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Mass Effect Mafia - GAME OVER! The Reapers are defeated!


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7 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Since some of you all are so dumb.

The second ability i can eventually level up and learn the alignments of those that have spent the token.  Damn some of you all are just so arrogantly narrow-minded in these games. 

I buy this.. It's probably level 4 of the tree, but it feels plausible

The wolf giving you a token thing is the thing I'm more stuck on

Either way, I think there are much better votes than Pickle

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5 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

Again... this goes right back to the logic that the ability cannot effectively work without someone "choosing" to use the point you gave them. It is exactly like the fake gift vs real gift thing I had trouble with in my game.

The mechanic and moves don't make sense. I also think it is very interesting that BOTH of your moves play off of each other, when mine are separate and don't impact each other or involve each other in any way.

I don't trust you and will not be changing my vote.

what was his first move?

@Pickle Rick

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1 minute ago, Pickle Rick said:

I mean I assume everyones level ups are like mine and things keep getting better or added.  So no, I'm not an alignment cop.  Part of my ability can gain alignment knowledge 

did you state that you are indy, or are people deducing?

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Just now, Tk3 said:

what was his first move?

@Pickle Rick

He claims that his first move involves the giving of the poison point and now his second move learns the abilities of the players that "used" the upgrade point he gave them. A poison pill that eventually kills someone (at a time he doesn't know unless level 4) and an alignment cop only on players that use the point he gives.

It makes ZERO sense. Why would you have an alignment cop on an ability that will eventually kill the people that use them...

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1 minute ago, Pickle Rick said:

I didnt outright state it but I made it pretty clear so people are going off that 

so are you outright stating it now

you have a million votes.. it's not the time to be coy about alignment

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1 minute ago, Slappy Mc said:

He claims that his first move involves the giving of the poison point and now his second move learns the abilities of the players that "used" the upgrade point he gave them. A poison pill that eventually kills someone (at a time he doesn't know unless level 4) and an alignment cop only on players that use the point he gives.

It makes ZERO sense. Why would you have an alignment cop on an ability that will eventually kill the people that use them...

And if you're indy why does it matter what alignment everyone is? Unless his WC is taking out scum.....but then he'd be Town wouldn't he? I'm not super familiar with indy roles.

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1 minute ago, Slappy Mc said:

He claims that his first move involves the giving of the poison point and now his second move learns the abilities of the players that "used" the upgrade point he gave them. A poison pill that eventually kills someone (at a time he doesn't know unless level 4) and an alignment cop only on players that use the point he gives.

It makes ZERO sense. Why would you have an alignment cop on an ability that will eventually kill the people that use them...

@Pickle Rick is your token INHERENTLY different, or is it simply that your ability tree allows you to alignment check a player that you've given a regular token to?

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And again, it brings the problem that the point has to be chosen to be used. Its exactly like my game that had 1x use ability gifts that work vs ones that were fake that didn't work as advertised. Either you are "required" to use the point Pickle gave you first (unrealistic) or you are faced with a situation where the host has to get you to essentially claim which points to allocate. It really doesn't make sense as a functioning ability.

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1 minute ago, Tk3 said:

so are you outright stating it now

you have a million votes.. it's not the time to be coy about alignment

He's not indy. He is mafia. Whicker is pretty consistent with his 1 Mafia for every 3 town + 1 town ratios. As @MWil23 has stated as well, Whicker dislikes indy roles in general. I would be very surprised if Pickle didn't flip mafia. Based off my stance that I would be surprised if Wolf flipped mafia yesterday, this should not be viewed as definitive, but I have logic on my side this time and not just sharing an ability.

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Just now, Slappy Mc said:

He claims that his first move involves the giving of the poison point and now his second move learns the abilities of the players that "used" the upgrade point he gave them. A poison pill that eventually kills someone (at a time he doesn't know unless level 4) and an alignment cop only on players that use the point he gives.

It makes ZERO sense. Why would you have an alignment cop on an ability that will eventually kill the people that use them...

@Tk3 i haven't claimed any of this

All I have EVER claimed is 

If I choose who gets the token it is "tainted" I'm using that term bc its not tainted

If the person spends it will mark them for death.  I have no control over when that is triggered unless I get to level 4 

One of other levels along the way I can learn the alignments of those that spent the coin

Another one is I can unmark someone for death

Slappy and mwil are way to eager to hammer me and keep lying about my role 

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Just now, Pickle Rick said:

@Tk3 i haven't claimed any of this

All I have EVER claimed is 

If I choose who gets the token it is "tainted" I'm using that term bc its not tainted

If the person spends it will mark them for death.  I have no control over when that is triggered unless I get to level 4 

One of other levels along the way I can learn the alignments of those that spent the coin

Another one is I can unmark someone for death

Slappy and mwil are way to eager to hammer me and keep lying about my role 

Now you can UNMARK someone...

This is bananas.

Your role doesn't make any sense. You are trying to make it seem more town aligned each time you talk, but have outright stated you are not aligned with town.

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1 minute ago, Pickle Rick said:

@Tk3 i haven't claimed any of this

All I have EVER claimed is 

If I choose who gets the token it is "tainted" I'm using that term bc its not tainted

If the person spends it will mark them for death.  I have no control over when that is triggered unless I get to level 4 

One of other levels along the way I can learn the alignments of those that spent the coin

Another one is I can unmark someone for death

Slappy and mwil are way to eager to hammer me and keep lying about my role 

So you've gotta go 4 levels to know if you've accidentally marked someone for death and then rescind it?

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