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Bobby Bruce 6-0' 205lbs, I think he's extremely fast and strong for his size and has quite a lot of potential to put another 30lbs on, Unfortunately its looking like he's done. I think Malik loves to play its just he feels defeated by the coaching staff for not giving him as much freedom with play calling as he thinks he should have. Trying a wildcat formation from pinned back with 3 yards to gain to seal the win was dumb and he knew it before they even tried. There's definitely pressure  from his dad that was obvious in that restaurant.

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13 hours ago, drd23 said:

I'm halfway through the first episode and I'm not sure I can put up with a whole season of the head coach

He's an idiot.  He gets a little bit better, during the last 2-3 episodes, but for the most part, what you're seeing is what you get, from him.  

My favorite part of the entire season is still in the 1st episode, where he says he prefers to call the offense and defense, but he doesn't watch film, because he's a savant of play calling and adjustments.  Then he proceeds to have 70 points hung on his head, while getting smoked by 40+ points, against an unranked team.  Watched a little film after that one, didn't you, Savant?

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29 minutes ago, jyod21 said:

My favorite part of the entire season is still in the 1st episode, where he says he prefers to call the offense and defense, but he doesn't watch film, because he's a savant of play calling and adjustments.  Then he proceeds to have 70 points hung on his head, while getting smoked by 40+ points, against an unranked team.  Watched a little film after that one, didn't you, Savant?

Iowa Western ended the year ranked as the #2 JuCo team in the country . . . but sure, whatever fits your narrative 

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1 minute ago, StLunatic88 said:

Iowa Western ended the year ranked as the #2 JuCo team in the country . . . but sure, whatever fits your narrative 

Lol, that's just ignorance on my part, not trying to fit a narrative.  I didn't realize they ended up #2.  They were unranked, at the time of the game, so that's why I said unranked.  

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16 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

Are you sure? I thought they were ranked ahead of Indy

Nope, I was wrong on that, as well.  They were preseason #12, Indy was #17.  I'm not sure why I thought that now.  I did binge watch it in about 2 days, when it first released, so I must've just had my memory twisted.   


Regardless, still my favorite moment of the season.  Sub in “team outside the top 10” for “unranked”

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17 hours ago, billking said:

Bobby Bruce 6-0' 205lbs, I think he's extremely fast and strong for his size and has quite a lot of potential to put another 30lbs on, Unfortunately its looking like he's done. I think Malik loves to play its just he feels defeated by the coaching staff for not giving him as much freedom with play calling as he thinks he should have. Trying a wildcat formation from pinned back with 3 yards to gain to seal the win was dumb and he knew it before they even tried. There's definitely pressure  from his dad that was obvious in that restaurant.

He's really 205? The dude doesn't even eat in the show. That's crazy. Oh well he's done for sure, especially since he's probably in jail now for robbery.

Malik loves to play - MAYBE - but he runs his mouth, disrespects his coaches at every turn, disrespects his teammates, is mentally and physically weak and shows zero signs of being a leader. It's not surprising no school wants to touch him.

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1 minute ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

but he runs his mouth, disrespects his coaches at every turn, disrespects his teammates, is mentally and physically weak and shows zero signs of being a leader.

Agreed that you shouldnt ever do that, but you could understand going from Jimbo Fisher and staff to this clown show why you would.

Id also say he tried to be a leader, but immediately got shot down because he was "undermining" what the Coach was saying. Now it probably wasnt the best way to be a leader, but its the only way he knows how due to where he is learning from (his glory hound dad)

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16 minutes ago, StLunatic88 said:

Agreed that you shouldnt ever do that, but you could understand going from Jimbo Fisher and staff to this clown show why you would.

Id also say he tried to be a leader, but immediately got shot down because he was "undermining" what the Coach was saying. Now it probably wasnt the best way to be a leader, but its the only way he knows how due to where he is learning from (his glory hound dad)

I know why he would at the start of the season, but not at the end, especially when they're winning. And damn dude you just NEVER say that stuff to a coach, no matter what, especially during a game. 

He tried to be a leader by:

  • Not going to class
  • Showing up the coaches on the field and off the field
  • Mouthing off to the other team whenever he could
  • Put down his coaches and teammates whenever things weren't going his way

I just don't see it. I really liked him for like the first episode because he's clearly intelligent, he's well-spoken and obviously he's talented - but the kid is basically locker room cancer.

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21 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

I just don't see it. I really liked him for like the first episode because he's clearly intelligent, he's well-spoken and obviously he's talented - but the kid is basically locker room cancer.

In no way am I saying anything he did was right. All I was saying is the only source he has as a mentor at this point was his dad who only wanted to be his dad once he realized he was an Elite Athlete. Its going bad from the jump right there.

  • The Class thing is inexcusable, especially for the star QB who was atleast getting by at FSU, he should have gotten A's in his sleep at Indy.
  • When your gme IQ is that much higher than the coaches you have youre going to show them up regardless, its then up to he coaches to wrangle that and make sure the relationship is a good one, I think that got skewed in the show, because many time the HC and QB coach were coming to him for plays, they knew how good he was, he gets special rules, thats life.
  • Trash talking your opponents? Youre really gonna hold that against him? I dont want to be that guy, but im assuming youve been on atleast somewhat of a competitive field in your life. That happens everywhere.
  • Maybe I didnt see this as bad as you did, but by the time he was putting down team mates, everything was off the rails. Alot of times he was callng people out they were doing things wrong.Maybe he was bad at how he did it, but guys like Brady, Rodgers, Manning and Rivers do this and they get praised. We cant do that in the media and expect kids not to do the same.

Again, he is clearly a very flawed prospect, but I think alot of that stems from his father. He is extremely introverted, is struggling with depression, and only seems to be happy when he is getting praised. In the end, I think the biggest issue is he is a baseball player being forced into a QB role because his dad saw Dollar Signs. I think he would be much better off playing baseball as that is a much more individualized sport where he could focus on himself, and not trying to QB an entire team.

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17 minutes ago, StLunatic88 said:

In no way am I saying anything he did was right. All I was saying is the only source he has as a mentor at this point was his dad who only wanted to be his dad once he realized he was an Elite Athlete. Its going bad from the jump right there.

  • The Class thing is inexcusable, especially for the star QB who was atleast getting by at FSU, he should have gotten A's in his sleep at Indy.
  • When your gme IQ is that much higher than the coaches you have youre going to show them up regardless, its then up to he coaches to wrangle that and make sure the relationship is a good one, I think that got skewed in the show, because many time the HC and QB coach were coming to him for plays, they knew how good he was, he gets special rules, thats life.
  • Trash talking your opponents? Youre really gonna hold that against him? I dont want to be that guy, but im assuming youve been on atleast somewhat of a competitive field in your life. That happens everywhere.
  • Maybe I didnt see this as bad as you did, but by the time he was putting down team mates, everything was off the rails. Alot of times he was callng people out they were doing things wrong.Maybe he was bad at how he did it, but guys like Brady, Rodgers, Manning and Rivers do this and they get praised. We cant do that in the media and expect kids not to do the same.

Again, he is clearly a very flawed prospect, but I think alot of that stems from his father. He is extremely introverted, is struggling with depression, and only seems to be happy when he is getting praised. In the end, I think the biggest issue is he is a baseball player being forced into a QB role because his dad saw Dollar Signs. I think he would be much better off playing baseball as that is a much more individualized sport where he could focus on himself, and not trying to QB an entire team.

With regards to the trash talking, it wasn't just the trash talking. Everyone talks trash. He was specifically told he can't use the n-word or else he'll get ejected, yet every episode there goes Malik calling these dudes the n-word right in front of a ref! There goes Malik, getting personal fouls for saying he's gonna bang some dude's mom. It's that kind of childish nonsense that goes beyond just trash talk.

With regards to putting his teammates/coaches down - yeah ALL TIME LEGENDS like Brady get away with that, not FSU dropouts in junior college. You just don't do that. Even if the coaches are wrong, you let that stuff slide and call it out later in private. It did nothing but snowball issues when Malik got in fights with the coaches.

With regards to Baseball, I completely agree - and I think ultimately if he told his dad to back off and just support him he'd be a lot happier. He's basically living the life his dad wanted for himself and it shows.

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1 hour ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

With regards to putting his teammates/coaches down - yeah ALL TIME LEGENDS like Brady get away with that, not FSU dropouts in junior college.

See, you cant have that distinction when you praise those all time legends for it. We praise those legends for doing it, so kids are going to act that way too. I agree you should have to earn that, but no one has ever told him that, he hasn't learned that lesson. He has been the best of the best till he got to FSU, so at every one of those levels before, he was an "all time legend", and now that he is at JuCo in Kansas, he is THAT much better than just about everyone around him so I understand why he reverts to that.

All Im saying is that the trash talk on the field (because it shows me the passion and swagger I like in a player), and the dogging his teammates (because I see desire to make everything around him perfect) and especially him being better than his never-was JuCo coaches aren't reasons I wouldn't want him on the team.

Now the class/grades thing, the helicopter dad, and the extreme of "F-off, Im calling my own plays" are what would make me take a pass. But if he didn't have those major pock-marks, the previous things I talked about could be molded into a great player.

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