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TMNT Mafia - Footclan and Friends wins

Slappy Mc

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4 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

it's not lylo today. you keep stating this, but that doesn't make it true.

your attempts to belittle me when you're so obviously incorrect are what's embarrising, tbh. honestly i had ksj and orca ahead of you as far as mafia reads go before today but you did an excellent job of making yourself apparant scum so thanks

he has no reason to kill you or me either - LMAO!

you keep saying this like you know who ragnarok is going to kill like you know what his motives/winconditon are. reality check: most serial killers cannot win with town in any scenario! they're liabilities, straight and simple! Is that what you're missing in all this? Are you assuming he's survivor indy just because?

You're right, it's technically LyLo tomorrow if and only if we lynch non-Town today. Which is why you should have been pushing me here instead of Ragnarok.

On the contrary, I am pointing that your arguments make no sense to anyone with a child's understanding of counting and I don't think you're that stupid, so ergo you must be scum.

You're half-right; we don't know that Ragnarok has any incentive to kill anyone! But if he doesn't kill anyone, that is effectively the same as voting him out today with the added benefit of one less Mafia and one more Town tomorrow, thus giving Town breathing room. If Ragnarok DOES continue killing, he has no reason to not target one of us. There is absolutely no reason for him to target anyone but you or me this Night phase.

And if I were scum, why would I be offering to be a Nightkill? There is zero benefit to scum suggesting an Indy kill them at this stage of the game.

Oh, and I'm not assuming anything about his alignment and you know that--YOU were the one who pointed out Bcb cleared him as Indy.

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4 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:




1 hour ago, TheKillerNacho said:

had an 1-shot ability invest that I used on Rag last night, which i pressed slappy in pm to make sure it's absolutely everything, to which he eventually told me yes (more or less).

and here's the slip

so is it absolutely everything or not? 

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Just now, Blue said:

You're right, it's technically LyLo tomorrow if and only if we lynch non-Town today. Which is why you should have been pushing me here instead of Ragnarok.

well i mean it kinda is lylo today if you include Ragnarok and think he would joint. I'm not pushing for someone else becuae I'm town, plain and simple


ou're half-right; we don't know that Ragnarok has any incentive to kill anyone! But if he doesn't kill anyone, that is effectively the same as voting him out today with the added benefit of one less Mafia and one more Town tomorrow, thus giving Town breathing room. If Ragnarok DOES continue killing, he has no reason to not target one of us. There is absolutely no reason for him to target anyone but you or me this Night phase.


Walk me through it becuase maybe I'm missing something but why would Ragnarok have "no reason to target anyone else this night phase"??????? There's no reason you'd be certain of this unless you had additional information about him


And if I were scum, why would I be offering to be a Nightkill? There is zero benefit to scum suggesting an Indy kill them at this stage of the game.

uh, the most common party to offer a nightkill outside of vig is scum. no one else can do it. you can suggest an indie kill you until you're red in the face but it means **** because they're not aligned with you.

i'd be perfectly fine with being nightkilled, too, for the record. but im not going to plan on ragnarok complying as part of my strategy.


Oh, and I'm not assuming anything about his alignment and you know that--YOU were the one who pointed out Bcb cleared him as Indy.


sure we know he was/is indy but that means nothing. indy just m eans not town or mafia - he can still be scum (scum indy is precisely what most serial killers are)

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8 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:


and here's the slip

so is it absolutely everything or not? 

ability invest.

ABILITY INVEST. JUST ABILITIES. why do you think I was claiming full role? the post you q uoted literally does not say that. Or even imply that. What I meant was I pressed him to make sure it was every ability he had. As in, there could be no other ability (x1 lynchproof for instance) outside of his nightly kill

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3 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:
8 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:




1 hour ago, TheKillerNacho said:

had an 1-shot ability invest that I used on Rag last night, which i pressed slappy in pm to make sure it's absolutely everything, to which he eventually told me yes (more or less).

and here's the slip

so is it absolutely everything or not? 

i'm confused

nacho said he has an ability invest which he used on rag (nacho reveals that rags can kill)

that's not a full card invest

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2 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

well i mean it kinda is lylo today if you include Ragnarok and think he would joint. I'm not pushing for someone else becuae I'm town, plain and simple


Walk me through it becuase maybe I'm missing something but why would Ragnarok have "no reason to target anyone else this night phase"??????? There's no reason you'd be certain of this unless you had additional information about him

uh, the most common party to offer a nightkill outside of vig is scum. no one else can do it. you can suggest an indie kill you until you're red in the face but it means **** because they're not aligned with you.

i'd be perfectly fine with being nightkilled, too, for the record. but im not going to plan on ragnarok complying as part of my strategy.


sure we know he was/is indy but that means nothing. indy just m eans not town or mafia - he can still be scum (scum indy is precisely what most serial killers are)

No Townie would be pushing a known Indy today when we have two known Mafia on deck, that is absurd.

I'm using your own logic, so if it doesn't make sense, that's because your logic is awful. You're seeing that he has no reason to kill you or me--but that's only true if he doesn't have any reason to kill at all. If he does have to kill, there's painfully obvious, clear reasons to kill one of us and no one else.

I'm not offering a Nightkill, I'm offering to be the person killed. And you know that.

Only Mafia would be suggesting we vote out anyone who isn't possible Mafia today. The only possible way tomorrow is not LyLo is if we vote out Mafia today. Voting out Ragnarok does not help Town, point blank, and everyone here knows that.

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10 minutes ago, Blue said:

No Townie would be pushing a known Indy today when we have two known Mafia on deck, that is absurd.

I'm using your own logic, so if it doesn't make sense, that's because your logic is awful.

100% wrong, it's situational like all things.

to say otherwise is an incredibly naive mafia opinion that I assume you'reonly spinning becuase you're scum


You're seeing that he has no reason to kill you or me--but that's only true if he doesn't have any reason to kill at all. If he does have to kill, there's painfully obvious, clear reasons to kill one of us and no one else.

Where Did I claim this?

I've ROUTINELY stated I have NO IDEA what his win condition is, but judging by who he has killed, I certainly err on the side of him not having town's best interests at heart.

If you're new to mafia, the typical SK cannot win with town, having to survive until the end of the game (easiest to achieve while working with mafia), and are compelled to kill each night. If this is the case, he's incentivized to hit outside of you and me if anything, so I really can't follow your logic here at all. I don't know if you just haven't played enough mafia to know this or what, because even as mafia trying to push this it's weak

Now, perhaps this is a variant with some other unforseen win condition but he clearly hasn't been aiming for scum so far, or he's very bad at it. I don't think the odds are very good to take a chance that his win condition aligns with ours and i find it highly suspciious that anyone here would.


The only possible way tomorrow is not LyLo is if we vote out Mafia today. Voting out Ragnarok does not help Town, point blank, and everyone here knows that.

LAUGHABLY wrong. Last I checked, 4 town-2 maf-1 sk is lylo brah, same as today. the key difference in this sceanrio is that if we don't lynch the sk tomorrow it leads to town autoloss as maf/sk jointwin.

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18 minutes ago, Daboyle said:

I just want to say I am 100% in favor of voting out Dome bc I'd rather not deal with the possibility of voting out rags just for him to survive again

frankly, if you don't believe me when i say he has no death evasion abilities and disagree with my assessment that we can't afford to leave Ragnarok alive, just vote me out so we can get this loss over with lol

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7 hours ago, TheKillerNacho said:

100% wrong, it's situational like all things.

to say otherwise is an incredibly naive mafia opinion that I assume you'reonly spinning becuase you're scum

Where Did I claim this?

I've ROUTINELY stated I have NO IDEA what his win condition is, but judging by who he has killed, I certainly err on the side of him not having town's best interests at heart.

If you're new to mafia, the typical SK cannot win with town, having to survive until the end of the game (easiest to achieve while working with mafia), and are compelled to kill each night. If this is the case, he's incentivized to hit outside of you and me if anything, so I really can't follow your logic here at all. I don't know if you just haven't played enough mafia to know this or what, because even as mafia trying to push this it's weak

Now, perhaps this is a variant with some other unforseen win condition but he clearly hasn't been aiming for scum so far, or he's very bad at it. I don't think the odds are very good to take a chance that his win condition aligns with ours and i find it highly suspciious that anyone here would.

LAUGHABLY wrong. Last I checked, 4 town-2 maf-1 sk is lylo brah, same as today. the key difference in this sceanrio is that if we don't lynch the sk tomorrow it leads to town autoloss as maf/sk jointwin.

It's not a situation that applies here at all. A KNOWN Indy is not as much of a threat as KNOWN Mafia.

You literally claimed it RIGHT HERE:

7 hours ago, TheKillerNacho said:

he has no reason to kill you or me either - LMAO!

Literally word for word! Can't even keep your own bull**** straight at this point, lol. Nobody but Rags knows what his wincon is, but either he needs to keep killing or he doesn't. If he doesn't, he has no reason to try to. If he does, he has no reason not to kill one of us. This is simple, and you're flailing hilariously in trying to figure out a way to make it out to be otherwise.

It isn't 4-2-1 if we lynch Mafia today unless Rags kills Town again. It is 100% LyLo tomorrow if we don't kill Mafia today.

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