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I agree, this team is so freaking boring to watch. I can't even watch a full baseball game anymore. I mean when you got Brad Freaking Miller as your clean-up hitter. I'd seriously rather watch Spiderman with my 5 year old for the 80th time. 

Mo needs to wake up and stop being such a cheap bag of crap. I've been a Mo supporter for a long time but the dude is cheap and relies on our Farm System way to much. These Outfield prospects he's betting on have almost all been huge disappointments. And our roster management is just retarded. Like Why the hell are we playing Weiters over Knizner? Weiters is trash man. He had like 3 good games last year and we sign that turd to a new deal instead of letting Knizner get some valuable ABs at the big league level? 

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On 9/18/2020 at 3:29 PM, holt_bruce81 said:

Mo needs to wake up and stop being such a cheap bag of crap.

Id disagree with this. We have been/are spending money , and alot of it, but its in the wrong places.

  • We all know what Carp/Fowler are stealing from us.
  • But we are also paying $20m to a Catcher who is now just above average or alittle better (not calling Yadi out, hes just getting old)
  • another $11m to Andrew Miller who is just another BP arm at this point, not even a closer
  • Carlos is getting like $12m and we have barely seen him in 2+ years
  • Unfortunately we have $16m allotted to Mikolas who is hurt
  • And the hidden money, we are still paying Mike Leake and Brett Cecil $11m to no longer be in the Organization
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On 9/21/2020 at 9:29 AM, StLunatic88 said:

Id disagree with this. We have been/are spending money , and alot of it, but its in the wrong places.

  • We all know what Carp/Fowler are stealing from us.
  • But we are also paying $20m to a Catcher who is now just above average or alittle better (not calling Yadi out, hes just getting old)
  • another $11m to Andrew Miller who is just another BP arm at this point, not even a closer
  • Carlos is getting like $12m and we have barely seen him in 2+ years
  • Unfortunately we have $16m allotted to Mikolas who is hurt
  • And the hidden money, we are still paying Mike Leake and Brett Cecil $11m to no longer be in the Organization

While I agree with the sentiment as a whole, I'll refine it to say this. The whole FO (while Mo is the main component, let's not act like ownership isn't a big part of the spending frugal/rely on internal prospects act we've seen) needs to change their approach. We simply haven't been able to develop quality bats to suffice around Goldy. DeJong is about the closest consistent bat we've developed to an impact bat and even he is a 5-6 hole hitter on most other teams. They're going to have to start looking outside the organization and are going to have to part with some of the quality pitching prospects/players we absolutely are steadfast on not moving in past. Either that, or they're going to have to start attacking the top of the FA market players if there is a fit. They can't keep going for the 2nd tier players (ala the Fowler's and Leake's)...

In regard to the highlighted above though, I can't fault FO on these two moves. The Carlos deal looked like a steal at the time, as he was coming off very good consecutive campaigns as a starter and entering his prime. No one saw what happened next (between the injuries, ineffectiveness as starter and his wavering on being a starter) coming...

Same goes for Mikolas. I actually commend them for finding Mikolas. I think the extension e gave him is appropriate based off what he'd done. I actually put more blame on the medical staff and how they handled his off-season recovery from the forearm strain as to why we're in the boat we are now. Assuming he gets healthy though, I think you'll see him live up to, or exceed his contract...


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5 hours ago, holt_bruce81 said:

Carlson had a really good game last night, hopefully we see more of that. He looks a lot more comfortable in the box since his return to the lineup. 

If Carlos has a another stinker tonight, is he even on the postseason roster?

I'd say absolutely,  because he's actually been really good out of the BP throughout his time there. He's another power arm potentially down there...

Especially with Hudson not being available for the post-season...

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15 hours ago, holt_bruce81 said:

Am I?

Yes, were no where close to a sure thing to make the playoffs. 

The Reds are streaking, and even though they are faltering the Brewers are still right behind us as well. If we fall apart this weekend to the Brewers (like go 1-4), they could both pass us.

If that were to happen, then we are fighting with 2 other teams for 1 final Wild Card spot. And both the Giants and whever is 3rd o the Marlins/Phillies will have played all 60 games and we would like need the double header on Monday to see if we make it. 

Heck, both the Rockies and Mets could still catch us if we fall apart like that

We are still a LONG way away from the playoffs with just a weekend to go

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47 minutes ago, StLunatic88 said:

Told ya’ll it wasn’t a sure thing...

and now the cherry on top with Hundson missing next year with Tommy John. See you in 2022 when. We finally put a real team on the field again 😂

(I’m only crying because I’m laughing so hard I swear)

But no one thought it was a sure thing lol

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6 hours ago, holt_bruce81 said:

But no one thought it was a sure thing lol

You sure acted like it. 

it’s a good thing we made the playoffs, but with an offense that can’t hit, and our pitching being super thin, I’m not expecting much from the Padres. (Is a nice plus we ended up 5th and could claim that we would be in the postseason even without the expansion)

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