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zombie survival mafia: Day three ends 3/10 6pm PST 8pm cst

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6 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

Selfwatch is one of the worst powers imo

So if you had a chance to do literally anything else you probably should have

You might have caught matts in a lie though so maybe it was good

I mean for someone that wouldn't get killed N1 by scum it's actually a good move as if someone did visit me, such as if Slappy sent me something and it got to me, I could verify who actually visited me and not someone claiming someone else's move.  Or if scum had a framer and I got investigated at the same time, easy way to prove who framed me. 

Or maybe I didn't have a choice in if I could self-watch or could watch someone else.  Maybe I have more to my ability.  Maybe it's a JOAT and I just used one of them that was least useful but most useful N1 in this situation.  Maybe I'm also tossing out BS outside of the fact that no one visited me last night cuz it feels like fishing.

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Just now, Raves said:

I mean for someone that wouldn't get killed N1 by scum it's actually a good move as if someone did visit me, such as if Slappy sent me something and it got to me, I could verify who actually visited me and not someone claiming someone else's move.  Or if scum had a framer and I got investigated at the same time, easy way to prove who framed me. 

Or maybe I didn't have a choice in if I could self-watch or could watch someone else.  Maybe I have more to my ability.  Maybe it's a JOAT and I just used one of them that was least useful but most useful N1 in this situation.  Maybe I'm also tossing out BS outside of the fact that no one visited me last night cuz it feels like fishing.

Thats fair. Fwiw, im definitely not asking you to claim your role at this point unless you have scum

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15 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

Selfwatch is one of the worst powers imo

So if you had a chance to do literally anything else you probably should have

You might have caught matts in a lie though so maybe it was good

Trying being a self track.

It's not great

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35 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

I think slappy was perhaps just redirected to me flat out

I buy that he would give raves a potato because they are super secret friends

we are super secret besties get it right

34 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

Also, raves is a self watch and didnt see matts visit

I didn't see anyone visit me.  Including any potential bus drivers etc.  No one visited me N1

30 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

Lol. Apparently the fruit vendor was my competitor. No clue what the potato does. I hinted at it VERY early on. I have now tried to send a potato to Raves two days in a row. Yesterday I ended up giving it to Malf instead of Raves. 

Not sure why I had to "outlast" the fruit vendor, but Wolf can probably answer after the game is over.

You're by super secret bestie but I don't think we're supposed to talk about our night moves until the write-up.  Or is that just in regard to the results we get?

27 minutes ago, Whicker said:

I kind of want to call my shot and say bcb, Raves, Slappy as the team because all their claims smell really bad to me. Like really bad 


3 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

Thats fair. Fwiw, im definitely not asking you to claim your role at this point unless you have scum

See above.  That was less about you and more about Whickers crazy conspiracy.  I only responded to you as you mentioned the self-watch ability being bad and if I had any other option I should've.

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Just now, Raves said:

we are super secret besties get it right

I didn't see anyone visit me.  Including any potential bus drivers etc.  No one visited me N1

You're by super secret bestie but I don't think we're supposed to talk about our night moves until the write-up.  Or is that just in regard to the results we get?


See above.  That was less about you and more about Whickers crazy conspiracy.  I only responded to you as you mentioned the self-watch ability being bad and if I had any other option I should've.

If thats the case, matts and gopher have some explaining to do

Im thinking slappy just got flat out redirected right to me, and you werent involved in the equation

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2 minutes ago, Raves said:

You're by super secret bestie but I don't think we're supposed to talk about our night moves until the write-up.  Or is that just in regard to the results we get?

Cant talk about the results you get

You can say what you did/tried to do

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Just now, Malfatron said:

If thats the case, matts and gopher have some explaining to do

Im thinking slappy just got flat out redirected right to me, and you werent involved in the equation

That's what I was thinking but I've been really bad about keeping up with the game this time as work is crazy right now.  I'll probably be heading into the office instead of working from home on Friday so I probably won't be on much during working hours since I won't have multiple computers and screens to be able to multi-task easier.

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1 minute ago, Raves said:

That's what I was thinking but I've been really bad about keeping up with the game this time as work is crazy right now.  I'll probably be heading into the office instead of working from home on Friday so I probably won't be on much during working hours since I won't have multiple computers and screens to be able to multi-task easier.

Ugh, i hate working without dual screens

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Just now, Malfatron said:

Ugh, i hate working without dual screens

It's even worse as a software developer.  I have one screen that I use for my IDE, one for my slack for work communications and another one that has my web browser so I can research/check email/browse this forum/join meetings etc.  But this past 2 weeks it's been mostly everything but this site.

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26 minutes ago, Whicker said:

@Malfatron @Slappy Mc

How does the win condition of a fruit vendor outlasting another fruit vendor fit within the story? 

Considering I am town and originally had to eliminate Bonnie and Clyde while proving myself the superior vendor, then the zombie apocalypse happened, I'm not really sure.

The idea that I am Indy is laughable. My alignment is town. Has been the whole game. You saw what Nacho flipped, I said earlier in the game that I believed us both to be town (similar to the tag teams from the WWF game) so I would not be targeting that person.

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