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Where do you see Russell Wilson's level of play now that he's in Denver?


Predict Russell Wilson's level of play now that he's in Denver  

88 members have voted

  1. 1. Now that he's in Denver, Russell Wilson is a top ?? QB going forward....

    • Top 4 - in with the true elite (Mahomes, Allen, A-Rod etc.)
    • 5-7 range - next tier below the top of the mountain, clearly below, but at elite level (call this the Burrow/Herbert range)
    • 8-10 range - still elite, can win games on his own when called upon, make playoff winning-throws, you can beat the best QB's with these guys (call this the Stafford range)
    • 11-15 range - above average, but is it good enough to get you in true contender range (maybe with a complete team)?
    • 16-20 - below average, declining skills
    • 21+ - washed
  2. 2. How long do you see Wilson playing at his current level for Denver?

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12 hours ago, Shanedorf said:

First of all, great write up, thanks for doing it.

Hackett will have to cater to Russ- and fortunately he has the pedigree to do it. Nathaniel learned a ton from his father Paul growing up ( a highly- respected NFL offensive mind). He's also had the chance to work in a variety of offenses with different QBs over the years- including helping Bortles to make an AFCCG.
So Hackett is a lifelong student of the game and his time with Rodgers and MLF added more to his repertoire. He's also gone so far as to hire a teacher for the asst. coaches - to teach them HOW to teach & reach different players. Added together, I don't think Russ could have landed in a better spot to cater to his strengths.

What are the odds Russ has been greatly hindered by Carroll for the last decade and there really is another level to his play 

There was a write up I saw that did film study of the Seahawks offense and they basically made him into a game manager. 

Wonder if the whole 'let Russ cook' thing is more than a catchphrase

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3 hours ago, AkronsWitness said:

What are the odds Russ has been greatly hindered by Carroll for the last decade and there really is another level to his play 

There was a write up I saw that did film study of the Seahawks offense and they basically made him into a game manager. 

Wonder if the whole 'let Russ cook' thing is more than a catchphrase

To some degree, Wilson was hindered by Carroll, but Wilson was also culpable. Wilson just has an extremely niche skill set as a QB. I don't think I've ever seen a QB quite like him in the modern NFL. It was a joy to watch as a Seahawk fan, but also aggravating at times.

Regarding the 2020 and 2021 season, Wilson was the biggest reason for his own downfall. One thing that should be noted is Russell Wilson isn't great at the LOS. His audibles are often times questionable and he has issues diagnosing what the defense is doing at times. This was his biggest problem. Teams would either fake a blitz, or come out showing a cover 3 look and then drop back into cover 2. Russell Wilson really struggles against Tampa 2 defenses -- especially if the intent is hidden pre-snap. Kurt Warner actually has a several video series on this that is worth mentioning as well as a few others. It gives you a great all-22 view in there as well so you can see for yourself what was going on. When teams started baiting him with Tampa 2 and pre-snap shenanigans he couldn't move the ball and got baited into turnovers. 

Another thing about Wilson is he has a tendency to play what we Seahawk fans dub "hero ball". When he gets flustered he won't take easy completions and he'll go full F** it i'm going deep. Or he'll run around and take 10 yard sacks at inopportune times. 

Wilson has a huge reliance on his deep ball to get the ball done. He has the best deep ball in the NFL and quite possibly one of the most accurate deep balls in the NFL history. He can drop dimes from weird angles 60+ yards down the field, and while on the move at that. Any Rams, 49er, or Cardinals fan has seen this BS play out in real time. His game is very much so reliant on those bombs. If Hackett plays on his skillset you could still have an extremely potent offense, maybe even an MVP candidate in Wilson despite his flaws.

He's just going to have to structure an offense around is inadequacies. Wilson's short accuracy is oddly bad, his timing on short routes if off, and he doesn't necessarily know how to throw guys open here. He almost always avoids the middle of the field unless someone is open 15+ yards. His short game is a major weak spot in his QB play. I've seen him overthrow guys open in the flat with no pressure in his face too many times for my liking. 

All this being said, I'm going to be watching Wilson really carefully in Denver. I've always wondered how he'd evolve underneath an offensive minded coach. Carroll is a bit of a luddite at times on offense. In many ways he is stuck in the Bud Grant era of Air Coryell. I'm sure Wilson will look different in some ways underneath Hackett -- though you'll probably still see many of the same quirks as well. Those can be worked around though with some proper planning. 

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1 hour ago, BullsandBroncos said:

Seems to me like nobody wants to put enough blame on Carroll for playing defense, kicking field goals and running the ball *except when he should run the ball* and do everything but "let Russ cook" and instead just want to put 90% of the blame on Wilson but that's just me 

I mean 'let russ cook' literally came from the fact the fans thought the offense was holding him back. So....

Edited by AkronsWitness
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Not sure who should be more excited and rightfully so.

Denver Fans


Denver WR's


I think it was Brian Baldinger that did a simple breakdown (examples) of missed opportunities for easy completions/TD had the proper throw been made to just about every Bronco WR in 2021. Showing just how inaccurate Lock was!

Throws Wilson can make in his sleep. People want to talk about DK/Lockett being better then the Broncos WR Corp and I'll disagree.  They've just had the better QB highlighting their skillsets. 

This will be the best "supporting cast" of weapons Russell Wilson has had at his disposal. Only thing IMO that could stop this eventual high powered attack from occurring is godforbid injury and or Wilson finding chemistry with his new WR's while learning a new offense. 

Once that occurs, sky's the limit!

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It will be interesting to see how he does in Denver i said 8-10 wins however i have been kind of disappointed with him the past two seasons if you keep him in the pocket and don't let the outside receivers run loose he struggles. 

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