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Crazy Media ideas thread.


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Considering that Halloween is around the corner, I wanted to expand one of my previous horror story concepts.
A small town in the middle of Europe near the border of two formerly warring countries. The town holds two pieces of notoriety, it is the birthplace of a hero from the recent war, who sacrificed his life halting an attacking regiment of soldiers, and the articulate clockwork designed therein. In reverence to their fallen hero, the town constructs a grand clock tower in the center of the pre-electricity town and commissions a relatively renown composer to create a short Stoic tune titled after the town’s pride. The unique somber chime never fails to halt everyone in the market square midday reminding them of their blessings. And the blessings are abundant with foreign demand for the artisan clock pieces providing the craftsmen relatively luxurious lifestyles, and that wealth trickles down to the fledgling apprentices.
Midnight. The tune wakens every towns person from their content autumn slumber. Never before had the tune chimed at midnight, so nervously the men of the houses, attired in sleeping garments, gather torches and make towards their front doors. Nothing seems amiss as a few gather as in the square discussing what they heard. The mayor, standing perched upon a bench, dismisses the assembled men, as it is late, and the situation can be addressed in the morning.
Morning comes and the day starts anew. A couple of town leaders arise earlier than usual and, having observed nothing abnormal, ensure the citizens everyone is safe and can go about their daily routines.
A week passes and nobody notices the absence of a lonely hermit, who lived on the outer edge of town, from daily life. A middle class baker, who grows curious by the hermit’s recent lack of purchases, decides on investigating the small abode after finishing his workday. After inspecting the residence, no sign of the old hermit is found, but various items such as left out a plate with a half consumed meal and utensils intrigue the baker. Even in this well-to-do area of Europe, nobody would leave a meal half-eaten and out spoiling.
The baker decides on reporting his findings to the local constable, but a peculiar sight crosses his vision as he returns from the poorer section of the town. The graveyard seems to have a fresh pile of dirt located near the entrance. Although the village thrived, the population was relatively sparse and any funeral would be the subject of gossip for weeks. Curiosity and fear strike the baker’s imagination. He heads towards the swinging gates and reads the hastily scrawled tombstone denoting the hermit. The date of death being the night of the midnight chime.
The midnight chime occurs a few more times in the upcoming months with a few more victims.

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/15/2020 at 10:01 AM, cconocool said:

It is pretty politically incorrect, but I thought this comedy scenario was so hilarious I needed to share it.
The scene is set in a factory. A homely stout lady goes up to a male worker. "I am tired of you guys gazing at me all the time like I am a piece of meat." The worker responds, "We are so sorry Suzabelle. We cannot help it." "I have told you a number of times to stop catcalling me and making wolf whistles." ( In a factory mostly compromised of males, even the least of women will get male attention) She continues, "But enough is enough. Now I am going to quit pursue my dream. I am going off to Hollywood, California to be a famous actress." "No Suzabelle, we'll knock it off." "I have already made up my mind. I have been thinking about this for a long time and I think I have the talent necessary to make it in Hollywood." A loud "DON'T LEAVE" echoes as she exits the scene. 

I had a great add-on to this scene. 

Suzabelle sits at the lunch table and starts pounding her fists on the table shouting ,"California! California! California!"

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  • 1 month later...

Recently I have been thinking about how much I love stories which intertwine the horror and detective genres. So naturally a plot outline came to me.
The title would be something along the lines of "The House with 5 Corpses." The protagonist would enter an abandoned house in an effort to retrieve x stolen important heirloom. He wouldn't want to notify any authorities as the venture into this house borders on illegal. He would marvel at each room laden with various antiques, and after some study he would discover a corpse in a various stage of decomposition. After locating four bodies, he is able to resolve who the murderer was in addition to the location of his heirloom. But a fatal scrap occurs after the murderer enters the seemingly abandoned house, leaving the perpetrator dead. The protagonist weighs his options and hears sirens indicating the police will soon be entering the vicinity. Realizing the amount of evidence strewn about the house spelling out his guilt, the protagonist quickly leaves the rear entrance with five corpses. 

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Another attempt at humor. Normally, when I am anticipating a long day at work, I like listening to Chumbawamba, or more specifically the "I get knocked down" song. A humorous concept crossed my mind while listening to that very song. Have an older gentleman get repeatedly rebuffed by older women while attempting to woo them. Naturally, have this song playing in the background/use it as an alternative music video.

My favorite concept consisted of the older man passing by a quilt store while driving. An idea pops into his head, so he enters the building knowing older women love quilting etc. Two older women talk while sewing. The man picks up two balls of yarn while eyeing up the chatting ladies. The ladies shake their heads in unison with a frown attached to each face. Then they throw an assortment of quilting accessories at him while he ducks behind a nearby table.

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  • 1 month later...

I wanted to elaborate on one my other ideas.

Very few women populated the small midwestern town, a statistic exacerbated by the predominantly male workforce at the local factory, leaving the men in the workplace none too particular about the female companionship they sought.

Enter Suzabelle.

“I have had it. I have gotten tired of you guys lookin’ at me like I am a piece of meat. So today, I am handin in my resignation. I am leaving you and this flee ridden town behind.”

“Suzabelle, don’t leave.”

“No, I have had enough of you guys wolf-whistling and givin me the once over every time I come into the room. Well, enough is enough. I am heading out for greener pastures. I have gathered my savings and suitcase and headin off to California.”

“Suzabelle, don’t leave us. We will change.”

“Nugh-ugh. I have given you all multiple opportunities and warnings to change your unappropriate behavior. And I am done. Now I gotta pursue my dreams and go off to California to be a famous actrice. Now you have seen those TV shows they have on TV? Sometimes they have movies instead of TV programmin and I decided to use my high-tech VCR to record one of those movies. At the end of the movies, they put all the names of the famous people in the movie. I would have never guessed it, but they have the place where they filmed the movie too. All the famous people are in California. It is Hollywood California.”

“Please don’t leave us, Suzabelle. We can work something out.”

“NO. I know you boys are going to miss my pretty face, but I need to do what is best for me. I need to follow my heart and become a celebrity.”

“We all will miss you. Won’t you reconsider becoming an actress?”

“NO. And they aren’t called actresses, they are called actrices. That is French, but all them famous people use that word in California.”

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Normally I don't like sexual humor, but I found this hilarious. So just be forewarned. But I laughing so much today, so I needed to share it.

A skit involving Ryan's massively successful alter ego "The Rhino."

The scene involves Rhino spelling his name. 


"Rhino, there is no d in Rhino." "This Rhino has a big D." 

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It's been a dream of mine for years now for something like this to play out. It'd take huge balls to do it, and it's either completely elevate or destroy a show.

You're like four seasons into a comedy series like The Office or something.

There is a "quirky/crazy/aggressive" recurring side character that's always been used for laughs up to this point (think Crazy Steve from Drake & Josh).

Season 5, in a slow burn, turns out this character is a legitimate threat to the main cast's lives. The season slowly morphs from a comedy to a thriller/horror.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was thinking about how to combine sports into a scary story. Baseball probably lends itself best to the horror genre. This is the outline I came up with.

The father is rich beyond calculation and a huge baseball fanatic. He wants his son to possess all the possible advantages when playing the sport. A visit to a nearby museum kindles his interest in a certain type of bat only used during the early 20th century. All the legendary (made up names) hitters, who were able to afford/use this bat, went onto lead hall of fame careers. He inquires at a bat manufacturer. The company informs the trees used for that production line have been extinct for 5 decades. The relatives of the trees don’t grow nearly big enough, perfect enough to construct a bat.

At a loss, the father does some research and discovers that wooden material also served as high end casket material during that time period. An idea springs forth to net enough wood to reconstruct a bat of legend as well as antagonize some resting spirits.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wanted to create a Rhino origin story.

Ryan and his mom are sitting at a festive table, celebrating his birthday. Both wear pointed birthday hats atop their heads. While eating the cake, his mom drops her fork on the ground. 

"Ryan, could you pick up my fork for me, please?" 

Ryan bends down care not to hit his hat or head, but on the way back up, the pointed hat hits the edge, sliding it forward at a bit.

"Ryan, you look just like a Rhino."

Close up on Ryan's face. The Batman Dark Knight percussion starts up.

Morgan Freeman type voice. "The Rhino runs through the jungle. The Rhino always keeps charging ahead. Nothing gets in the Rhino's way."


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  • 2 months later...

I was thinking about creating a side-kick or nemesis of the Rhino. His mom's name is June, so I came up with the June bug. I need to think about what type of slight physical alteration she would undergo while in her new persona. She basically sports the same buzzcut and bears an uncanny resemblance to Ryan. 

I was also considering the Rhino mobile. Unfortunately, I couldn't generate an origin story for it, but I know he bought a new truck within the past year, so I had a different sort of idea.

"Rhino, what happened to the old Rhinomobile?" 

"The old Rhinomobile's shocks busted. Too much ramming in the backseat." 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Scary story outline, but I didn’t know how to push it further.

A low earning worker notices, after attending a funeral, the deceased are often times buried wearing expensive family jewelry. An idea to supplement his meager income creeps forth.

After some prosperous expeditions, the graverobber notes older plots generally contain more heirlooms as previous generations clung to superstitions of ghosts and hauntings.

One midnight, the dirty thief explores an older off the beaten path burial ground he spied after unloading his illicit wares. Upon the highest mound, an intricately marble stone stands alone. The epitaph remains legible, despite many decades or perhaps centuries, of weather wear clouding the names and dates of earlier deaths. Recognition flairs upon the robber’s eyebrows as the name registers lost middle school history lessons.

After opening the grave, alertness crosses his face for buried within this plot lies the thief’s doppleganger in pristine and undecayed condition.

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I wanted to create a Rhino scenario. As a reference point, Ryan likes to say, “I don’t know my own strength.”

June, Ryan’s mom, listens in attentively to a news piece titled “Broken Hearts.” The narrator relates a mysterious stud type character who wears a coned birthday hat over his forehead and calls himself “The Rhino.” Many women in the city have been duped by this beast of masculinity into one night stands then they never hear from the man again. Alarmed by this insensitive male, June draws a meeting together of 30 local women in effort to both raise awareness and plot to halt his reign of sexual escapades.

“I know it is going to be tough to resist his raw masculine power and seduction ability, but instead of riding with him home, hand him this phone number.”

The Rhino, agitated that woman handed over a phone number rather than follow him back to his secret hideout, dials up the proffered card.

His mom’s voice enters over the speaker. “We are onto you Rhino. We are going to stop you. Junebug.”

His mouth twitches and his eyebrows furrow. “NOBODY STOPS THE RHINO.”

He starts slamming his fist against the nearby concrete building wall, eventually creating a hole.

A male bystander remarks, “That guy doesn’t know his own strength.”

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