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Spider-Man Mafia (Legacy Game) - GAME OVER SYMBIOTES WIN


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1 minute ago, rackcs said:

I'm the joat. One of my moves was a redirect. That does not make me a redirector. I used that wording purposefully since I figured that could hint to people what my role was. Instead of denying I redirected anyone, I stated I wasn't the redirector. Can't help it that you're all so dense.

“My ability cannot hurt anyone” - “JOAT”

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6 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I'm the designated SwAg translator with @Blue hosting, so:


Your claim is likely to be bogus, especially considering your moves and thread play, which makes it almost impossible, let alone impossible to trust you. Throw in the fact that we need to survive and you have a killing power, and you're completely untrustworthy. 

@Malfatron @Blue add SwAg Translator to the Bad Roles Mafia game. 

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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

I dont understand how you and Swag (previously?) are struggling with this concept. Its not difficult. He is claiming to be the JOAT that had a 1 time redirect. That he is not full time redirect. 

Why is this complicated? 

He previously said his ability cannot harm anyone.  He just unilaterally changed the direction of a killer, and has more abilities.  Why is that difficult to comprehend for you?  

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2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Yes, and if your WC was really to survive, you would have sent him somewhere other than the person who was a 50-50 with you in the thread, because the survival of both of you through that night would increase your odds of making it further.  What happens if Bucs dies and there are no better leads?  Think we are just going to move past you and shrug?  Meanwhile, if there are no better leads, we are likely returning to the people who were recommended for death.

Josh claimed he was redirected to Bucs, who was his target, and then redirected to Counselor.  You even liked the post.

I literally give up. You keep making me repeat parts of my claim when I've already addressed them. Read the bolded below.

1 hour ago, rackcs said:

Solely so we can move on and lynch the obvious scum in bucs, I am not the redirector as stated previously but am responsible for the first redirect. I am Mr. Negative and a commuter Joat. I gain an ability when I commute. Part of my WC was to commute three times so I did that the first three nights.

Yesterday josh was told to hit me or bucs and he said he was going after bucs and I commented saying I felt like that meant he was going for me. That was real. I redirected josh to bucs as insurance for myself. I figured if his hit was really bucs then no harm done. If his hit was for me then that's good for me.


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3 minutes ago, kingseanjohn said:

I didn't


Anyone not Villain. Follow along. Like Bucs and probably Swag. Not-Villain people all got individual fake claims.

3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Guys, we forgot to thank @Matts4313 for outing the purple faction, which has literally zero bearing on our win con, and his relentless push to eliminate them, to the point of where he will refuse to kill anyone else but the purple faction.

You are welcome good sir. 

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2 minutes ago, rackcs said:

Did you literally not even read my claim? I said that I had to also commute three times. And I've made it clear from many other comments throughout the game that the goal is to clear spiderman. I seriously don't ever want to be accused of not reading again after this ****.

1. I did read your claim

2. Clear Spiderman?

3. I've never accused you of such a thing. I still believe in you Rack! I always have and always will! :)

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2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

I dont understand how you and Swag (previously?) are struggling with this concept. Its not difficult. He is claiming to be the JOAT that had a 1 time redirect. That he is not full time redirect. 

Why is this complicated? 

To provoke him tbh. I completely understand. I'm trying to gauge whether or not Rack's rage is genuine or not.

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6 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

That doesnt explain how. You are just reasserting your accusation. Feel free to provide the basis of the accusation. Here is what I have done so far this game:

1. Outed that there is a purple group.

2. Asked you specifically to join me in killing them.

3. Killed a purple member.

4. Said I would kill another purple member. 


Now your turn. 

MWil is right, thank you for killing a faction that is only relevant to you.

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