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2023 GDT 0-1 Steelers vs. 1-0 Da Browns

Steeler Hitman

Do the Steelers Bounce Back with a win versus Da Browns?  

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  1. 1. Do the Steelers Bounce Back with a win versus Da Browns?

    • Yeah, they bounce back!
    • You're a homer and you're dreaming!
    • They tie. Like kissing your great aunt and she slips you the tongue. Yuck!!!

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Apparently Watson made contact with an official in Q3 that went uncalled:



And his “reasoning” is. Well. You got to rest it yourself:


Edited by warfelg
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And I know the reaction this is gonna get but I 100% need to see Kenny with a real OC before making a call on his future. 



I know there’s gonna be comments on this but Kenny is saying the right thing here even if he did hear it. I know this calls out Ben but it’s nice to have a QB who doesn’t play into the drama. 

But I need to see Kenny in a different offense, hopefully someone that calls plays from the sideline, because as a young QB he needs that coach right there for TO’s, after drives, between quarters. That should be Mitch Trubisky’s job to do and it’s absurd that’s what a second year QB needs to rely on. 

Edited by warfelg
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I had to watch the OL 5 times on this play because this protection call makes no sense to me. Cole pulling, while Semu blocks down, but then Daniels and Okorafor are blocking down too. Right into a stunt. Because of the way the protection was called there’s no way to pass off a stunt. I went back to look at the play Warner blew up in the run game and the protection was almost the same. 

This makes no sense to me. Canadas call intentionally leaves blitz lanes and is making Kenny a sitting duck. Not only do the Browns stunt into this stupid call, Cole barely gets there in time to get a hand on ZSmith. 

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4 minutes ago, jebrick said:

So is it Canada or KP?  does a QB in his 2nd year need 1/2 field concepts?

Starts with Canada. I know blaming Kenny is the hot thing right now but when you start reads like that it’s hard to do more. It gives him too small of window to get the ball into, and (if you look at my post on protections) the OL barely gets him time to read that part of the field due to play design. So it forces him at times to either bail from the pocket or have to throw. 

Like I’ve been saying. I need to see Kenny with an NFL quality coordinator who can scheme plays to give east reads that’s dedicated to a run game. We’re 76/31 pass run so far. That’s 76/24 pass run ratio. The next closest even this early is 60/40 just about. 

Canadas offense telegraphs it’s pass, telegraphs where it’s going, doesn’t give him kills, doesn’t give 2/3/4 reads, and calls atrocious OL concepts. I can’t think of a QB who would succeed in this offense. And I’m Canadas offense no QB has succeeded. 

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6 minutes ago, VigilantZombie said:

I mean if this is true, do we need more proof that Pickett ain't the guy?

Yes. Most former QBs who commentate are saying this is Canada not Kenny. 

I’ll ask this in retort:

Is there a play that the call was actually good that makes you say Kenny ain’t it? Because the bad play calls far outweighs the objectively bad Kenny plays. 

Edited by warfelg
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9 minutes ago, warfelg said:

Yes. Most former QBs who commentate are saying this is Canada not Kenny. 

I’ll ask this in retort:

Is there a play that the call was actually good that makes you say Kenny ain’t it? Because the bad play calls far outweighs the objectively bad Kenny plays. 

For me? No. I'm just saying if Kenny needs a watered down playbook, I would think that.

The QB Draw, read option...whatever the hell that 3rd and 1 play was pretty much sums up how bad the playcalling had been

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1 minute ago, VigilantZombie said:

For me? No. I'm just saying if Kenny needs a watered down playbook, I would think that.

The QB Draw, read option...whatever the hell that 3rd and 1 play was pretty much sums up how bad the playcalling had been

I don’t think Kenny needs a watered down playbook. In fact we can see a watered down playbook is actually quite detrimental. 

The LSU guy I know said this is why Canada was ousted. He stubbornly calls these basic concepts till you prove you can do them but is oblivious in game how hard they actually are to execute. 

Like I watched that INT early about 10 times now. Robinson, Austin, Muth are all within 10 yards of each other running basically 3 yard stick slants. Even if it’s not an INT the WR is going down fast. On the opposite side Pickens ran an out. So his route doesn’t even support playing off the slant action. Kenny’s options there are basically force it, take a sack, attempt to throw it away. 

I think Canada is trying too hard to make the game “easy” for first Ben and Kenny but really it just muddles reads. 

If you want to alter that play, it should be a deep to shallow right to left read to give Robinson and Austin time to wash out the LBs. Pickens on a 9, Muth on a skinny post, ARob running a 3 yard stick slant, and Austin running the slant at 6, swing out Najee behind the slants. That’s harder to defend, easy read because if GP is manned and it’s single high you know that’s where you go. If it’s man with two high you eye the right safety and which of GP/Muth does he jump. If it’s zone you go through the progressions to see which slant the zones jump on. Najee getting the ball should only be a hot route or release valve and nothing more. 

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Like again on the OL thing:


How do you run jet sweep action, maybe reverse action(?), and not have Okorafor seal the backside? Like what are we doing here? This is awful design to leave the Will, Edge, SS unblocked because you have too much motion and call for the dumbest OL protection. 

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