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Raider fan coming in peace... tell me about Ziegler and McDaniels?


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Josh is frustrating but definitely above average in terms of creativity. I'm not a huge fan as his playcalling and game planning is inconsistent. History tends to show his judgement is questionable but overall McDaniels is a sort of high floor guy. I think you know what you're getting. He won't be a disaster like Patricia or Joe Judge, but he probably won't be much better than Bill O'Brien, Brian Flores, Romeo Crennel, or Eric Mangini.

If I ever wanted a former Patriots coach on my staff as HC, it would be Brian Daboll or Brian Flores. I'm on record with that on FF at least dating back to when the forum switched over.

Toughest thing for the Raiders is the division they're in but I think their choice of Ziegler/McDaniels is solid. I think McDaniels is an above average identifier of offensive talent and assistant coaches/coordinators.

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1 minute ago, DoleINGout said:

Josh is frustrating but definitely above average in terms of creativity. I'm not a huge fan as his playcalling and game planning is inconsistent. History tends to show his judgement is questionable but overall McDaniels is a sort of high floor guy. I think you know what you're getting. He won't be a disaster like Patricia or Joe Judge, but he probably won't be much better than Bill O'Brien, Brian Flores, Romeo Crennel, or Eric Mangini.

If I ever wanted a former Patriots coach on my staff as HC, it would be Brian Daboll or Brian Flores. I'm on record with that on FF at least dating back to when the forum switched over.

Toughest thing for the Raiders is the division their in but I think their choice of Ziegler/McDaniels is solid. I think McDaniels is an above average identifier of offensive talent and assistant coaches/coordinators.

Thanks for the info!

Speaking off assistants, any idea who he may try and poach from your staff? Any obvious connections? 

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5 minutes ago, RaidersAreOne said:

Thanks for the info!

Speaking off assistants, any idea who he may try and poach from your staff? Any obvious connections? 

Also worth noting is that McDaniels tends to end up clashing with those around him. Be it Tom Brady, media, or staff/executives. Seems more patient with players though. Creative but not necessarily flexible; rather stringent with his philosophies and plans/ideas. Sort of a low key hothead. I am not a big fan, but again, you could certainly do worse. McDaniels is what he is at this point. A younger known commodity which makes him safer than most other head coach hires with half the experience.

McDaniels recruited Eberflus to DC in Indy before bailing last minute only for the Colts to name Frank Reich the new HC after Josh backed out.

From the Pats staff currently, he might take Jerod Mayo for defensive coordinator.

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A few more names to keep in mind for Josh: 

  • Brian Flores 
  • Joe Judge 


If Flores can't find a job as a HC.. he could do much worse than being the DC for the Raiders for a year or two. Flores would do a great job with that defense. 


It is also noted that when Josh was going to leave for the Colts.. rumors were that Judge was going to be the new OC. 


I would say if neither guy gets a HC job and doesn't end up in NE, it's very likely they end up in Vegas

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Impossible to say how he'll be as a head coach this time around, because it's been over a decade since his Broncos gig and there's no telling whether he's learned his lessons from that gig. But it's worth mentioning that with the Broncos he was butting heads with his GM literally from day 1, whereas he and Ziegler have been working together for a while already and seem to be simpatico. So at least there's that.

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20 hours ago, RaidersAreOne said:

Obviously the next move is going to be McDaniels as OC. What can you guys tell me about them both? Personalities, schemes, tendencies, pros/cons, etc?

Much appreciated!

Sorry I didn't attach this to your post.  Read this and check out what I added a day later!!

Don't believe all the crap about Denver. Most of it comes from sports writers and players that wanted to put Josh in his place. Did he make mistakes yes however his down fall was trading Cutler and not trading loud mouth Braden Marshall with him, who poisoned the whole environment gong to his press buddies complaining.  Cutler right from the get go thought he was the boss and who is this guy changing our offense, I'm a All Pro I don't have to do a thing boom next week Josh traded his butt!


This is the same crap that happen to BB in Cleveland. They also had a bunch malcontent that had the ear of the media such as Bernie Kosar Who at every turn bad mouth BB. I remember reading a story from old school  Mike Baab OL Cleveland. He loved BB he said the whole team was a bunch of spoiled brat that made no effort to get better. BB came inn and cleaned house. He thought they were ready to make a move to the SB when the rug was pulled out from under them.   Now with the Raider, you can not have any favorites or think any one untouchable. They might not buy in or don't fit what Josh is looking for on and off the field. I'm talking training and studying and other things.  No offense  but what I see when I look at the Raiders is a undisciplined, lack coaching and organization dysfunctional. Like I said 1st glance never really looked if my impression was true.  EX  We have reporter Tom Curran with the Patriots. What he says goes the other Pats reporter follow like sheep. New coach one story and he can turn the media against the coach before the get go. Good luck

ADDED   Boom, Just what I said its already happened. Here is your 1st big mouth player. See


" Jacobs had previously praised Bisaccia’s understanding and relaxed coaching style. McDaniels is an intense guy and is more similar to former Raiders head coach Jon Gruden than Bisaccia. Obviously, Jacobs is going to have to accept whoever his head coach is but it’s safe to say that the Raiders players have some concerns.

You call this leadership from a player!!! Don't be surprised to see him out the door. You can't win with this type of  guy, I don't care how talented they are. A freaking RB, they are a dime a dozen!!!


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McDaniels isn't the answer long term me thinks. It is a shot at trying to capitalize on the window they have now. I just think that taking that approach via a new coach rather than Bisaccia who was already there is risky given the good job he did and faith he earned from his players.


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Bisaccia is getting so overrated by fans outside of Vegas. Our players were playing at emotional highs given all the crap we went through. Bisaccia did a commendable job but he is extremely limited. I for one am thrilled we didn't give in to the cute fun story of keeping him.

Fwiw we're poaching more Pats it looks like:


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28 minutes ago, RaidersAreOne said:

Bisaccia is getting so overrated by fans outside of Vegas. Our players were playing at emotional highs given all the crap we went through. Bisaccia did a commendable job but he is extremely limited. I for one am thrilled we didn't give in to the cute fun story of keeping him.

Fwiw we're poaching more Pats it looks like:


Bisaccia is a great assistant and can hold down the fort during an emergency, but there is no way he'd be sustainable as a permanent head coach.

Edited by biggie.
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3 hours ago, RaidersAreOne said:

Bisaccia is getting so overrated

I think you roll with the emotional highs of this season into the off-season and hire a great coordinator who could be groomed into the HC by as early as the next season if a change appears necessary.

Granted, with the GM they hired that might not have been a choice so it makes sense and as I have stated I think this is a fine hire with a high enough floor.

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I always thought a lot of our fans were unfairly harsh on Josh. I put him as a top 10 OC in the league. He’s good at using what he has, finding weaknesses and playing to strengths. The offense is notably complex and if you have players that can make it work, it’s fruitful


hard to know exactly how much of that is BB though. That man can spot ish happening and he knows how to address issues as they occur. But I do think a lot of it was Josh too. 

one thing I always hated though…draws on 3rd and long. In fact, playcalling in general on 3rd and long. Ultra conservative. But that’s fairly niche, you’d hope 


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