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Cannibal Lolocaust Mafia-Town Victory!


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On 9/21/2020 at 8:38 AM, Daniel said:

Swag walked along the makeshift town, grinning  like the idiot he was, and happy he did something right.

When he returned, he found someone waiting for him, gun in hand. They seemed friendly, to him.

”Well hi there, buddy!” He said as the other guy pointed the gun in his face.

”You think it’s ok to murder some cute and innocent ducks just so you can rmeat tgeir wings?”

”Well, I reckon...”

Swag didn’t get to finish, as the other guy blew his, um....let’s say brains...out.

Swag is dead. He was Ham I Am, Was a Ham, Cast Aligned.


8 hours ago, Daniel said:

Josh ran from the tent in horror, after seeing such a gruesome sight.  Thank god that big guy hadn't seen him.

He thought he was safe when he got back to his own tent.  But someone else was there, waiting for him.  "You."

"Yes, me, you bird eating beast!"  Josh was not impressed by the reveal.

"What's wrong with that?  Bird are tasty and they're essentially just feathery lizards.  You are not very entertaining."

The visitor didn't like that, and pulled a gun on Josh instead.

"I thought murder was a bad thing?"

"Not when it's you."  The man shot Josh, and ran off into the night.

Josh is dead.  He was Simon Fowl, Judgey, Crew Aligned.


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