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State of Titans convo: Non-game specific


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really, another operative question is this: if we're fortunate enough to land a blue-chip LT in the draft like fashanu or alt, does anyone here have strong faith that he will develop into the best player he can be under this staff? and if not....what's even the point?

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15 minutes ago, twotonebluenation said:

The offensive line woes are so concerning to me on so many levels. I can really see the losses piling up do to this. Which may not be the worst thing.

Yeah, there aren't too many teams left that we won't have a bad OL matchup with.  I do want us to keep losing, but it's bad to be losing this way where we can't even be sure our maybe new franchise QB is one, or if he'll survive the season.  Like, is our OL so bad that we're actively hindering Levis's development?

1 minute ago, -Hope- said:

really, another operative question is this: if we're fortunate enough to land a blue-chip LT in the draft like fashanu or alt, does anyone here have strong faith that he will develop into the best player he can be under this staff? and if not....what's even the point?

That's one reason I'm much more focused on Alt than Fashanu.  Fashanu has things that need fixing still in his game.  He's got excellent movement speed and is really fluid, but he's sloppy a lot of the time, and doesn't set his feet well enough to stop a bull rush.  Alt is more polished.  We get him, and it's like, at least as long as he doesn't regress, we get a good player.

But yeah, if the staff continues to **** up OLs, then the only answer is to get rid of that staff.  You straight up cannot win in football with a terrible OL.

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3 minutes ago, twotonebluenation said:

If we gotta run Henry into a wall 22-30 times a week to save Levis, I would prefer that to getting Levis hurt. Even if it sucks to watch.

One play I watched Levis knee and ankle buckle and I fear the worst.

We just have to get out of this season alive.

Yeah. just run Henry 20 plus times. 3-0 this year when we have..lol I know it's not apples for apples.

But might as well. 

It's painful to watch us attempt to pass block. At least Henry might provide a highlight stiff arm and we might block up a run every now and then. 

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That game was such a disaster I have no clue what to think. The offensive line is just a disgrace to football. I don’t remember who said it, but someone pointed out that the gap between the second worst offensive line in the NFL and our line is bigger than the gap between the second worst offensive line and the best offensive line in the NFL. Couldn’t agree more with that statement. Levis wasn’t great, but it’s almost impossible to evaluate behind that kind of dumpster fire we put in front of him on Sunday. I don’t know what needs to be done, but someone needs to figure it out and quickly or Levis isn’t going to survive the season. 

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23 minutes ago, -Hope- said:

really, another operative question is this: if we're fortunate enough to land a blue-chip LT in the draft like fashanu or alt, does anyone here have strong faith that he will develop into the best player he can be under this staff? and if not....what's even the point?

If that's the case, as Mike Singletary said, can't do it, can't win with em. They gotta go. Whoever it is that's causing this, top to bottom.

I think Amy will know what has to happen, she has come down on most stuff, if she thinks the future is best without Vrabel, I expect him to be gone. I would have preferred she stepped in the with AJ situation, but hey.


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15 minutes ago, twotonebluenation said:

If we gotta run Henry into a wall 22-30 times a week to save Levis, I would prefer that to getting Levis hurt. Even if it sucks to watch.

One play I watched Levis knee and ankle buckle and I fear the worst.

We just have to get out of this season alive.

I would even say pull Levis, if this level of pressure keeps happening.  If he could last two more weeks while we find another way forward, that would be great, because the Panthers are the last team that should be an "easy win" on the schedule.

If Levis can survive the Jaguars, and beat the Panthers, and if we're starting to clean things up a bit, then we may have enough info on him as he is.  After that, pull him and put in Tannehill or Malik.  Malik is used to running for his life, and we can at least have a beastly running game with him in.  Don't ruin Levis by making him develop bad habits.  Go into the offseason ready to draft an OT with that first overall pick, get some receiver help, and then see what he's got next year.

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9 minutes ago, KingTitan said:


It is such a grey area, and who knows what. It is so hard to say. Ultimately, the signaling from this last season was so confusing. It put is in a spot where we are questioning things. We are like half in half out of a rebuild. How would we have looked at this if we just sold the farm this offseason? We should have just sold the house.

Edited by twotonebluenation
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10 minutes ago, twotonebluenation said:

If that's the case, as Mike Singletary said, can't do it, can't win with em. They gotta go. Whoever it is that's causing this, top to bottom.

I think Amy will know what has to happen, she has come down on most stuff, if she thinks the future is best without Vrabel, I expect him to be gone. I would have preferred she stepped in the with AJ situation, but hey.


It's like we are so operationally bad at the line, I don't know if anything could save us offensively. Prime Randy Moss and Prime Tom Brady couldn't win with the way our line blocks.  It's amazingly bad. 

Functionally bad at everything.

Only one worth keeping is Skron. 

We changed out 4 of our starters and it got worst. Last year was bad, but I'd take last year over this year. 
This offseason again, we likely need to change out 4 of our 5 OL.  Brunskill is maybe the only one I'd keep just to bridge into something else. 

Brewer experiment was a failure.
Dillard is a failure.
NPF is likely just a backup at best.
Hubbard is old and not worth keeping.
Brunskill I'd say has been below average to avg. 


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2 minutes ago, twotonebluenation said:

It is such a grey area, and who knows what. It is so hard to say. Ultimately, the signaling from this last season was so confusing. It put is in a spot where we are questioning things. We are like half in half out of a rebuild. How would we have looked at this if we just sold the farm this offseason? We should have just sold the house.

Yeah I think most of us were expecting to just tear it all down. 
Then they went and signed Hopkins and acted like they had a chance. Gave us hope. 
Thought the O-Line changes were for the better. How could they be worse right?  Many wanted to trade for Dillard last season, so signing him, people thought ok, great that should be at least decent. 


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Isn't it funny how we all get excited about Sundays with Levis, to now being worried if we are even going to see his goods because of getting no time to throw the ball.

So are we really gonna get to see him, lol.

The coaching staff can prove something to me in this last stretch by figuring out creative ways to keep Levis out of harms way. That is what will give me hope.

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