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The Last Fan on Earth - DABOYLE WINS


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2 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Only an *** would see someone win on a technicality and then consipre to let that the other person win.  I will not partake any any of your **** again bc you disgust me 

I promise I didn't change the answer I had there if it's any consolation 

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You've identified plants, animals, fish, rocks, other stuff...

You've answered random trivia about stuff vaguely related to survival...

You've had some lucky bounces, or maybe you just sat back due to debilitating inactivity in the first half of the game...


but YOU made it. You are survivors. You are heroes. 

And now, it is time to come home. I'm sure you'll all make and survive the trip. 



Sending Signals 

The goal is to make some kind of a signal that will help a rescue team locate you. Each round you will be able to gather resources until you have enough to finish the rescue signal. 

There are three types of signals you can build 1) a smoke signal, 2) a SOS rock formation, or 3) a radio transmitter.

  • To build the smoke signal you need to gather 4 firewood and light the fire (5 rounds).
  • To build the SOS rock formation you need to gather 4 piles of stones and arrange them (5 rounds).
  • To build the Radio Transmitter you need to gather 3 radio parts and turn on the generator (4+ rounds).


Each round you may search for resources in one of four locations. The beach (mostly stones but some firewood), the forest (mostly firewood but some stones), the military crash site (mostly radio parts, but some stones and firewood), or the abandoned town (random chance item, no trivia round for multiple visitors). Each round you must tell me where you are gathering and what specifically you are looking for.

When you have enough resources to build your signal you may do that in the following round, you will be rescued at that time. 

You are likely to find other items when searching for resources, specifically when you fail to find what you're looking for. 

If you search for resources the same place as someone else during the same round it will initiate a very easy trivia duel based on the type of resource most prevalent where you are looking. One player will get the resource, the other will get nothing. This will not take place if multiple players are searching for resources in town. (This may take some time depending on everyone's schedules. That's OK, it's not like this is a rescue mission.)

You may use your turn to attempt to steal resources from other players, this will be announced even if you fail, and it has a 66% chance of failing. You must tell me what resources you're attempting to steal and from which player.

You may trade resources each round. This can be done in conjunction with your normal move and doesn't prevent you from gathering/stealing resources of your own, but you can't trade in your final round when you finalize your signal and get rescued.

The last player to make a signal risks being left behind (read: they will be left behind).


Round 1 due Wednesday at 10pm EST


@bcb1213 @Daboyle @Malfatron @Tk3



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@Malfatron searched the town and found a stone!

@Tk3 searched the town and found a stone!


@Daboyle and @bcb1213 both show up at the beach! Only one of them will get to search for the resource they're after.


Daboyle and Bcb are you both here?


Round 1

Malf - 1 stone
Tk3 - 1 stone
Daboyle/Bcb - pending

Edited by Dome
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