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NBA GDT | '20-'21 | KD returns to GS tonight!


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2 hours ago, Thelonebillsfan said:

A) The Nuggets are gonna was Jokic he is absolutely effing incredible and needs a real #2 before his body starts to break down. B) The Knicks REALLLLLLLY should have taken Haliburton. 

What do you propose Nugget do? I don't think they've wasted him or are on pace to at all... People were salivating over this young core a few months ago, slow start to regular season doesn't change that.

As a franchise that likely will never attract top FAs or be the preferred destination for guys who demand trades (AD, Harden), I think your only options are keep the status quo, so draft smart, make solid small pick-ups, all while hoping Murray and Porter develop, or go all in right now and package both to get a star #2 like Beal or trade Porter for a true #3 and ideally a plus defender.

Murray has been so good in postseason and has such good chemistry with Jokic that I just don't think you'll get the value for him outside of Denver that he has with the organization.

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