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Black Sails Mafia (S1): Day 5


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1 minute ago, kingseanjohn said:

@Nazgul @Forge

Look at the facts. The janitoring of squire, which Josh is completely ignoring, the fact that Josh is the ONLY person to die (outside of squire) and not show an alignment. He then tries to deflect and say that I did the same, when clearly anyone who "is dying" or still alive didn't show alignment.



If he was always coming back, it makes sense that there would be no alignment

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Look at the facts also KSJ. As soon as there was a hammer available in my lynch, you jumped right on it, right after BCB who was green aligned. The only thing that reeks more than you of scum is your gameplay. You literally won’t role claim, you haven’t done anything. You then went and accused Forge.

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6 minutes ago, kingseanjohn said:

@Nazgul @Forge

Look at the facts. The janitoring of squire, which Josh is completely ignoring, the fact that Josh is the ONLY person to die (outside of squire) and not show an alignment. He then tries to deflect and say that I did the same, when clearly anyone who "is dying" or still alive didn't show alignment.



Bro you’re The Godfather. You know you are. You HAVE NOTHING to veer away from it. What were your night moves? What did you do?

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Have anything better than the 'no u' defense?

We all know my role and win con. I haven't denied that. I have laid out why you're the last scum and mwil corroborated.


On 9/11/2020 at 1:36 PM, MWil23 said:

@bcb1213 here's why I think it's Josh and why I've held out this long...

I NO SUBMITTED a move last night to see who would try to use me for a clear.

Sorry Josh


And you still are not even acknowledging the squire janitor. You aren't the VI, you're the janitor.

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1 minute ago, kingseanjohn said:

Have anything better than the 'no u' defense?

We all know my role and win con. I haven't denied that. I have laid out why you're the last scum and mwil corroborated.


And you still are not even acknowledging the squire janitor. You aren't the VI, you're the janitor.


On 9/11/2020 at 8:19 PM, SwAg said:

Day 4:

Alright, so, what do?

Randomly vote.

*Everyone randomly votes so hard that they eventually get it down to two people*

Well, how bout Josh?

I'm ThE ViLlAgE iDiOt, I hEaRd U bAnG DuDeS

Well, first of all, sir, I want to reiterate that SwAg is a mechanical genius.  Okay?  And I am confident that he incorporated some elements that will take us by surprise that would seem to have quite the propensity to produce swings of momentum in the late-game stages.  Second, lol the VI cannot claim VI you liar.  Josh

Yeah!  VI cannot claim VI!  Josh

Okay Josh

***** ***** yolo, I don't give a fizzuck Josh hammer time mofo @SwAg

This ******* guy.

WoW, rLy U aLl JuSt DiD tHat?

The crowd closed in upon Josh, who continued to stare blankly at them while doing the Spongebob meme in their direction.  They tired of his endless taunting and resorted to blows.  With a series of sickening crunches, Josh is reduced to a bloody, nearly unrecognizable mess.

Josh is dead.  He was Randall, Village Idiot.

Send your PMs tonight and we might actually have Night tonight.

God you’re a dunce. If you’re going to accuse me of being a janitor and fake claiming my role, at least look at the write up. I have a track record and have told you exactly what I’ve done in the nights. You have nothing except the one time you staved off a bunch of people from a lynch, you weren’t pardoned according to the flavor text, you just scared people off. You know why? You’re The Godfather.

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The problem is left, the other person is Naz.... Who is not exactly someone I trust to be town. He's seriously got zero verified info and has offered nothing. So you're not just asking me to believe that Josh is scum, but that Naz is town

That's an uphill battle lol

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1 minute ago, Forge said:

The problem is left, the other person is Naz.... Who is not exactly someone I trust to be town. He's seriously got zero verified info and has offered nothing. So you're not just asking me to believe that Josh is scum, but that Naz is town

That's an uphill battle lol

Naz has skated by, I agree. I think if he was mutineer he would have hammered me yesterday. But with what we know and the fact that Josh tried to use mwil for a clear and mwil called him out and voted for him says Josh is scum.

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