron said:

oh no racks...

i had swoosh as pretty clear town

Well like I said I haven't been paying attention and hadn't seen his claim. If I'd known about the claim I wouldn't have put the move in. It is what it is though and I'll just try to do better going forward.

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1 minute ago, rackcs said:

So I'll own up to my embarrassment. I lied about my final move being a watch, it was actually a kill and I killed swoosh. By the time I came back later and read what his claim was and that touch wants to kill me I realized my error but it was too late to change my move. So that's what all of the stuff earlier was about sucking and why I specifically said sorry to swoosh. So sorry to the rest of town too and I promise I'll be paying attention and play better forward. And if I don't at least I don't have any more moves to screw everyone with.


Well I feel like I have to take some responsibility for this... @swoosh sorry for ever pushing you and bringing your name and alignment into the light.

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