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Chrono Trigger Mafia (Lavos and Magus wins!)

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23 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

Because if bcb was hit by someone not in deadpulses faction (whether it be vig, 2nd mafia, sk), and deadpulse's hit was blocked, he could feel free to claim that he was roleblocked and attempted to be killed

Deadpulse claiming that he was attacked could be getting out in front of the roleblocker coming forward

Also....how was deadpulse even saved? He didnt protect himself because he was roleblocked




You and I are on the same page regarding Deadpulse, but my PoE lines him up with Ragnarok.

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16 minutes ago, Whicker said:

Scum is more in tune with the game than town. Almost always I believe 


15 minutes ago, Whicker said:



This game has my head completely spinning right now, making it very difficult to navigate. I get more or less what @Malfatron is saying given the autopsies from Slash and Flea and their win con, but given they're not a threat, I'm not sure.

Perhaps I'm getting caught in the verbiage of "scum" here, but it literally said via the writeup that BCB wasn't killed by an Sk or secondary scum faction/variant.

I don't know...I think as per most Nacho games we're looking at multi-ball here.

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11 minutes ago, Whicker said:

Not Malf?

I was voting Malf and still may very well end up there. I think Deadpulse and Ragnarok warrant a push as well, and would like to see these three up towards the top of the list today to explain themselves.

10 minutes ago, Whicker said:

Also we still have to resolve Orca’s slip 

Can you clarify? I'm not sure what you're referring to here.

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7 minutes ago, Ragnarok said:

Morning all.

I wish.  I think it was bcb who beat me up last night based on his item move.


On 1/9/2023 at 2:44 PM, TheKillerNacho said:

Origin: 65,000,000 BC (Prehistory)
"Ayla fight while alive! Win and live. Lose and die. Rule of life... no can change rule." - Ayla

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Track: Target another player to receive a report containing all players they visited during the night.
  • Boulder Toss: Once per game, target another player to redirect that player's ability and item to another specified player. If a redirected ability or item targets multiple players, only the first target is redirected. You cannot redirect a player to themselves.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Fists (Melee): Target a player. If that player has no melee items in their inventory that they weren't attempting to use that night, voteblock that player for the upcoming day. You cannot use this item two nights in a row. This item cannot be removed from your inventory.



This could very well be plausible.


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4 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I was voting Malf and still may very well end up there. I think Deadpulse and Ragnarok warrant a push as well, and would like to see these three up towards the top of the list today to explain themselves.

Can you clarify? I'm not sure what you're referring to here.

He thinks literal, not realizing because of my 1 handed typung, no is suppose to be not so he is going crazy because it said 

No even close

Instead of

Not even close 

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Right now I'm inclined to believe in the POSSIBILITY of what Ragnarok says given the writeup, but I have a hard time seeing BCB as town passing on a track early in the game and then sitting on that information. That's typically his meta.

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Just now, MWil23 said:

Right now I'm inclined to believe in the POSSIBILITY of what Ragnarok says given the writeup, but I have a hard time seeing BCB as town passing on a track early in the game and then sitting on that information. That's typically his meta.

Except that in his role it says he can use both.

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Just now, Daboyle said:

So uh can someone tell me what's up with the double votes?

Every time period has different voting rules. Today everyone has 2 votes but on sepetate people. Your newest vote replaces the oldest of your two votes. OT rules will change though from this 

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41 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

Because if bcb was hit by someone not in deadpulses faction (whether it be vig, 2nd mafia, sk), and deadpulse's hit was blocked, he could feel free to claim that he was roleblocked and attempted to be killed

Deadpulse claiming that he was attacked could be getting out in front of the roleblocker coming forward

Also....how was deadpulse even saved? He didnt protect himself because he was roleblocked




My item saved me. Dude came at me with fists but I had a melee weapon and chased him away

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