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Field of Dreams Mafia - D1 Now, N1 Friday at 10 pm eastern

Pickle Rick

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2 minutes ago, Scoundrel said:

I can clear some people from not being the killers… but if scum has a team kill I don’t think that matters?

I don’t know. We’ve only had 2 night’s total and it would depend on the starting ratio.

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18 hours ago, bcb1213 said:


I haven't read a thing.  Scoundrel was my strongest town read day one. I wouldn't votes him.  Sorry again call. I'll be around tommorow

Possible hint towards an invest?

Not that it matters I guess since meta says Scoundrel is Town too.

At this point I’m just trying to grasp for whatever I can.

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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

@The Orca @Whicker can you guys walk me through the rationale here? We are approaching endgame or lylo if my math is correct.

My thought process is I’m not really playing this game. 

I’m sorry for that, but my time is limited. I literally dropped out of Champs semis due to having no time to play. 
I’m here because I like mafia and wanted it to still be a thing on this forum, but it’s not sustainable for me to be one of sole catalysts for activity 

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On 8/19/2023 at 10:54 AM, The Orca said:


What happened to you last night?

From the above post, it sounded like you saw me visit whicker

12 hours ago, The Orca said:

Nah, just messing around cause I'm bored. Pretty sure you don't know what I am either or what I know from N1. I definitely don't know anything about your ability, just something that may or may not have happened to you N1  

But now you say that something may or may not have happened to me n1 (when whicker had already admitted to removing my vote)

Why ask whicker if something bad happened to him?


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3 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

From the above post, it sounded like you saw me visit whicker

But now you say that something may or may not have happened to me n1 (when whicker had already admitted to removing my vote)

Why ask whicker if something bad happened to him?



On 8/19/2023 at 9:10 AM, Whicker said:

I'll just say it since the game is slow. Normally wouldn't do this:

@Malfatron your vote manipulation was me

It had a chance to double or take away which is why I asked if multiple things (like you could have gotten double vote but also roleblocked) 


21 hours ago, The Orca said:


Maybe I'm confused. What are you talking about here?

I was confused on what Whicker was trying to say. Sorry if you couldn't follow what I was laying down either. Told you were were off 

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8 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Best case scenario it’s 5-2 but if the starting ratio is 7-3-1 we are sitting at 4-3 in lylo.

7-3-1 feels way too scum heavy

I would say its probably 8-2-1 to start. 

So 5-2 isnt too bad of a spot actually. 

I dont mind the semi mass claim that we had though because it definitely helps narrow things down

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