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Spider-Man Mafia (Legacy Game) - GAME OVER SYMBIOTES WIN


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7 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I swear, some of you just walk face first into a buzzsaw with me.

You use flawed logic and throw counter accusations, so I just re-use the same flawed logic to get you to contradict the premise upon which you’re relying for credibility.

And it literally never fails.

If this is in reference to me you might want to try and be less cryptic and just state what you mean. As for my previous comments about the covering of your death I am insinuating there could be a role that jan's your death and you revive from it.

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Guys, if you're going to tango with SwAg and expect to win, your best bet is to use completely flawed logic that is plausible in order to gain support with the thread, and yet so completely absurd that it will throw him into a "You cannot possibly be serious?!?!?!" fit of anger/frustration and monologue. Have you learned nothing? The dude's my first phone call as a lawyer if I ever need one, and I don't have his name or number. I'll just send him a PM/Discord PM and hope for the best. 

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Malfatron, you see these guys?  They’re incapable of articulating a decent explanation.

One can kill, with an unknown future additional ability, and accompanied by a substantial body of evidence that he cannot be trusted.

Meanwhile, the other one is unilaterally sending killers elsewhere, ignoring that there seem to have been two redirects, and only one was of consequence.  Why would rack send Josh to the 50-50 with whom Josh was considering?  It’s in rack’s interest to send him somewhere else to preserve the 50-50 in a worst case scenario for the next day, either for a lynch or next NK if they both make it through.  He is simply claiming the innocuous redirect of the two, and daring someone to counter, when the absence of a counter isn’t meaningful in this setup, particularly with like half a dozen people dying last night.

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I’m saying that your claim, in concert with your actions, at night and in the thread, to this point, strain the very bounds of credulity, and draw serious questions relative to the motive and strategy involved in a WC game.

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