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zombie survival mafia: Day three ends 3/10 6pm PST 8pm cst

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Just now, MWil23 said:

Having 5-7 scum in the list is absurd or at least was before last night

Not even a little bit

I legitimately don't understand what you're saying at all in any capacity so I'll stop trying to figure it out and move on. If you have an issue with me beyond the game, I'm not aware of it, nor have I done much so far this game to warrant your angst, but here we are.

1. That's why your ability to catch scum is....

2. So

3. It is the game, it has been explained, Whicker dislikes it immensely, Slappy just experienced it, and I always take it as a scum tell or someone being blank...and you just did it lol

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3 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

@Slappy Mc what letter of the alphabet does your gift start with?


1 minute ago, Slappy Mc said:

You'll either figure it out or you won't. I cant send anything else to you this game. 

I got more than one thing last night.

Maybe one of them is from your competitor.

I think i know which one was from you but not 100 percent

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