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FF Interviews - Next up: mission27!! (P10)

Shady Slim

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1 minute ago, mission27 said:

The sun also rises, let me tell you

On another note, when you first joined the forum mission thought you were TLO posting on a false name to **** with him, based on your George Costanza avy and smug attitude.  Have you ever been confused for someone or told you look like someone in real life (or on FF)?

Slipped one by the network there, we have.

I've been told that I look like Baker Mayfield and I only kind of see it tbh, think a more smug, taller baker with more spiky hair, but I only sort of see it... Without going in to too much detail I can do a really convincing Russian accent I've used to do things that could very liberally be construed as fraud on multiple occasions but I can't divulge in to those hehe - don't want to be disbarred before I even go get my practicing certificate

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1 minute ago, Shady Slim said:

Slipped one by the network there, we have.

I've been told that I look like Baker Mayfield and I only kind of see it tbh, think a more smug, taller baker with more spiky hair, but I only sort of see it... Without going in to too much detail I can do a really convincing Russian accent I've used to do things that could very liberally be construed as fraud on multiple occasions but I can't divulge in to those hehe - don't want to be disbarred before I even go get my practicing certificate

If anyone knows a Russian accent, its mission, so we'll have to test that out when I drop by your homeland down under

Speaking of which, what's the biggest misconception about Australia?  And whats your most and least Australian quality?

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Just now, mission27 said:

If anyone knows a Russian accent, its mission, so we'll have to test that out when I drop by your homeland down under

Speaking of which, what's the biggest misconception about Australia?  And whats your most and least Australian quality?

Without too much too much detail it was enough to get by a commercial landlord so we'll see if's enough to get by mission too.

The misconception is that it's dangerous here! Sure it is in the outback, the middle of nowhere where like five people live, but in the cities it's a great place and no danger, no spiders or snakes etc, like any other city! Sydney is just so sublime! I'd say that my most Australian quality is that dumb bravado to rush in to things head first, and that my least Aussie quality is that i'm not massively racist - everyone here is, it's tiresome. Tbh. what gets most tourists is rips at the beach - dangerous areas of surf that non Australians generally aren't too great at spotting from the shore, and then they swim in to them and get stuck. Read up on them before you come.

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Just now, Shady Slim said:

Without too much too much detail it was enough to get by a commercial landlord so we'll see if's enough to get by mission too.

The misconception is that it's dangerous here! Sure it is in the outback, the middle of nowhere where like five people live, but in the cities it's a great place and no danger, no spiders or snakes etc, like any other city! Sydney is just so sublime! I'd say that my most Australian quality is that dumb bravado to rush in to things head first, and that my least Aussie quality is that i'm not massively racist - everyone here is, it's tiresome. Tbh. what gets most tourists is rips at the beach - dangerous areas of surf that non Australians generally aren't too great at spotting from the shore, and then they swim in to them and get stuck. Read up on them before you come.

Ah, those Aussie racists, gotta love 'em

Now of course on everyone's mind is this horrible pandemic and it seems like your country is doing much better than most.  Just a handful of new cases the last few days.  Seeing as you'll probably be free sooner than the rest of us, what's the first thing Shady S is planning to do when lockdown is eased?

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Just now, mission27 said:

Ah, those Aussie racists, gotta love 'em

Now of course on everyone's mind is this horrible pandemic and it seems like your country is doing much better than most.  Just a handful of new cases the last few days.  Seeing as you'll probably be free sooner than the rest of us, what's the first thing Shady S is planning to do when lockdown is eased?

Mrs S and I aren't all that well off but we're going to go to Tetsuya, which is a hatted restaurant in the city, and get the absurdly expensive and gastronomic degustation there as a treat - something we haven't ever done before, treating ourselves in such an excessive way on account of the being stuck indoors. Both of us are big Masterchef fans and Tetsuya's been on there a couple of times and it just looks divine. Was stuck on a train coming back from a date in the city with Mrs S once and we got stuck behind a coal train that broke down, and spent a solid hour chatting with the couple next to us who'd just come back from Tetsuya - they told me it's a definite must-do, but save it for a special occasion on account of the dollars. Breaking out of Quarantown is one such occasion, definitely!

Today we've just had a new cluster of ten at a nursing home about thirty minutes from me on account of a worker who went working for six days when she had mild symptoms, which, ugh, clowns...

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Just now, Shady Slim said:

Mrs S and I aren't all that well off but we're going to go to Tetsuya, which is a hatted restaurant in the city, and get the absurdly expensive and gastronomic degustation there as a treat - something we haven't ever done before, treating ourselves in such an excessive way on account of the being stuck indoors. Both of us are big Masterchef fans and Tetsuya's been on there a couple of times and it just looks divine. Was stuck on a train coming back from a date in the city with Mrs S once and we got stuck behind a coal train that broke down, and spent a solid hour chatting with the couple next to us who'd just come back from Tetsuya - they told me it's a definite must-do, but save it for a special occasion on account of the dollars. Breaking out of Quarantown is one such occasion, definitely!

Today we've just had a new cluster of ten at a nursing home about thirty minutes from me on account of a worker who went working for six days when she had mild symptoms, which, ugh, clowns...

Its truly unfortunate although I understand some people are in desperate situations, its not the right answer

Speaking of the pandemic, what's your take on this whole MoL controversy?  Are you pro or anti MoL model?

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1 minute ago, mission27 said:

Its truly unfortunate although I understand some people are in desperate situations, its not the right answer

Speaking of the pandemic, what's your take on this whole MoL controversy?  Are you pro or anti MoL model?

The numbers in any model are totally subjective - the weightings, the variables, and such are all decided by the guy creating the model, so criticisms that are being levelled at the MoL model could to me be levelled at any model given we don't have perfect information as of yet. But even if you think the numbers are all bunk, the directionality and the trend as well as the relativity of the numbers are all more objective metrics you can pay attention to even if you don't believe in the metric - I believe in it though. In seriousness, not as a real model with ironclad power, but it does the job as an easy-to-digest summary for football fans on the football forum, as long as you don't read too much in to it tbf

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Just now, Shady Slim said:

The numbers in any model are totally subjective - the weightings, the variables, and such are all decided by the guy creating the model, so criticisms that are being levelled at the MoL model could to me be levelled at any model given we don't have perfect information as of yet. But even if you think the numbers are all bunk, the directionality and the trend as well as the relativity of the numbers are all more objective metrics you can pay attention to even if you don't believe in the metric - I believe in it though. In seriousness, not as a real model with ironclad power, but it does the job as an easy-to-digest summary for football fans on the football forum, as long as you don't read too much in to it tbf

This message does not reflect that of the sponsors, the station or the production company.


I suppose we should pause for a disclaimer from the National Broadcasting Company that all opinions expressed on this program are not the opinions of FF, NBC, Webby, the Comcast Corporation, or the World Health Organization 

Moving on to a brighter topic, have you ever met anyone from FF?  If not, who would you most want to meet... outside of the MoL of course, because that's a give.

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Just now, mission27 said:


I suppose we should pause for a disclaimer from the National Broadcasting Company that all opinions expressed on this program are not the opinions of FF, NBC, Webby, the Comcast Corporation, or the World Health Organization 

Moving on to a brighter topic, have you ever met anyone from FF?  If not, who would you most want to meet... outside of the MoL of course, because that's a give.

Looking forward to the MoL australia vacation or the shady slim americarnival tbh, but it's a tossup between @FinneasGageand @TedLavie... finn and i are closer in age than most people here and I, and get along well, and Ted is just an all round cool dude who I quite like.

But really you're all good people here and a beer with any of you would go down well.

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1 minute ago, Shady Slim said:

Looking forward to the MoL australia vacation or the shady slim americarnival tbh, but it's a tossup between @FinneasGageand @TedLavie... finn and i are closer in age than most people here and I, and get along well, and Ted is just an all round cool dude who I quite like.

But really you're all good people here and a beer with any of you would go down well.

Its too bad FF is such a sausage fest you know what I mean? 

What's your dream vacation?

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Just now, mission27 said:

Its too bad FF is such a sausage fest you know what I mean? 

What's your dream vacation?

@Dome knows all about sausages, let me tell you

Probably one that takes me to a Super Bowl and a Stanley Cup Final, as well as a Steelers Game at Heinz and a Penguins game at the PPG Paints Arena... i'd love to see Evgeni Malkin and Sidney Crosby play before they retire but it's probably too late for me to see Big Ben before he calls time on his career. Everywhere, everywhere in the world and I take Pittsburgh. Outside of that there's a weird esoteric dream I have, one that my desired career path may help me get, and that's to shoot some hoops at the basketball court at SCOTUS, which is a real thing; Byron White even got a major injury playing there at one point and needed crutches

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Just now, Shady Slim said:

@Dome knows all about sausages, let me tell you

Probably one that takes me to a Super Bowl and a Stanley Cup Final, as well as a Steelers Game at Heinz and a Penguins game at the PPG Paints Arena... i'd love to see Evgeni Malkin and Sidney Crosby play before they retire but it's probably too late for me to see Big Ben before he calls time on his career. Everywhere, everywhere in the world and I take Pittsburgh. Outside of that there's a weird esoteric dream I have, one that my desired career path may help me get, and that's to shoot some hoops at the basketball court at SCOTUS, which is a real thing; Byron White even got a major injury playing there at one point and needed crutches

Well you'll have to let mission know when you make it to these parts and we can grab a beer and some USDA prime steak 

We're gonna take a quick commercial break but when we come back, we'll go more in depth on the mission and Shady relationship, second only to the MoL (and tbh its gaining) 

Be right back!

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Alright ladies and gentleman we're back with @Shady Slim

Shady, before the break we were talking about dream vacations

mission has long had a plan to visit the land down under and meet up with Shady and possibly smuggle some contraband into the country

When mission visits, what should be on his itinerary? 

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