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zombie survival mafia: Day three ends 3/10 6pm PST 8pm cst

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2 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

Again... this isn't what happened.

Nacho can send you fruit unimpeded because Matts and I were the target of the Bus Driver. Matts and I switched destinations and you ended up with my potato (plus Nacho's fruit) and Raves was visited by, without seeing, Matts who did whatever he did.

You and Raves were not the targets. That is a false narrative that makes no sense. The only thing that makes sense is that Matts and I were the targets and we switched where we were headed.

Well Matts never visited me, so that's a lie from him unless his role somehow doesn't visit.

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2 minutes ago, Whicker said:

Sure man no problem. 

I’m Doctor. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” 

I was working on research but was hoping to take my mind off it for a while when the police locked down the party. 

I have to eliminate infected to win. 

Each night I could inject a player with my experimental cure. I chose myself night one. 

On night one I was informed my syringe was stolen and someone had temporarily absconded with it. 


You next. 

@bcb1213 you next 

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1 minute ago, Whicker said:

Sure man no problem. 

I’m Doctor. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” 

I was working on research but was hoping to take my mind off it for a while when the police locked down the party. 

I have to eliminate infected to win. 

Each night I could inject a player with my experimental cure. I chose myself night one. 

On night one I was informed my syringe was stolen and someone had temporarily absconded with it. 


You next. 

I am potato vender town aligned.

My wincon started out as eliminate Bonnie and Clyde, outlast the fruit vendor. Day 2 it changed to eliminate the infected, outlast the fruit vendor.

I get to give one player a potato a night. I tried to give it to my bestie Raves day 1 and ended up at Malf by way of presumed Bus Driver sway with Matts. Malf confirmed my potato and TKN eventually died meaning the second portion of my wincon is met.

Tonight I put in a move to send Raves a potato.

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Just now, Slappy Mc said:

I am potato vender town aligned.

My wincon started out as eliminate Bonnie and Clyde, outlast the fruit vendor. Day 2 it changed to eliminate the infected, outlast the fruit vendor.

I get to give one player a potato a night. I tried to give it to my bestie Raves day 1 and ended up at Malf by way of presumed Bus Driver sway with Matts. Malf confirmed my potato and TKN eventually died meaning the second portion of my wincon is met.

Tonight I put in a move to send Raves a potato.

It seems you left out some informtation 

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1 minute ago, Raves said:

Well Matts never visited me, so that's a lie from him unless his role somehow doesn't visit.

Again, there has to be something finicky about the way that Wolf views moves that visit. How did BCB successfully get his results while being jailed? Someone, I think Malf, threw out that maybe it was because he didn't visit. If that is the case then I don't see why you couldn't be targeted but not visited. That make sense?

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Just now, Slappy Mc said:

Please tell me what I left out. What do you know about my role that I do not?

What is the quote in your role? What were you doing when the police locked down the party? Why do you give out potatoes? You know, the stuff I provided to you in my claim

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As another night comes to an end what is most jarring is the noise that continues down below and at the door the constant groaning of the undead never seema to end as every one begins to stir gopher the.   Bus Driver-Independent, orca the Investigator-Police. and bcb John Doe-town do not. it seems perfidy has happened and they were killed in their sleep.


As the horror dawns it seems no one is safe



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Just now, Slappy Mc said:

Again, there has to be something finicky about the way that Wolf views moves that visit. How did BCB successfully get his results while being jailed? Someone, I think Malf, threw out that maybe it was because he didn't visit. If that is the case then I don't see why you couldn't be targeted but not visited. That make sense?

There's no way that would make sense in relation to how things need to play out.

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