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TMNT Mafia - Footclan and Friends wins

Slappy Mc

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10 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

ill just come out and say it.

i had an 1-shot ability invest that I used on Rag last night, which i pressed slappy in pm to make sure it's absolutely everything, to which he eventually told me yes (more or less). he has no such ability to survive a lynch or be deathproof, at least none listed in his role's abilities - the only thing he does is kill.

...which means someone pardoned him, or at least, something outside of his own role prevented him from being lynched. at the start of the day, I assumed this meant he must have a partner but after bcb's claim I'm not sure what to think about it.

what do you make of this, @Whicker ?

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1 minute ago, Whicker said:

You’re pretty damn low on my list. You can watch Dome, Deadpulse, and Ragnarok die before I decide between you and Nacho 

If you had any doubts about Nacho being Mafia, look at how hard he's pushing to kill Ragnarok today.

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1 minute ago, Whicker said:

It means Ragnarok has to die and I’m personally okay with that but I want to hear from the people I trust in this game 100% on what we do today 

Do not listen to Nacho. He is trying to get you to waste a Day phase lynching confirmed Indy.

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1 minute ago, TheKillerNacho said:

confirmed serial killer that shouldn't have been pardoned at all.

it's a numbers game at this point. why are you pressing so hard to save him, anyway?

Because lynching him today loses the game for Town and you very well know that.

Here's how this plays out, @Whicker: Town votes out one of Dome or Deadpulse today. Ragnarok kills one of me or Nacho tonight. We vote out whichever of Dome or Deadpulse we didn't vote out the Day before, Ragnarok kills the other of me or Nacho that Night if game is still going. If game is still going after that, Rags gets voted out.

I'm willing to die to ensure a Town win. Is Nacho?

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honestly fmp blue/deadpulselook like they're all desperately falling over to bus eachother knowing that they win anyway.

meanwhile i know someone helped ragnarok survive the lynch so he had to have been aligned with someone, even if it wasn't that way initially.

Just now, Blue said:

Because lynching him today loses the game for Town and you very well know that.


not lynching him loses the game for town, and you very well know that. there's 10 players - lynching ragnarok now stops the bleeding. last i checked their are 4 turtles and one's dead so ideally it would be a 5:3 ratio tomorrow. how does that in any capacity "lose the game for town"? know something we don't you want to share??

2 minutes ago, Blue said:

Ragnarok kills one of me or Nacho tonight. We vote out whichever of Dome or Deadpulse we didn't vote out the Day before, Ragnarok kills the other of me or Nacho that Night if game is still going.

how do you go from "we can't trust anything ragnarok says" at the beginning of the day to trusting he'll kill on command for us? 😂

again, do you know something about him that we don't? did you recruit him, perhaps?

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3 minutes ago, Blue said:

Because lynching him today loses the game for Town and you very well know that.

Here's how this plays out, @Whicker: Town votes out one of Dome or Deadpulse today. Ragnarok kills one of me or Nacho tonight. We vote out whichever of Dome or Deadpulse we didn't vote out the Day before, Ragnarok kills the other of me or Nacho that Night if game is still going. If game is still going after that, Rags gets voted out.

I'm willing to die to ensure a Town win. Is Nacho?

if it is indeed 6/3/1 right now, and say you do lynch scum and leave the SK, two more town die that night and we are at 4/2/1. Then say you are lucky and lynch scum again, and lose 2 town again and its 2/1/1. You lynch Rags and 1 more town death and its 1/1. 

So what are you suggesting?

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